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Is Sanskrit really an “Indo-European” language?

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You should read the books "The Origin and Development of the Bengali Language" and "Indo-Aryan and Hindi" bu Suniti Kumar Chatterjee. These books have the deepest studies of the language. Very specialized. Includes numerous references, annotations, explanations, comparisons with old languages, Certainly not easy to read.
You know one thing until just 3500-4000 years ago the land east of Indus(present day India) is full of forests with no civilisation..it is only with the advent of iron that people started coming in and started making settlements here by clearinf forests(of course there were some tribal communities which were residing in those forests itself)..then how could it be possible for people to move out of India when the whole India itself doesn't have any civilised people?

Two problems with that. One is that the Harappan civilization is older than that and one runs into the Sarasvati problem in the Rig veda with that time period.
The same aryans who used to live in circular houses and had no idea about planing a city???
Do you think such nomads could come up with something so scientific???
To imagine that ARYANS brought sanskrit with them is accepting the Aryan invasion theory, which has been debunked already.

They were no Barbarians as you'd like to believe. Their cultures in ancient Ukraine and Siberia show they were rather civilized. They domesticated the horse, which they brought along with their wheeled chariots. The Hittite kingdom, the Persian empire, the Median Empire, etc were all formed by the same "barbarian" Aryans(Indo-Iranians). They also introduced copper to sub-continent.

As if you can cross examine and counter my statement !

As if you know what you're talking about when it comes to linguistic "structures". You need to be a proper linguist to examine things like that which I'm not, and I'm sure you aren't either.

Not worth it argue with an अनपढ़ like you.

Says a c*** who claims Romans, Greeks, Hittites and everyone got their numbering system from South Indian dravids.
As if you know what you're talking about when it comes to linguistic "structures". You need to be a proper linguist to examine things like that which I'm not, and I'm sure you aren't either.

The points what I have written do not need expertise to talk or understand !
Also, speaking an indo-aryan language doesn't mean a descent from Proto-Indo-Europeans. Most modern day Indians except for Brahmins do not have an Indo-Aryan ancestry, despite the fact that they speak an Indo-European language.
Then how can you explain the presence of 35 to 40% of ANI even in south Indians?You are behaving no differently from other people here who are arguing against scientific and established proofs..we should not twist the truth to satisfy our ego...if you want to claim white mans genes ,no problem..but just to insult others (Indians)you need not come up with baseless theories.
The points what I have written do not need expertise to talk or understand !

Define linguistic "structure" which you were talking about. Do you understand Avestan, or even Sanskrit?
In Pak related threads we have people taking religion to an obscure level and in India related threads we have people taking nationalism to an obscure level.

This is why extreme forms of religion and nationalism is bad for you kids, it makes you think like a complete idiot.
Says a c*** who claims Romans, Greeks, Hittites and everyone got their numbering system from South Indian dravids.

I doubt you even passed elementary school, Mr. अनपढ़. No comprehension or logic
Shashi Tharoor is not an expert in the subject. There is only so much common sense can achieve.
Define linguistic "structure" which you were talking about. Do you understand Avestan, or even Sanskrit?

Tell me one thing are you even concerned about saskrit and culture associated with it?

Pakistanis left these things long time ago when earth was born in 7th century and qasim arrived to create pakistan.
Then how can you explain the presence of 35 to 40% of ANI even in south Indians?You are behaving no differently from other people here who are arguing against scientific and established proofs..we should not twist the truth to satisfy our ego...if you want to claim white mans genes ,no problem..but just to insult others (Indians)you need not come up with baseless theories.

ANI and ASI is an outdated concept. The Caucasian(Caucasus Mountains) and ancient North-Eastern European genes are more or less non-existent in most Indians, with Tamils having 0% on average. Kalaash on average have 18% Caucasian genes on the other hand, and some 10-20% Northern European. Upper caste Punjabis like Khatris also show a high Caucasian component, with one sample showing a 20% Ancient Northern European. No wonder all your bollywood "Greek gods" happen to be Khatris, i.e Hrithik Roshan, Ranbir Kapoor, etc.

The only Caucasian and Ancient European component carrying samples in South India are Brahmins, most of whom went there from the north.
OK I will rephrase it...a group of fair skinned tribes with a language from which the present day Sanskrit evolved.(which may just be a migration in different waves over a period of hundreds of years)

When the Mauryan Empire won the war against the Seleucid Empire and recover lands which were occupied by the Seleucid Empire then i dont think that the Mauryan Empire have rooted out all the civilians who got inter married and settled during that era.

The army of Mauryan Empire has consist of tribes of Indian Soldiers who came from far off kingdoms from East and South India.

People of Ayodhya are still of dark complextion who are dwelling around the Ganga in this era.
Tell me one thing are you even concerned about saskrit and culture associated with it?

Pakistanis left these things long time ago when earth was born in 7th century and qasim arrived to create pakistan.

Haha! When out of arguments, you guys bring in Muhammad Bin Qasim and the Arabs. My ethnic language is thought to be descended from Gandhari, which was descended from Sanskit. So much for you talking about "structures".
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