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Nov 28, 2012
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United States
Sorry to bother you, but this moderation action took the cake...A PDF member orders the closing of a thread, an the moderation obeys, just if they were employed by this sinister individual...

"The moderators will deal wit the troll once I contact them and they see this thread. Just report him whenever you see his nonsense.

This thread got deleted for a reason to begin with after I made a similar initial post and so will the same thread again be this time around.

Since when Saudi Arabia, Jordan or any other country is of limit to our exchanges?
and here a participant the famous fascist and racist the famous EL HASSANI that acts like PDF is his daddy's farm and orders the moderators to close a thread, because it dims the shiny light of Saudi Arabia's education system...and the moderators obey...

I think that it is about time to deal with this trouble maker that does not understand simple reasoning and who is hellbent on creating flamewars and who has an obsession with the 450 million Arabs of the world and KSA in particular being a radical berber.

@WebMaster @Horus @Chak Bamu @Jungibaaz @Manticore @Emmie @jaibi @Fulcrum15

I suggest looking at this individuals user history and how he always escapes scot-free from trolling, personal insults and his obvious flame wars.

As seen in that other thread I easily put his propaganda article (that he did not source intentionally to hide the origin of that "article") apart and will do so again if he tries spreading propaganda about issues that he has no clue about and which are obviously false which anyone knowing just a bit about KSA can confirm. Local as non-local. Even on PDF.

Now this individual has clearly been trolling the moderators by opening a closed propaganda thread for a 3 time in a row. It seems to me that he is incapable of understanding anything and just hellbent on trolling as usual.

Action should be taking which most Arab users also support.

I also suggest dealing with his nonsense written about me in his introduction.


If this individual is not dealt with I am afraid that you will force Arab users to deal with this troll in a harsher manner than I do.
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KSA is merely a zionist Al Qaeda farm for JEW NATO
They need to do nothing, just to read books about killing everybody and autocongrutating themselves for beeing the superior people
KSA is merely a zionist Al Qaeda farm for JEW NATO
They need to do nothing, just to read books about killing everybody and autocongrutating themselves for beeing the superior people

Another genius arrived on the scene. A well-known serial double user yet still allowed to spread his nonsense on PDF and contribute with basically nothing other than trolling and moronic posts. The first 10 times, hell even 50 times, were funny but now it has become a tragic comedy.
Another genius arrived on the scene. A well-known serial double user yet still allowed to spread his nonsense on PDF and contribute with basically nothing other than trolling and moronic posts. The first 10 times, hell even 50 times, were funny but now it has become a tragic comedy.

You're right. It is like a tragic comedy. :tup:

If a flame thread has been opened before and deleted, that same thread can't be recreated, it's against forum rules.
Another genius arrived on the scene. A well-known serial double user yet still allowed to spread his nonsense on PDF and contribute with basically nothing other than trolling and moronic posts. The first 10 times, hell even 50 times, were funny but now it has become a tragic comedy.
Get used to that, i have become like a roman senator that always said "Carthago must be destroyed"
You're right. It is like a tragic comedy. :tup:

If a flame thread has been opened before and deleted, that same thread can't be recreated, it's against forum rules.

Don't do it; anger @al-Hasani more...come on.....flame him some more till he finally cracks and gives me Al-Baik's secret recipe of marinating chicken wings ! :azn:
I think that it is about time to deal with this trouble maker that does not understand simple reasoning and who is hellbent on creating flamewars and who has an obsession with the 450 million Arabs of the world and KSA in particular being a radical berber.

@WebMaster @Horus @Chak Bamu @Jungibaaz @Manticore @Emmie @jaibi @Fulcrum15

You're right. It is like a tragic comedy. :tup:

If a flame thread has been opened before and deleted, that same thread can't be recreated, it's against forum rules.
Here a think tank.., sorry a thick pad...
You're right. It is like a tragic comedy. :tup:

If a flame thread has been opened before and deleted, that same thread can't be recreated, it's against forum rules.

Not to say that the "article" he has been hellbent on posting several times is pure propaganda from a well-known propaganda source as I proved in that other thread which he was even so kind to link to. There was a reason to why the troll omitted to link to that propaganda news outlet.

Not even 10% of the nonsense written in that article is correct.

The owner of that propaganda site is named Mnar A. Muhawesh. A well-known hardcore Ba'athi and Shia radical that is spreading propaganda against any state that has been even remotely critical of the Al-Assad regime. She can be found on Facebook and her writers are basically clients of that propaganda page and include several Ba'athis among the ranks.

When asked about the MintPress News story, Åke Sellström, the chief UN weapons inspector in Syria remarked, "They are famous for [the] 1001 Arabian Nights stories."[16]

Mint Press News - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Confirmation being this article.:lol:

Get used to that, i have become like a roman senator that always said "Carthago must be destroyed"

Nah, you have turned into a sorry Vietnamese parody.

Don't do it; anger @al-Hasani more...come on.....flame him some more till he finally cracks and gives me Al-Baik's secret recipe of marinating chicken wings ! :azn:

I never crack down. I am single-handedly dealing with the farsi renegades for a reason for instance.

We are currently doing an operation against trolls, flame baits and banned topics. If your posts or threads are in breach of forum rules, they'll be closed or removed. Repeated violations will lead to infractions, bans or a referral for a permanent ban. Read the forum book and comply.
Don't do it; anger @al-Hasani more...come on.....flame him some more till he finally cracks and gives me Al-Baik's secret recipe of marinating chicken wings ! :azn:
150,000 of your country men have been kicked out of their dreamy kingdom, and their women are banned from marrying Pak..
I can give you a chicken recipe a lot better than anything they can cook on camel dropping..:cheers:
Are you sure that you are a Berber?
Are you sure that you are a chinese?

I don't understand why a Berber would hate Saudis?
I don't understand why a Chinese would care about Saudis...For them you are a communist, an atheist, an anti everything they stand for.[/QUOTE]
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