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Is Pakistan Too Big to Fail?

Most people on this forum realise Pakistan is a troubled state. At this moment i feel they lack both a sense of direction and a strong leadership which can carry a voice in the UN or G20 or indeed in their islamic world.

They have become embroiled with a external struggle with their GIANT neighbour and now have deep lying internal issues. This is stagnating their growth and they will continue to fall behind other emerging nations who are far more stable...
Having a large geopgraphy or 180 million does not make you big.

Starving african countries have large populations and huge land mass.
But these countries are nothing but desert with no water and uneducated war torn tribes fighting each other. Failed states carry symptons such as military dictatorships. no strong civilian gov,t no international clout or recognition. They can often be backward towards western culture and women... AND they defintely have no financial or natural resources relying on IMF loans and grant aid.

How many of the highlighted parts apply to pakistan today..

Simply having nuclear weapons does not make you a big or important country.

Even North Korea as Nukes " a poor isolated nation "

India has a lot of starving people and a big land mass, its hunger and poverty are cmparable to some of the poorest nations in sub-Saharan Africa. Does it mean India is not big?

There is widespread hunger and malnutrition in all parts of India. India ranks 66th on the 2008 Global Hunger Index of 88 countries while Pakistan is slightly better at 61 and Bangladesh slightly worse at 70. The first India State Hunger Index (Ishi) report in 2008 found that Madhya Pradesh had the most severe level of hunger in India, comparable to Chad and Ethiopia. Four states — Punjab, Kerala, Haryana and Assam — fell in the 'serious' category. "Affluent" Gujarat, 13th on the Indian list is below Haiti, ranked 69. The authors said India's poor performance was primarily due to its relatively high levels of child malnutrition and under-nourishment resulting from calorie deficient diets.

Haq's Musings: Grinding Poverty in Resurgent India
Having a large geopgraphy or 180 million does not make you big.

Starving african countries have large populations and huge land mass.
But these countries are nothing but desert with no water and uneducated war torn tribes fighting each other. Failed states carry symptons such as military dictatorships. no strong civilian gov,t no international clout or recognition. They can often be backward towards western culture and women... AND they defintely have no financial or natural resources relying on IMF loans and grant aid.

How many of the highlighted parts apply to pakistan today..

Simply having nuclear weapons does not make you a big or important country.

Even North Korea has Nukes " a poor isolated nation "

Excuse me Sir
Your points were very interesting..

What do you think about this..
The Butcher of Congo....King Leopold II of Belgium massacred 10 million Africans in the Congo....


You can find many examples there...

Who committed that crimes…. African corrupt government or Europeans???
You the Europeans went there in 1800's and controlled much of Africa..
What do you think happened when you were there?
You spread prosperity there?
You are the ones who destroyed African roots not their governments

In reply Riazhaq

The WEST considers india a big nation for the following reasons.

They have a huge Economy which in 10 years will be larger than France & Uk
They have huge consumer market and the west wants a peice of this cake.
They have strong stable Gov,t
Strong financial institutions and historical trade links with all the big nations

This is why India is a part of the G20 (20 LARGEST MOST POWERFUL ECONOMYS) in the world.

Nobody can afford to ignore India any more if they want to trade and make money.

Sadly nobody in the Western World has this same impression of Pakistan. Its often called a TROUBLED STATE.

Yet India & Pakistan are neighbours but following different paths
In re[ply to SAD445566

I donmt give a monkeys wat happened in Africa.

Those countries are backward and weak and starving because they are backward undeducated uncilivlised nations. You reap wat you sow in life.

Don,t blame others for your own failure.
Excuse me Sir
Your points were very interesting..

What do you think about this..
The Butcher of Congo....King Leopold II of Belgium massacred 10 million Africans in the Congo....


You can find many examples there...

Who committed that crimes…. African corrupt government or Europeans???
You the Europeans went there in 1800's and controlled much of Africa..
What do you think happened when you were there?
You spread prosperity there?
You are the ones who destroyed African roots not their governments


Well said! Typical White Supremacist will not accept his wrong-doings. :angel:
In re[ply to SAD445566

I donmt give a monkeys wat happened in Africa.

Those countries are backward and weak and starving because they are backward undeducated uncilivlised nations. You reap wat you sow in life.

Don't blame others for your own failure.

Exactly I don't give bananas to your country....
If you believe in Karma as you said than it means...
Every single British man will be hanged/killed...

Your country is so much under American influence that you cannot even say a single word against it...No one is God...U.S. also made mistakes but I never heard from your country addressing to U.S. for its mistakes..

You are yes Boss....


Don,t worry to much about what happens in the west.

You have a great deal of issues in your own back yard to worry about first.

You need to get your house in order first or you really will become another CONGO or one of dozens of other failed states that the WORLD has to feed and clothe thru grant aid/imf loans from the west....
:pakistan: Pakistan needs a revoloution. Not any revoloution a working class revoloution. The poor dont have bank Accounts in Dubai, London etc. The political elite need to be removed. Proper peoples government needs to be in power where there can be education growth and prosperity. Just look at our ally China even though its got its haters how its risen since Chairman Mao. Our Army or police force wont stop this revoloution because at the end of the day the poor the working class are the ones that look up and respect and support these men of our country. The Haqqanis need to go pakistan needs to live the dreams of its fathers. Zulfikar Bhutto and the calibre of his sort were born to lead not born to eat. Zardari and the PPP are a disgrace to that man now. Allah please help Pakistan while its enemys watch over it.

Don,t worry to much about what happens in the west.

You have a great deal of issues in your own back yard to worry about first.

You need to get your house in order first or you really will become another CONGO or one of dozens of other failed states that the WORLD has to feed and clothe thru grant aid/imf loans from the west....

You also don't worry...
I won't hang you on Christmas...

It should not be an offence to you as you did not give a monkey to African people....

In reply Riazhaq

The WEST considers india a big nation for the following reasons.

They have a huge Economy which in 10 years will be larger than France & Uk
They have huge consumer market and the west wants a peice of this cake.
They have strong stable Gov,t
Strong financial institutions and historical trade links with all the big nations

This is why India is a part of the G20 (20 LARGEST MOST POWERFUL ECONOMYS) in the world.

Nobody can afford to ignore India any more if they want to trade and make money.

Sadly nobody in the Western World has this same impression of Pakistan. Its often called a TROUBLED STATE.

Yet India & Pakistan are neighbours but following different paths

Apparently, no inconvenient truths are allowed to mar what you and Foreign Affairs, the foreign policy journal of America's elite, have declared a "roaring capitalist success story". Add Bollywood's singing and dancing stars, beauty queens and Booker prize-winning writers to the Tatas, the Mittals and the IT tycoons, and the picture of Indian confidence, vigour and felicity is complete.

The passive consumer of this image, already puzzled by recurring reports of explosions in Indian cities, may be startled to learn from the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) in Washington that the death toll from terrorist attacks in India between January 2004 and March 2007 was 3,674, second only to that in Iraq. (In the same period, 1,000 died as a result of such attacks in Pakistan, the "most dangerous place on earth" according to the Economist, Newsweek and other vendors of geopolitical insight.)

To put it in plain language - which the NCTC is unlikely to use - India is host to some of the fiercest conflicts in the world. Since 1989 more than 80,000 have died in insurgencies in Kashmir and the northeastern states.

Manmohan Singh himself has called the Maoist insurgency centred on the state of Chhattisgarh the biggest internal security threat to India since independence. The Maoists, however, are confined to rural areas; their bold tactics haven't rattled Indian middle-class confidence in recent years as much as the bomb attacks in major cities have.

Politicians and the media routinely blame Pakistan for terrorist violence in India. It is likely that the ISI, Pakistan's intelligence agency, was involved in the bombings two weeks ago in Ahmedabad and Bangalore, which killed 46 people. But their scale and audacity also hints that the perpetrators have support networks within India.

The Indian elite's obsession with the "foreign hand" obscures the fact that the roots of some of the violence lie in the previous two decades of traumatic political and economic change, particularly the rise of Hindu nationalism, and the related growth of ruthlessness towards those left behind by India's expanding economy.

Haq's Musings: Western Myths About "Peaceful, Stable, and Prosperous" India
are u hinting that there will be more terror attacks in india?

Apparently, no inconvenient truths are allowed to mar what you and Foreign Affairs, the foreign policy journal of America's elite, have declared a "roaring capitalist success story". Add Bollywood's singing and dancing stars, beauty queens and Booker prize-winning writers to the Tatas, the Mittals and the IT tycoons, and the picture of Indian confidence, vigour and felicity is complete.

The passive consumer of this image, already puzzled by recurring reports of explosions in Indian cities, may be startled to learn from the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) in Washington that the death toll from terrorist attacks in India between January 2004 and March 2007 was 3,674, second only to that in Iraq. (In the same period, 1,000 died as a result of such attacks in Pakistan, the "most dangerous place on earth" according to the Economist, Newsweek and other vendors of geopolitical insight.)

To put it in plain language - which the NCTC is unlikely to use - India is host to some of the fiercest conflicts in the world. Since 1989 more than 80,000 have died in insurgencies in Kashmir and the northeastern states.

Manmohan Singh himself has called the Maoist insurgency centred on the state of Chhattisgarh the biggest internal security threat to India since independence. The Maoists, however, are confined to rural areas; their bold tactics haven't rattled Indian middle-class confidence in recent years as much as the bomb attacks in major cities have.

Politicians and the media routinely blame Pakistan for terrorist violence in India. It is likely that the ISI, Pakistan's intelligence agency, was involved in the bombings two weeks ago in Ahmedabad and Bangalore, which killed 46 people. But their scale and audacity also hints that the perpetrators have support networks within India.

The Indian elite's obsession with the "foreign hand" obscures the fact that the roots of some of the violence lie in the previous two decades of traumatic political and economic change, particularly the rise of Hindu nationalism, and the related growth of ruthlessness towards those left behind by India's expanding economy.

Haq's Musings: Western Myths About "Peaceful, Stable, and Prosperous" India
there is word called "introspect"

pakistan has to introspect...it is a tough situation...pakistan has already LOST US a good friend ......now pakistan is looking towards CHINA.......

how much time CHINA will support we all dont know .........but pakistan has to realize that it has to face the truth....just comparing facts and figures or counting other countries......situations...wont do anything good for pakistan's people.....it is a real tough introspection...may be it be fight between

pakistani democracy and military dictatorship, or
terrotorial fight between talibani imposed and wahabi mentality and suufiyat of islamic religion.............now pakistyani leadership and its citizens has to choose...otherwise .....what can i say...world does not not want two afghanistans......
Gordon Brown on breakfast news today talking about the death of 5 british service man by a AFGHAN policeman said Pakistan & Afghanistan was the centre of terror and Al kidha. HE REITERATED that the british have to stay in the region to defeat this dangerous havens.

These 2 countries are in a serious civil war that endangeing the world but most of all themselves
Gordon Brown on breakfast news today talking about the death of 5 british service man by a AFGHAN policeman said Pakistan & Afghanistan was the centre of terror and Al kidha. HE REITERATED that the british have to stay in the region to defeat this dangerous havens.

These 2 countries are in a serious civil war that endangeing the world but most of all themselves

Gordon brown is a idiot.....ask him if the taliban have attacked his country is the last 10 years.....the attack in train station was by british born terrorists......if he thinks that afghanistan and pakistan are safe havens for terrorists then why is his troops there???? simply leave afghanistan and your soldiers will not die....these statements make me laugh!!
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