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Is Pakistan Really Ready to face Indian Mighty Armed Forces???

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Sep 20, 2006
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United Arab Emirates
Dear Members, please express your thoughts on below video. I think its a very serious issue if India decides a surprise and sudden all out attack on Pakistan from multiple fronts like Kashmir, Lahore, From Rajasthan to cut off Sindh & Karachi as well as from Afghanistan. I think there will be no attack from Iranian side.
Missile saturation will stop the filth in its tracks. Let them come.

To be honest Pakistan does not have a missile strategy. We have missiles but we never use them.

Has Pakistan fired a ballistic or cruise missile at India even once?

Look at Iran, they fire ballistic and cruise missiles at their enemies all the time and nobody messes with them.

Missiles are made to be used. Pakistan needs to stop storing its missiles and start using them like Iran.
I saw his video once before. Can't take the guy seriously or watch any of his videos, unless he at-least learns how to pronounce Gilgit Baltistan, its not girgit, neither it is gricket.
Yes we are ready

Espionage is under the radar

But lately everything we (ISI) have done in India or Afghanistan has been Golden and both these enemies because they are so divisive have given us multiple opportunities to create discord and fassad and create havoc

Militarily we need to be ready
Indians and their wet dreams, all but laughable. The reality is China is on India's case for good, the days of Chest Thumping are long gone. The artificial state of India has finally found its Terminator from within in the shape of Modi. All what India's neighbours have to do is to give it a final push to the grave, and share the inheritance among themselves.
We can fight and end india. Im ready to die and kill everyone in india. Enough is enough nuke em all.

On a serious note yes we are ready large scale war means nukes for sure.
To be honest Pakistan does not have a missile strategy. We have missiles but we never use them.

Has Pakistan fired a ballistic or cruise missile at India even once?

Look at Iran, they fire ballistic missiles at their enemies all the time and nobody messes with them.

Missiles are made to be used. Pakistan needs to stop storing its missiles and start using them like Iran.
That is a completely nonsensical extrapolation. That Pakistan hasn't fired its missiles at India somehow suggests an inherent lack of functionality of said missiles? That Pakistan has not fired its missiles at India is the reason India continues its belligerence towards Pakistan?

On both counts, you have drastically simplified the realities at play.

USSR and USA never fired missiles at each other. Were they incapable of liquidising each other? Would limited shows of force by one have reduced the belligerence towards them by the other? I think you're assuming Iran scared USA away, while in reality, USA got what it wanted, Israel got what it wanted, and Iran is still feverishly hunting for someone to execute to try and balance its books.

We can fight and end india. Im ready to die and kill everyone in india. Enough is enough nuke em all.

On a serious note yes we are ready large scale war means nukes for sure.
Count me in.
There is no chance of any surprises and who have given authority to India to decide anything, and also there is more chance of India imploding from with in then any divisions of Pakistan. All we need is a leader who wants and determine to divide India into multiple states. As far Indian armed forces are concerned they can bark, fart and shit that's all they can do and after the shit smell their own farts. All dreams of multiple front is just a hot air as reality is going to be totally different for them. They better watch Mumbai, Chennai and Delhi for hosting our flags next time. What a crap of the title of this thread, it should be "How India can safe itself from Pakistan revenge of 1971" Topic:closed:.
Dear Members, please express your thoughts on below video. I think its a very serious issue if India decides a surprise and sudden all out attack on Pakistan from multiple fronts like Kashmir, Lahore, From Rajasthan to cut off Sindh & Karachi as well as from Afghanistan. I think there will be no attack from Iranian side.

When bhindia revoked Kashmir's special status, most Pakistanis were screaming for war. Those of us (Pakistanis) who had some semblance of rationale, maintained that Pakistan must focus on eliminating corruption, so that Pakistan's economy can grow and we can become stronger. The then Finance Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Asad resisted taking any help from the IMF. There was a reason why he took that stand. Pakistan must move away from IMF/WB dependency, by any means necessary! Failure to do so, will (there are no ifs or buts about it) impede in our economic growth.

If Pakistan was even half as good economically (compared to the condition that nawaz/zardari mafia left in this country in) and Pakistanis were half as united as we were back in 1965. Then on the 27th of February 2019, Pakistan would have taken Kargil and there wouldn't have been a damn thing india could have done about it.

It is one thing to have a strong ally like China, who has your back. And it is a totally different thing altogether, when your ally China sees you (Pakistan) who is economically robust, politically stable and militarily powerful. The ground realities alter completely when you are a strong, united and stable nation. Pakistan smacked the daylights outta india on 27th February 2019. And that is when Pakistan has a weak economy, Pakistanis divided and deluded and zionist-western military deployed across our Western Borders. Imagine what we can achieve when Pakistan is strong and united.
This is how Pakistan's enemies feel better: "by proving themselves better on paper".

If you ask what has their "stronger military" pulled against Pakistan, they cannot mention an inch of land as their gain. India has rather lost territory to Pakistan in all confrontations including Kargil.

They speak of 1971, the only gain India had against Pakistan in a geographic island state, 1800KM away from the mainland Pakistan. Against mainland Pakistan, they have nothing to show as a piece of evidence.
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