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TFX is best for PAF agree?

  • YES

    Votes: 81 70.4%
  • No

    Votes: 34 29.6%

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TFX is expensive compared to PAK-FA ? TF-X is not even exist. Where do you reach such information to compare with PAK-FA ? What about performance ? How do you know Turkish/British subsystem, sensor capabilities compared to Russians ?
Leave him he is mad....!!!

PAK FA when introduce gonna shock everyone.
Are you a fortune teller Mr.

TFX won't be more than some sort of US jets. Sukhoi PAK FA would be something new.
F-16 a quite old program and is not better than Sukhoi Su-35 which is cheaper than F-16 latest blocks
You go and beg Russia to Give PAK FA to Pakistan..!!!


What so new in PAK FA...???

Look at Turkish Beats....
View attachment 323756
Leave him he is mad....!!!

Are you a fortune teller Mr.

You go and beg Russia to Give PAK FA to Pakistan..!!!

View attachment 323745

What so new in PAK FA...???

Look at Turkish Beats....
View attachment 323746 View attachment 323747 View attachment 323748

not me, but you are actually a moron.

Mind your language before talking. You go and beg US and they will give you f-16 like they previously gave you kiddo. I bet Sukhoi PAK FA will be better than all these and kiddos like you will see it and not me but you are a psycho.

Okay kiddo, just tell you the facts. Russian airframes are you can say arguably better than Americans, more manoeuvrable, can go faster, have more power radars that can see far and wide, but their woes are in rest of avionics and but that's not their main weakness, their main weakness is in the engine department. Any Russian engine is behind its western counterparts. These have lower thrust, lower reliability and shorter MTBF as compared to even older gen F-16s. Until Russia is able to address those issues, it cannot compete with west. I feel that even China will produce better engines than Russians due to either copying technology from west and their own research as they have more funds available than Russia now.

kid, :D
Russian jets are always better and cheap than US ones. Go and beg US for f-35s and we will see the same thing we saw when we demanded f-16s. I don't know when you guys will understand and for your information Chinese military heavily depends on Russian equipment. Go and search something first.
not me, but you are actually a moron.

Mind your language before talking. You go and beg US and they will give you f-16 like they previously gave you kiddo. I bet Sukhoi PAK FA will be better than all these and kiddos like you will see it and not me but you are a psycho.
Grow up to be a man mate...!!
Even a Russian scientist working on the project wouldn't make such claims. I am not sure if you are personally involved in PAKFA development project. However history tells us that Western aircraft have shot down many more Russian aircraft than otherwise. I do not see how magically this is about to change. Till today US remains the only nation to operationally field stealth aircraft and has held this position since 1983. They have more than 30 years lead in this technology.

You forgot something known as Soviet Union. I don't know who told you that west shot down more russian aircrafts. Chinese military heavily depends on russian equipment too. One thing more Russian jets are cheap and equal or better than US ones.
Grow up to be a man mate...!!

You be a man first and respect others. If you cannot argue with someone then leave instead of saying that he is mad. I can prove Sukhoi PAK FA will be better than tfx in 2 minutes. If you don't know how to talk than get lost, you idiot.
Dear brother we r talking about the superior technology. When we saw around the world the non stealth aircrafts the EFT is best one of non stealth category which have the best engine and avionics airframe life and other components. They are expensive becoz best thing is always expensive.so if the british BAE is in collaboration with TAI then it mean this TFX will be also one the best aircraft of the future .and if we will be 20 % partner of tyhis project it will cost around 2 billion dollar deal in next 9 years then its not a big price for learning and getting absolutely world class aircraft for our future requirements it will give confidence to our engineers and alot of knowledge if we joins turkish brothers in this big ticket deal.thanks
And about PAK-FA its a russian and indian joint venture so indian will not be happy if Pakistan will get any info about this technological giant project so nothing personal but Pakistan should not enter there becoz that will be loss time and energy.we can also collaborate with chinese counterparts on J 31 if we want to buy a ready to fly aircraft on cheap price rates
You be a man first and respect others. If you cannot argue with someone then leave instead of saying that he is mad. I can prove Sukhoi PAK FA will be better than tfx in 2 minutes. If you don't know how to talk than get lost, you idiot.
I just read this post and well, You can prove one fighter near ready is better than a fighter not even on the drawing board. I assume you have insight into the future.
You forgot something known as Soviet Union. I don't know who told you that west shot down more russian aircrafts. Chinese military heavily depends on russian equipment too. One thing more Russian jets are cheap and equal or better than US ones.

Soviet Union is long gone and it's aircraft were inferior to West. For this reason it relied heavily on ballistic missiles instead of aircraft. Please look at things rationally. Do not be emotionally attached to anything. You may not like US but it is hard to deny the fact that US is world leader in military aviation.

There is not even a slightest chance of Pakistan getting PAKFA. India is partner in this project. How can we even think about PAKFA?

Only realistic choices are Chinese J-31 and TFX. Now Turkish industry on its own is not as advance as Russian but they have European support who are far more advanced than Russia or China. They have a good chance. Aircraft development is complex and tricky and one can not predict before an aircraft goes through flight testing so it remains to be seen which one would be better for Pakistan; Chinese or Turkish.
not me, but you are actually a moron.

Mind your language before talking. You go and beg US and they will give you f-16 like they previously gave you kiddo. I bet Sukhoi PAK FA will be better than all these and kiddos like you will see it and not me but you are a psycho.

kid, :D
Russian jets are always better and cheap than US ones. Go and beg US for f-35s and we will see the same thing we saw when we demanded f-16s. I don't know when you guys will understand and for your information Chinese military heavily depends on Russian equipment. Go and search something first.

Price is not everything...there are so many things are involve when acquiring a new plateform....just to name few things...technology, spares, maintenance cost, operational cost, etc.

Ask yourself, why Pakistan refuse to acquire FBC/Jh-7a/b? And still no decision on J-10c...
Why not Sukhoi PAK FA? Turkish TFX is quite expensive compare to Sukhoi PAK FA and won't be better than Sukhoi PAK FA?
The question to ask about Sukhoi PAK-FA is that will Russia give us this plane ? Lets say for the sake of argument that Russia sells this plane to us. Then there is always the threat of sanctions. How do we know Russia will not apply sanctions on us if relations with India deteriorate. Although Pakistan's relations are gradually improving with Russia, but if Russia has to choose between Pakistan and India, Russia will always favor India. This is something we should never forget.
Compared with that Turkey will never apply sanctions on us no matter what we do. Turkey will also be sympathetic if we ask for transfer of technology. We can also go for joint venture and produce some parts in Pakistan. Right now both TFX and PAK-FA are years away from deployment. I don't know how much each aircraft will cost but we should choose wisely.

TFX won't be more than some sort of US jets. Sukhoi PAK FA would be something new.
F-16 a quite old program and is not better than Sukhoi Su-35 which is cheaper than F-16 latest blocks.
Please read the post from our turkish friend. US is not involved in TFX. It is BAE a Britain company that is involved with the design of this aircraft.
Price is not everything...there are so many things are involve when acquiring a new plateform....just to name few things...technology, spares, maintenance cost, operational cost, etc.

Ask yourself, why Pakistan refuse to acquire FBC/Jh-7a/b? And still no decision on J-10c...


Because of the F16 Mafia---and out of sheer arrogance.

Why not Sukhoi PAK FA? Turkish TFX is quite expensive compare to Sukhoi PAK FA and won't be better than Sukhoi PAK FA?


Our alliance and current stand will get us the J31---and if things got worst for china---we wil be in line for the J20 as well.

You have to understand what is hap[pening with china---.

It is caught with its pants down in the south china seas---or in a matter of time frame---it has been caught in a tough spot--a-round 15 years ahead of time.

So---all the chinese research and funding is directed towards these two platforms---the J20 directly---and J31---waiting for the final results of the J20---.

So---by default---if going by the amount of money available---research scientists and engineers available for the project and resourcefulness and help from many direction---the chinese stealth aircraft would come out ahead of the russian.

A 5 years period would place the chinese stealth aircraft in a different position from where it is today---but it may not have the 5 years time period.

Now as for the turkish involvement---they can compliment the pakistani aircraft of chinese origin with their EW suite
I don't have capability of realizing the difference between a Russian fighter prototype and non-existent fighter called TFX that is in its detail design phase.
Hello cabatli.
Can I ask you what your assesment is regarding the long term procurement of f35 by the Turkish Air force and how this is going to be effected by the TFX if at all?
Also in the growing unease between the US and Turkey do you see the Turkish acquisition of F35 going through or there being some problems?
Your insight will be appreciated.
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