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Is Pakistan-India enmity real or is it a deception to fight bigger countries like US, China & Russia

hindus need to renounce their religion. ...

yes like India backed Nawaz who refuses to return the looted money..

I guess we all know now where he gets his DNA.

then u you should know this statictic and would understand why such things happen.

90 percent of Indians are idiots: Justice Markandey Katju
www.ndtv.com › India

Dec 8, 2012 - At least 90 percent of Indians are "idiots"
Yes, we are idiots. But still we produce CEO's and second world largest pool of doctors amd engineers.
Suppose , if we were genuis like Pakistanis , God knows what would happen.
While peaceful, tolerant, law bidding hindus have no wrong....:o:

Looking at you people.... this applies more on you then us.

I agree.. the problem is with hindus of India that never accepted Pakistan since day one.. and have done everything to dismantle it.

There is a difference between not accepting Pakistan and clash of ego of Hindus and Muslims of South Asia...So i would rate the clash of ego of Hindus and Muslims as major factor than accepting Pakistan as a natio
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Yes, we are idiots. But still we produce CEO's and second world largest pool of doctors amd engineers.
Suppose , if we were genuis like Pakistanis , God knows what would happen.
You churn out Engineers and doctors like you procreate children in an haphazard manner devoid of quality but urge for quantity and leaving very little satisfaction behind.
Yes, we are idiots. But still we produce CEO's and second world largest pool of doctors amd engineers.
Suppose , if we were genuis like Pakistanis , God knows what would happen.
Indians have a lot of CEOs because sheer population and migration to America.
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Indians have a lot of CEOs because sheer population and migration to America.

Education and Work ethics are huge factors in Indian success story.

South Asian families when they meet it is very predictable. Half the time they talk about their kids schools and tuitions.

really?... you really know nothing..

Kargil was Pakistani land of AK India refused to hand back after 1971 war.

Kargil was a political fiasco thanks to Nawaz... other wise the Pindi boys gave you a thrashing for 11 weeks you never forgot.

More ignorance.

Kargil was recaptured from the Gilgit Scouts in 1948. There was nothing affecting Kargil in 1971.

How can you possibly walk around with such baggage?

As for the rhodomontade,

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