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Is Pakistan finally going after the Taliban?

That, and remove Taliban sympathizers from P.A. counterintelligence. How do I know they're there? Because the former U.S. Secretary of Defense, Mr. Gates, observed that EVERY time the U.S. tipped of Pakistan's Army to the presence of militants the terrorists escaped before Pakistan Army units could reach them. It's not even suspicious anymore; the Taliban presence in Pakistan Army counterintelligence is merely an obvious fact.

Each soldier of PA is very much patriotic & obeys his seniors ... This is USA who is not want stability in Pakistan .........
Funny you nitpick things to malign a country that provides and will provide majority of logistics...ARe you hear for a discussion or just take pot shots.
Sure, I'm here for discussion. As this latest exchange demonstrates, in the end you don't have any arguments to counter mine, save invoking unjustifiable pride in your country and army. The implication is that if you were more modest you would agree with me 100%, yes?

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