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Is Pakistan army best trained in Muslim world? (all else equal) - PLS NO INDIANS, not Indian topic

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Sir sorry to INTRUDE in an EXCLUSIVE thread.........


In Muslim World - BD Lungi Army is the BEST. It has the capability to become the only SUPERPOWER among the Muslim nations.

No guns. Is it UN peace keeping army? :suicide2:

here'a pak UN ARMY
Sending your uniformed soldiers cements your position as a state sponsor of terrorism. Kashmir has never been Part of India nor will it ever be, we Muslims will fight for it just as we waged 17 wars for Somnath and 9 crusades for Jerusalem.

Back to the topic.

You were not even born then . We muslims . Lulz .

According to the army chief of our sworn enemy.....!!!

Little jimmi back to his old tactics . It shows how honorable our army chief is unlike yours who topple govts every decade or so and run petrol pumps and businesses .
Little jimmi back to his old tactics . It shows how honorable our army chief is unlike yours who topple govts every decade or so and run petrol pumps and businesses .
Hey why you choking yourself, what our army chief does shouldn't be a cause of any inflammatory rectum, why don't you focus on the subject at hand.
Hey why you choking yourself, what our army chief does shouldn't be a cause of any inflammatory rectum, why don't you focus on the subject at hand.

Try making sense for once . Quit al-britani and start living in britain . That will surely help you with making sense in english .
I don't even understand the argument "Islamic" world , why should be rate our capabilities with those of other nations in that group?

Our Aim should be comparison with International Peace forces employed by modern countries like US, UK , France ,Russia or China

I mean comparing the forces with the so called title "Islamic" has not meaning what so ever.

What is the point of being even #1 in that group , if world wide your ranking is #99

Pakistani forces need to modernize

Force Size should be 200,000 Soldiers , to 300,000 soldiers
Weaponry should be "Enhanced" , Technologically advanced

Battle planes and mission controls should be all upgraded

Numerical numbers of forces in modern warfare , mean nothing but strategic weapons and special weapons do make difference.

To really improve Capabilities of Pakistani Forces:

1 - We need 100-200 Helicopters , duel purpose support for ground forces and transport
2- We need tactical gadgets , GPS , encrypted communication devices , Night vision
3- More robotic sensors on strategic areas / warehouses
4 - Additional 20 Transport planes
5 - Enhanced tactical weapons , sniper weapons better armor fro soldiers
6- Better Mission control systems
7 - Safer Personnel carriers units
8- Visible Self reliance in Anti Aircraft weapons / SAM systems
9 - Radar research and defense
10- Better soldier training and maintaining standards for troops fitness
11 - UAV program
12 - Tank Engines program
13 - Jeep / Vehicle engine program

I mean comparatively Germany in 1930's made their own Jeep / Truck / Tank engines
I mean comparitively US made air craft carriers back in 1900's and we are just building F22P in 2014
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Turkey has the best soldiers hands down.

I only have to take examples from 1 war to prove my point.​

Its really worth reading

The greatest number of North Korea's prisoners was, of course, American. Of the twelve nations represented, however, the third most numerous were the Turks, with 229. The U.S. Army study found them to have been just as exemplary in prison as they were in battle. The Turks' secret weapons were discipline, great pride in their brigade, and an unbroken chain of command. The final official report contains this Turkish officer's account of his prison experience:

"I told the Chinese commander of the camp that I was in charge of my group. If he wanted anything done, he was to come to me, and I would see that it was done. If he removed me, the responsibility would fall not on him but on the man next below me, and after that on the man below him. And so on, down thru the ranks, until there were only two privates left. Then the senior private would be in charge. They could kill us, I told him, but they couldn't make us do what we didn't want to do. Discipline was our salvation, and we all knew it. If a Turk had questioned an order from his superior to share his food or lift a [stretcher], the way I understand some of your men did, he would literally have had his teeth knocked in. Not by his superior, either, but by the Turk nearest to him. The Communists made attempts to indoctrinate [us]. . .but they failed completely, and eventually gave up."

The crowning consequence of this discipline was that, although half of the 229 were wounded when captured, not one died in prison. When a Turk got sick, the rest nursed him to health. If he was ordered to the hospital, two well Turks went along to minister to him hand and foot and to carry him back to the compound when he was discharged. At mealtime two Turks were dispatched to carry the food back, and it was divided equally down to the last morsel. There was no hogging, no rule of dog eat dog, not ever. Death by "give-up-itis" was impossible. While an American might curl up alone at night and die in the bitter cold, the Turks all piled together in one corner of their cell, and every hour the two on the outside would rotate to the center of the pile. The Chinese guards actually grew to fear their Turkish prisoners, as they watched the interminable wrestling matches which kept them so tough - and, paradoxically, so loyal to one another. As a consequence of this study President Eisenhower issued the now-famous Uniform Code of Military Conduct, and the Korean experience, thank God, has not repeated itself.

Turks from an eye of an American soldier in Korea

"The Turks, armed and trained by American military advisers, did better than even they had hoped or expected in this, their first real combat since World War I. The American units to which they were attached respected their skills and tenacity in combat. Some comments by American officers give insight into the Turks and their abilities. 'They really prefer to be on the offensive and handle it quite well,' went one appraisal. 'They are not as good at defensive positions, and certainly never retreat.' Another report told of their patrol skills: 'Certain Turkish patrols always reported high body counts when they returned from patrols. Headquarters always scoffed at the high numbers, much higher in fact than any other unit, until the Turks decided to bring the enemy bodies back and dump them at headquarters for the body count.'

The Turks acquitted themselves in a brave and noble fashion in some of the worst conditions experienced in the Korean War. Very little else could have been required or expected of them. Their heavy casualties speak of their honor and commitment. Their bravery requires no embellishment. It stands on its own."

Korean War: 1st Turkish Brigade's Baptism of Fire

Quotes about the Turks in Korea​

“The Turks are the hero of heroes. There is no impossibility for the Turkish Brigade.” – General Douglas MacArthur – United Nations Forces Commander in Chief

“The Turks who have been known throughout history by their courage and decency, have proved that they have kept these characteristics, in the war which the United Nations undertook in Korea.” – Burner – U.S. Congressman

“The heroic soldiers of a heroic nation, you have saved the Eighth Army and the IX’th Army Crops from encirclement and the 2nd Division from destruction. I came here today to thank you on behalf of the United Nations Army.” – General Walton H. Walker, Commander, Eighth Army
Turkey | Korean War
I have similar feeling Turkey is technologically superior to Pakistani forces , because they have "INDUSTRY" that manufactures the defense products of high quality with European standard

  • They have visible private sector involvement in defense products anti aircraft guns , automated computer controlled weaponry
  • They build their own Military "modules" for planes , military vehicles
  • They have R&D done in Military grade Optical sensors , "Camera" Technology
  • They are actively improving their Transport capabilities
  • Needless to say they upgraded our whole F16 fleet to show their defense sector
  • They have active Helicopter program another "mile stone" for Turkish forces

And we have great respect for Brothers from Turkey and are happy with their hard work

But at same time , we wish our own forces , picked up the slack in Technological Advancement , and that just down not means getting a brand new Uniform with digital chemo

But I am very optimistic with news of arrival of new Helicopters from Russia that will fill a huge gap in Capabilities of Pakistani forces

Pakistan also has active defense sector , however my general feeling is we lack behind when it comes to "Technology" integration , and developing hardware level components or hard pieces like Engines and transmissions

In order to be best ... our forces need the latest equipment or "recent" equipment and then thru training we can claim to be best.

  • We need modernization of equipment
  • Self reliance of manufacturing the modern components of technology
  • We need strategy to collectively as a Army use these components
  • We need to bring in GAPS in our military to closure (Helicopters, SAM, Nigh vision)
  • The Manufacturing area needs a "emergency" intervention

This certainly helps enhance our present short term goals
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I don't even understand the argument "Islamic" world , why should be rate our capabilities with those of other nations in that group?

Our Aim should be comparison with International Peace forces employed by modern countries like US, UK , France ,Russia or China

I mean comparing the forces with the so called title "Islamic" has not meaning what so ever.

What is the point of being even #1 in that group , if world wide your ranking is #99

Pakistani forces need to modernize

Force Size should be 200,000 Soldiers , to 300,000 soldiers
Weaponry should be "Enhanced" , Technologically advanced

Battle planes and mission controls should be all upgraded

Numerical numbers of forces in modern warfare , mean nothing but strategic weapons and special weapons do make difference.

To really improve Capabilities of Pakistani Forces:

1 - We need 100-200 Helicopters , duel purpose support for ground forces and transport
2- We need tactical gadgets , GPS , encrypted communication devices , Night vision
3- More robotic sensors on strategic areas / warehouses
4 - Additional 20 Transport planes
5 - Enhanced tactical weapons , sniper weapons better armor fro soldiers
6- Better Mission control systems
7 - Safer Personnel carriers units
8- Visible Self reliance in Anti Aircraft weapons / SAM systems
9 - Radar research and defense
10- Better soldier training and maintaining standards for troops fitness
11 - UAV program
12 - Tank Engines program
13 - Jeep / Vehicle engine program

I mean comparatively Germany in 1930's made their own Jeep / Truck / Tank engines
I mean comparitively US made air craft carriers back in 1900's and we are just building F22P in 2014
Thank you. We should compare ourselves to europe or the u.s.

(Only in thousands can take half Iraq in very short time )

If Muslim get his religion seriously, we can be deathly

Indonesia fought British, Australia, New Zealand combined in 60's
With the type of training Pakistan Army got in urban, mountain and terrorist warfare, I think after this conflict, Pakistan will have the best army in the region. It only needs top class equipment for which we need better economy.

For better economy, we need visionary leader not this PMLN Noora brigade or PPP fraudiayey.
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