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Is Pakistan army best trained in Muslim world? (all else equal) - PLS NO INDIANS, not Indian topic

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I don't understand what this discussion will achieve. There is no one the whole world that can answer your question correctly.
vous-parlez francais?

I'm just speaking theoratically' People come here with bunch of emotions, saying Turkey is brother state and we will never fight it and whatever. We shouldn't fight any nation! Shouldn't have nukes, which were used to kill many innocent people in Japan. If it comes to fight between India and Pakistan, God forbid, Pakistan will start using nukes if it has nearly lost.

Point was to find who is better trained. So far no one has given example about Turkey training other armies. For example, Pakistan trains Saudi, despite Saudi having better weapon system and being stronger in that sense.

It's not my fault people can't read thread title and start discussing India. Or some people bragging about how Pakistan is a loser army because it lost a war nearly 50 years ago. I'm talking about now. I want to know if Pakistan army is better trained and if given better weapons it currently has, it'd be best army in muslim world. And that's a proud thing to be. Only muslim nation with nukes, and hopefully proud of being strongest muslim nation.

In the end, no one can answer it correctly, as many questions. But we answer to best of our knowledge. There are numerous websites talking about strong army, some people like to discuss such topic. Maybe you created some topic and I didn't come and say this thread is pointless and it can't be answered correctly.

that day never come dude ... two brothers can never fight relax
And I hope Pakistan and India never fight, but doesn't mean we can't compare.
Who cares, if the time comes then you will find out!!!
Until 5-10 years ago, The Turkish army was managed with many red lines and Most of Generals didn't know a word as "forgiving the faults" in home and foreign policies.
There was active bases and tank forces in Irak which was chasing terrorists stationed in there. In those times, One large scale operation was meaning 700-800 killed terorist bodies on mountains. There was no mercy but Todays, Same terrorists are closing the commercial roads to check passport in Turkey now.

Although European Union and USA pressures and sanctions, Half of Cyprus have been invaded in 1974 and actively controlled by Army. Even in such critical situation, A Greek who wanted to haul down Turkish flag in Greek-Turk border in Cyprus, was shot with many bullets in 1996, While All "master" Europeans were watching the situation.

In Aegean 1996, Greek special forces captured two Turkish islands called Kardak and rise a Greek flag in there, then Turkish army performed a night operation there and captured islands. In this incident, A Greek utility helicopter was downed.

No need to mention Syrian incident which Father Assad housed terorist leader against Turkey. Although all notices given by Turkey, They didn't accept delivering him to us. To solve this incident, hundreds of tanks along with soldiers were stationed in Syria-Turkey border. As a result, Father Assad has to let terorist leader out of their borders. With this way, Turkish special forces captured him in Kenya...

What I mean is, Never assess the strength of Turkish Armed Forces with looking current disgraces which was caused by current corrupt politicians.

I forgot to mention I still think Turkey is the best trained army, I was more focused on his statement about Iran.
Who cares, if the time comes then you will find out!!!
Military don't think like that.

There is active war game going on always. They play the cards and see how they can neutralize whatnot. Then they say, do we need better training or equipment? Then they decide their focus.

India said 'let the time come' during 1962 war. India lost badly. aminister has to resign. So you see, it's worth discussing.
I forgot to mention I still think Turkey is the best trained army, I was more focused on his statement about Iran.
It makes sense because they are in NATO and NATO has a lot of countries working together with a lot of sources, technique, and Technology
I forgot to mention I still think Turkey is the best trained army, I was more focused on his statement about Iran.
I check Turkish air force but it only has F16s. Pakistan has them too. And they've phantoms, which are old. So equal numbers I think PAF is better, as PAF was involved in many air fights?

Also our land army is in constant battle and monitors Afghan. And our UN forces.
Military don't think like that.

There is active war game going on always. They play the cards and see how they can neutralize whatnot. Then they say, do we need better training or equipment? Then they decide their focus.

India said 'let the time come' during 1962 war. India lost badly. aminister has to resign. So you see, it's worth discussing.
Neither am I nor are you military so we shouldn't be concerned what they think
I check Turkish air force but it only has F16s. Pakistan has them too. And they've phantoms, which are old. So equal numbers I think PAF is better, as PAF was involved in many air fights?

Also our land army is in constant battle and monitors Afghan.

Weren't you the dude who said discount equipment? :alcoholic: Either way I think you are wrong about their air force most learned Pakistani members on this forum openly state their AF is better than Pakistan, if not why Pakistan sends its F-16 to Turkey for upgrades? :cheesy: Their F-16s are more advanced and they have more I believe around 200 or more whereas Pakistan has like 80ish or something.
yes, Pakistan is no 1....as it produces the most miliitants... lol..
And India produces lost of blind people. Did you read title? Or your hands were itching badly?

Weren't you the dude who said discount equipment? :alcoholic: Either way I think you are wrong about their air force most learned Pakistani members on this forum openly state their AF is better than Pakistan, if not why Pakistan sends its F-16 to Turkey for upgrades? :cheesy:
Yes and if you read my words correctly, I said pak and turk both have F16s and equal numbers.

And they send for upgrades because the manufacture has a plant there. It's cheaper than sending to the US. Did you just come out of your cave?:crazy:
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Yes and if you read my words correctly, I said pak and turk both have F16s and equal numbers.

Reread my post Turks have 210+ F16s, Pakistan has like 67+ add the ones they ordered from Jordan second hand so I believe around 80 if they have been delivered and Pakistan sends its birds to Turkey for upgrades.
Reread my post Turks have 210+ F16s, Pakistan has like 67+ add the ones they ordered from Jordan second hand so I believe around 80 if they have been delivered and Pakistan sends its birds to Turkey for upgrades.
Don't waste your time on him, He is just an Indian sitting at home bored off his @ss and trying get some attention :sarcastic:
Reread my post Turks have 210+ F16s, Pakistan has like 67+ add the ones they ordered from Jordan second hand so I believe around 80 if they have been delivered and Pakistan sends its birds to Turkey for upgrades.
You re read my post. I said equal numbers. Then you yap about turkey having 200 and Pak having 80.

Did you happen to change your flag to Pakistan? It's not working for you.
You re read my post. I said equal numbers. Then you yap about turkey having 200 and Pak having 80.

Did you happen to change your flag to Pakistan? It's not working for you.

Lol I have been here longer than you by 2 years you can ask anybody if I am Pakistani. :woot:
Don't waste your time on him, He is just an Indian sitting at home bored off his @ss and trying get some attention :sarcastic:
True. There was another Indian before. He said USA never lost a war. Then he said they lost some wars. Then he said they never lost battles but lost a war. Like where do these people come from! At least he lived in India. I didn't know there are insane people in states too.

Oh and it's defense forum so I can talk :D

Lol I have been here longer than you by 2 years you can ask anybody if I am Pakistani. :woot:
Did I say you're not Pakistani? I could've said you changed your flag to USA. Because people don't talk stupid. You don't read my lines and start quoting me.
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