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Is Pakistan aiding Syrian rebels?


Sep 18, 2011
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Pakistan denies claims it is arming Syrian rebels at Saudi Arabia's behest. Experts, however, say Islamabad is not only providing military equipment to anti-Assad groups, it's also helping jihadists to go fight in Syria.
Pakistani and international media have reported about Pakistan-based Wahhabi militant groups, including al Qaeda and the Taliban, sending their members to Syria to fight against President Bashar Assad's forces. Some observers claim these fighters are also getting some kind of state support.

Despite the Pakistani government's categorical denial of any involvement in the Syrian conflict, the Islamic Republic's opposition parties, including the main opposition Pakistan People's Party (PPP) led by former President Asif Ali Zardari, have challenged Islamabad's claims. A number of political experts in Pakistan also disagree with the government's stance that it did not get itself involved in the violent Syrian conflict on Saudi Arabia's request.

"We strongly reject the media speculation that Pakistan has changed its position on Syria or is supplying arms to Syrian rebels directly or indirectly. These impressions are totally baseless and misleading," Sartaj Aziz, an advisor to Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on national security and foreign affairs, recently told the country's parliament.

The discussion about whether or not the Pakistani government armed the Syrian rebels commenced after the Saudi Crown Prince, Salman bin Abdulaziz, travelled to Pakistan last month.

"I would like to clarify that during the Saudi Crown Prince's visit, the two sides only mentioned the need to enhance bilateral cooperation in the field of defense with an aim to have a mutually beneficial defense and security cooperation," said Aziz.

According to news agency AFP, which quoted a source close to Saudi decision-makers, Riyadh was interested in getting Pakistan-made shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missiles, known as Anza, and anti-tank rockets, to aid the rebels.

"The United States could allow their allies to provide the rebels with anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons following the failure of Geneva talks and the renewed tension with Russia," AFP quoted the head of the Gulf Research Centre, Abdel Aziz al-Sager.

Ghaffar Husain, a London-based researcher and counter-terrorism expert, told DW that Saudi-Pakistani alliance is decades-long, and that it is highly likely that Riyadh could have asked for Islamabad's assistance in turning the tide in Syria.

Claims 'not exaggerated'

Ali K. Chishti, a security expert in Karachi, told DW that Pakistan's assistance to Syrian rebels was of covert nature, and that it was obvious why Pakistan did not officially admit it. "I don't think that the claims that Pakistan is helping Syrian opposition are incorrect or exaggerated. Islamabad believes that since Iran is openly supporting the Assad regime, which is responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of people in his own country, it is justified to aid the rebels," said Chishti.

Pakistani educationist and former BBC journalist, Nauman Naqvi, says there is no doubt whatsoever that Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are on same page over the Syrian conflict.

"The Pakistani government can deny it, but everyone knows what is going on. Pakistan's respectable journalists have written about the matter," Naqvi told DW, adding that Pakistan had put its relations with Iran at stake in order to please Saudi Arabia. "Pakistan has been serving the Saudi interests in the Middle East and South Asia for a long time. Our relations with Tehran were different in the 1970s. They have been severely damaged since the last phase of the Cold War. The expert gave the example of Pakistan-based terrorist organization Jundullah, which Iran claimed to be a proxy group used by its enemies, to highlight the worsening Iranian-Pakistani ties.

Sharif's personal involvement

Some experts argue that the alleged Saudi-Pakistani deal on Syria was a result of Sharif's personal connections with the Saudi rulers. Earlier this month, Pakistan received a 1.5 billion USD loan from Riyadh, which Pakistani opposition parties claimed was a "gift' from Saudis to Sharif for his "services" to the kingdom.

Husain says Pakistan has "the expertise, weapons and fighters for the Syrian war, and Saudi Arabia has the cash that Pakistan desperately needs right now."

Naqvi, however, says that any other head of the government in Islamabad would have complied with the Saudi demands. "We must not forget that Sharif has no say in defense related matters. It is the Pakistani army which calls the shots. Former President Zardari would not have acted differently in this scenario."

For Chishti, accepting the Saudi demands was a sensible decision: "Iran is openly supporting Assad whereas Saudi Arabia is aiding the rebels - both for their sectarian interests. Why would then the Pakistani state, which follows the Saudi Wahhabi Islamic ideology, side with the Shiite Tehran on this?"

Pakistani militants migrating to Syria

"A large number of foreign fighters are based in Pakistan's northern Waziristan area, which shares border with Afghanistan. Some of them are now migrating to Syria. The Pakistani Taliban have actually established a cell to monitor the Syrian situation. Al Qaeda's head, Aymen al-Zawahiri sent out a message to Pakistani militants to move to Syria," told Chishti, adding that Muslim al Shishani, a Chechen commander from North Waziristan, was one such Islamist who migrated to Syria on March 27.

Most Pakistani militant groups are pro-Saudi Arabia and anti-Iran

The expert, however, is not sure whether it's a good thing for the Pakistani state. "We need to see how certain non-state actors are being used in this conflict. It can be a double edged sword," he said.

For his part, Naqvi says there is "structural linkage" between the Pakistani military apparatus and the jihadists. "These militants have been doing what the army thinks is in Pakistan's geo-strategic interests," said Naqvi. The expert is of the view that Pakistan finds itself in a quagmire for not keeping itself non-aligned in regional and international conflicts and will ultimately have to pay a big price for its actions.

Is Pakistan aiding Syrian rebels? | Asia | DW.DE | 28.03.2014
Pakistan does not supporting any kind of Billion $ secret aid to Syria while Pakistan itself facing internal population crisis...
All pre war in which Pakistan was involved are part of American Counter & Defecate USSR policy...
But it is not clearly to say who is current Aid holder for Syrian Rebels.
It is America proxy every where to hold it geo-strategic position for further achievements what ever playing from any edge side.:sleep:
Pakistan does not supporting any kind of Billion $ secret aid to Syria while Pakistan itself facing internal population crisis...
All pre war in which Pakistan was involved are part of American Counter & Defecate USSR policy...
But it is not clearly to say who is current Aid holder for Syrian Rebels.
It is America proxy every where to hold it geo-strategic position for further achievements what ever playing from any edge side.:sleep:

The Afghanistan story is getting repeated here again.

It's the US / Saudi's on one side and Russia on the other.

Though the US seems like a reluctant partner in this - there are other interested parties here like Israel, turkey etc.

Also, it's not that Pakistan is aiding the Syrian rebels for free - the Saudi's are paying for its services and supplies.
That would be last type of publicity Pakistan need today. S@it is going to hit the fan better cover own faces and let others do their's.
Pakistan denies claims it is arming Syrian rebels at Saudi Arabia's behest. Experts, however, say Islamabad is not only providing military equipment to anti-Assad groups, it's also helping jihadists to go fight in Syria.

It doesnt really matter if they are, they wont be able to make any difference to the war there. Syria is not Afghanistan and the Syrian army and Hezbollah are not the Americans, they arent restricted by any ROE that ties one hand behind their backs. They'll make short work of the Taliban and any other terrorists from Pakistan that are stupid enough to try and involve themselves in a real life or death fight (ie Syria).

Those pajama wearing neanderthals may be good at dressing up in women's burqa's to do suicide bombings and shooting at school girls, but they wont be able to blend into Syria and do the same, they'll just get slaughtered over there by the Syrians.

Saudi Arabia woos Pakistan with $1.5 billion grant. Why now? - CSMonitor.com
It doesnt really matter if they are, they wont be able to make any difference to the war there. Syria is not Afghanistan and the Syrian army and Hezbollah are not the Americans, they arent restricted by any ROE that ties one hand behind their backs. They'll make short work of the Taliban and any other terrorists from Pakistan that are stupid enough to try and involve themselves in a real life or death fight (ie Syria).

Those pajama wearing neanderthals may be good at dressing up in women's burqa's to do suicide bombings and shooting at school girls, but they wont be able to blend into Syria and do the same, they'll just get slaughtered over there by the Syrians.

Saudi Arabia woos Pakistan with $1.5 billion grant. Why now? - CSMonitor.com

I wouldn't take it that lightly.

It's an addition of thousands of toughened militants who are well trained in all the various training camps in Pakistan, combined with years of guerrilla fighting experience, experts in bomb making, ambush and suicide bombings will be tough for the SAA to handle. Not to forget - them to be armed with anti tank and anti air missiles.

Compared to this lot - the wet behind the ears FSA and ISIL fighters are amateurs.
They'll make short work of the Taliban and any other terrorists from Pakistan that are stupid enough to try and involve themselves in a real life or death fight (ie Syria).

I really wish this happens. I want this Saudi backed terrorism to be ruthlessly eliminated.

I wish there is peace in Syria and it cant happen until Saudi and GCC backed terror is defeated.

We know capabilities of Hezbullah very well. There is no Muslim army or a militant group that can challenge Israel and defeat it. By waging war against Hezbullah, Saudi Arabia is in fact giving strength to enemies of the Muslim.
I wouldn't take it that lightly.

It's an addition of thousands of toughened militants who are well trained in all the various training camps in Pakistan, combined with years of guerrilla fighting experience, experts in bomb making, ambush and suicide bombings will be tough for the SAA to handle. Not to forget - them to be armed with anti tank and anti air missiles.

Compared to this lot - the wet behind the ears FSA and ISIL fighters are amateurs.
I dont take terrorism lightly, but Syria is a very different environment and war from Afghanistan. The Taliban are not a particularly effective fighting force. They are efficient part-time insurgents in their local environment and make deadly terrorists, but thats not useful in Syria where they will be foreigners and wont have the luxury of hiding among the civilian population.

Dont forget that the Taliban and their Pakistani allies were completely routed within just a few months in 2001-2002, thousands of them were killed and taken prisoner and the rest had to flee to Pakistan or lie low in the villages they came from. But since 2002/3, NATO has been restricted by ROE which like i said, has basically rendered the US and other combatant nations within the alliance to fighting against a faceless insurgency with one hand tied behind their backs.

Syria is different. In Syria there is no ROE restricting how the Syrian army engages the enemy and takes forward the war, and foreigners in Syria cannot blend into the population and fall back to their homes like the Taliban can do in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In Syria, they are homeless, unable to wear the mask of civilians, and will be stuck as full time combatants in a completely hostile and alien environment. Not the kind of war they have been fighting in their own country. The Syrians will simply kill them on sight. Something the Americans cant do in Afghanistan.
It doesnt really matter if they are, they wont be able to make any difference to the war there. Syria is not Afghanistan and the Syrian army and Hezbollah are not the Americans, they arent restricted by any ROE that ties one hand behind their backs. They'll make short work of the Taliban and any other terrorists from Pakistan that are stupid enough to try and involve themselves in a real life or death fight (ie Syria).

Those pajama wearing neanderthals may be good at dressing up in women's burqa's to do suicide bombings and shooting at school girls, but they wont be able to blend into Syria and do the same, they'll just get slaughtered over there by the Syrians.

Saudi Arabia woos Pakistan with $1.5 billion grant. Why now? - CSMonitor.com

lol talibans are terrorists but not Hezbollah

middle east is a dump, scar on the face of planet earth, you guys be happy about your deserts, its your menace that has made sectarian wars in Pakistan and given birth to religious terrorism here
lmiddle east is a dump, scar on the face of planet earth, you guys be happy about your deserts, its your menace that has made sectarian wars in Pakistan and given birth to religious terrorism here
Oh really? Well if you think that its such a "dump" then just convert back to Hinduism and you wont have to bow towards the Middle East anymore. :laugh:
Oh really? Well if you think that its such a "dump" then just convert back to Hinduism and you wont have to bow towards the Middle East anymore. :laugh:

Funny coming from Iranian who was converted by Arab early on and later on forcefully converted to Shia Islam in 16th century. Not to forget how many muslim Turkic tribes invaded and ruled Iran.
I dont take terrorism lightly, but Syria is a very different environment and war from Afghanistan. The Taliban are not a particularly effective fighting force. They are efficient part-time insurgents in their local environment and make deadly terrorists, but thats not useful in Syria where they will be foreigners and wont have the luxury of hiding among the civilian population.

Dont forget that the Taliban and their Pakistani allies were completely routed within just a few months in 2001-2002, thousands of them were killed and taken prisoner and the rest had to flee to Pakistan or lie low in the villages they came from. But since 2002/3, NATO has been restricted by ROE which like i said, has basically rendered the US and other combatant nations within the alliance to fighting against a faceless insurgency with one hand tied behind their backs.

Syria is different. In Syria there is no ROE restricting how the Syrian army engages the enemy and takes forward the war, and foreigners in Syria cannot blend into the population and fall back to their homes like the Taliban can do in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In Syria, they are homeless, unable to wear the mask of civilians, and will be stuck as full time combatants in a completely hostile and alien environment. Not the kind of war they have been fighting in their own country. The Syrians will simply kill them on sight. Something the Americans cant do in Afghanistan.

I largely agree with you - but you need to consider this too.

NATO brought in a helluva lot of sophisticated firepower and army personnel compared to what the whole SAA has.

the taliban retreated into Pakistani sanctuaries because that's how they fight.

The SAA is fighting in a 80% hostile population area in Syria where they are a minority.

I am sure you have heard how the Taliban have been faring in Pakistan, and that too against a stronger army than the SAA.
Quetta, Peshawar, Karachi is teeming with Taliban and they attack at will. This proves that over the years they have adopted newer strategies and can cause trouble in urban settings.

The Talibani ranks are not just made up of native fighters anymore but have additions of fighters from other countries too. Plus - a near non exhaustive supply of arms, funding and men from their masters and handlers.
Oh really? Well if you think that its such a "dump" then just convert back to Hinduism and you wont have to bow towards the Middle East anymore. :laugh:

and you were what fire worshippers?

and god is from middle east as well? :lol:

hinduism was not in saudi arabia or mecca? before islam?

you guys are more stupid then i originally thought
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