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Is PAF ranked top among all Muslim Countries Airforces Now?

Hi guys let me share something :

I have stayed in Saudia-Arabia for almost three years in an Airbase at Khamis Mashait . Once there was a visit from an Israeli Air Chief . He was amazed to see the Pakistani officers working in the Base[though they were Flight Surgeons] . The base commander who was a Saudi Prince asked the IAF cheif that " Acc to him which Airforce is currently the Best in the World ? "
The IAF Chief replied " Undoubtedly the Israeli Airforce is best in the world but said that PAF can be ranked the second best Airforce in the world and the only one which meets the merit to challenge IAF "

My friend i respect your words but let me tell u something i have stayed in Khamis Mushyat(King Khalid AB)--for long time ago back in 90's!
But visiting of IAF chief i cannot imagine!!! i duobt this!:rolleyes:
whats the use of that air force which could not help the plight of muslim brothers suffering from israel aggression in middle east.
do these top muslim airforce have guts to give a fight to israel airforce ?
the ans is simply a big NO.

well.....you could say where were the Muslim nations during Turkish squirmishes in Cyprus....Kashmir.....Gulf War(s) etc.

israel has the clout!!! Not the Muslim countries!

Why? Ask yourself this question.
IdAF is a formidable AF but in recent they have not engaged any considerable Air force so nothing can be said about the improvement
their last real engagement was in 73....then of course Osirak precision attack.
their last real engagement was in 73....then of course Osirak precision attack.

but we should also know whether they faced any resistance or not...............we all know how "responsible" Iraqi AF turned out to be...
whats the use of that air force which could not help the plight of muslim brothers suffering from israel aggression in middle east.
do these top muslim airforce have guts to give a fight to israel airforce ?
the ans is simply a big NO.

Dear Brother, PAF helped in 1967 during Arab Israel War, FLT LT Saiful Azam of PAF bagged three IAF aircrafts, and again in 1973 YOM KIPPUR war our pilots went their to fight and FLT LT Sattar Alvi bagged Israeli Mirage. PAF help to build UAE airforce, trained Egyptian pilots etc.
Dear Brother, PAF helped in 1967 during Arab Israel War, FLT LT Saiful Azam of PAF bagged three IAF aircrafts, and again in 1973 YOM KIPPUR war our pilots went their to fight and FLT LT Sattar Alvi bagged Israeli Mirage. PAF help to build UAE airforce, trained Egyptian pilots etc.

Some details of Saiful Azam against Israel

Flight Lieutenant Saiful Azam has the unique distinction of having kills against air forces of two different countries. As a young Flying Officer during the 65 War, Saiful Azam scored a kill against an Indian Air Force Gnat, in recognition of which he was awarded Sitara-i-Jurat. Two years later Saiful Azam became the first Pakistani pilot to score against the Israeli Air Force in the 1967 Arab-Israel war. He shot down a Vatour Bomber, a super Mystere, and a Mirage IIIC, all in only two missions thus raising his tally to four kills. To-date he remains the highest shooter of Israeli aircraft.
He has been highly decorated with gallantry awards by both Jordan and Iraq for his extraordinary display of skill and courage. He retired as a Group Captain from Bangladesh Air Force. In 2001, he was honoured by the United States Air Force (USAF) and enjoys the status of being one of the twenty two ‘Living Eagles’ of the world.
If not the best then certainly one of the top ranking, those of you who argue about the inventory of Saudi AF need to take into account actual battle experience, PAF is unique in having combat experience and gaining upper hand against several airforces around the globe, India, Russia, Israel and Afghanistan the most prominent.
If not the best then certainly one of the top ranking, those of you who argue about the inventory of Saudi AF need to take into account actual battle experience, PAF is unique in having combat experience and gaining upper hand against several airforces around the globe, India, Russia, Israel and Afghanistan the most prominent.

PAF is having Good F16 Pilots and one of the best in Muslim AFs.
But, PAF has upper hand Against Russian and Israeli Air Forces ?
[ I deliberately didn't mention IAF to avoid any unending Debate ]
PAF is having Good F16 Pilots and one of the best in Muslim AFs.
But, PAF has upper hand Against Russian and Israeli Air Forces ?
[ I deliberately didn't mention IAF to avoid any unending Debate ]

Since i am planning to start a new thread on the subject, here is a little confirmation to my claim, your attention is also drawn to my topic,
"Genious Extra ordainer"

PAF is having Good F16 Pilots and one of the best in Muslim AFs.
But, PAF has upper hand Against Russian and Israeli Air Forces ?
[ I deliberately didn't mention IAF to avoid any unending Debate ]

Meaning to say that PAF has engaged a wide diversity of AFs as compared to its Muslim counterparts
Then again Muslims are suffering all over the world.

A Tamil suicide bomber blew up Rajiv Gandhi for helping Lankan government, a Sikh body guard took out Indra Gandhi for trampling the serenity of the Golden Tample.
One wonders then how the Indian Muslim or otherwise proved them self
after the destruction of Babri Mosque or Gujrat genocide. ??!!
"PAF is having Good F16 Pilots and one of the best in Muslim AFs.
But, PAF has upper hand Against Russian and Israeli Air Forces "

biggest joke of week ,your most fighters(except few) are copy's of russian jets
what upper hand PAF have ? ,making castles in air ?

hmm we are not talking about the Aircrafts dude , talking about Pilots ..

we are the only one AF to shoot down , Russian / israeli / Afghan /Indian Fighter jets.

30 of 100+ over all F/16 shoot downs are done by our BOYS..

World's most speed shooting record belongs to PAF for shooting down 5 Hunters under 60 seconds over sargodha September 7 1965.

we are the only ones to Shoot down , 5 Israeli jets in 72 hours including Mirage III without sustaining a single loss..

Its not the Machine that you fly but its the pilot who is sitting behind that cockpit.

BTW even if we make copies , then At least we do Make & Inshallah soon we will be on our own and shall you see our Castles in the Air !!:agree:

Hope it helps
whats the use of that air force which could not help the plight of muslim brothers suffering from israel aggression in middle east.
do these top muslim airforce have guts to give a fight to israel airforce ?
the ans is simply a big NO.

The Answer is Big yes .....

Be on our backs...

Lets us use all of your Combat toys , vipers etc

Support us ..

And see what lesson we would teach them:agree:

210 F-16C/D Block 30/40/50
52 F-4E 2020 Terminator
104 F-4E Phantom II
39 RF-4E Phantom II
43 F-5 2000
24 F-5A/B Freedom Fighter

04 B-737-700 AEW&C MESA (Early warning aircraft)


42 F-16A/B BLOCK 15
01 F-16C/D BLOCK 52+
55 F-7P
77 F-7PG


138 F-16C/D block 40
40 F-16C/D block 32
42 F-16A/B block 15
19 Mirage2000
32 F-4 Phantoms
60 Mirage 5

08 E-2C Hawkeye AWACS
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