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Is Kabul Regime Opening A new Front Against Pakistan?

Irfan Baloch

Apr 12, 2009
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Afghan bandits snatch more goats in Chitral
CHITRAL: Bandits from across the Afghan border continued their looting spree in the Kalash valley for the second day on Saturday and herded away about 2,500 goats from a pasture in Birir.

the repeat incidents of looting in peaceful Chitral and Kalash valley show an interesting trend which cant be dismissed as random or opportunistic .. these attacks resemble the much less reported incidents of harassing and looting of foreign tourists which were again traced back to so called "bandits from Afghanistan.

the question is.. are these bandits getting intel and logistical support from Kabul regime? the scale of their operation , intensity and frequency suggests its well organised and planned. but why and to what end?

  • Spread the defending Pakistani forces thin into Northern parts of the Pak- Afghan Border?
  • Avenge Tourkham border defeat by opening a front in an undefended area?

whether Pakistani state likes it or not.. this area needs to be defended and Afghan regime needs to be confronted before situation escalates to a situation which leads to something similar to tragic murder of foreign climbers which had a signature foreign hand due to its long term strategic implications but nothing came out since the perpetrators were locally sourced bar those who were there but remained in shroud.

Kalash community is self help, peaceful and resourceful and deserves equal protection from state of Pakistan and Afghan "bandists (Northern Alliance thugs) must be dealt with lead and steel so that they loose their appetite for our livestock and poor Kalash community.
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whether Pakistani state likes it or not.. this area needs to be defended and Afghan regime needs to be confronted before situation escalates to a situation which leads to something similar to similar tragic murder of foreign climbers which had a signature foreign hand due to its long term strategic implications but nothing came out since the perpetrators were locally sourced bar those who were there but remained in shroud.

They are giving another reason to fence this very border area on priority. We dont want any of the Nanga Partbat camp like incident anymore. With anticipated increase in influx of more tourists to these lush green areas of Pakistan, appropriate steps had to be taken where and whenever required.
northern alliance as a whole is the problem they are the ones in government and they are the ones that make up most of army and police in that country, sorry let me rephrase farsi speaking afghans are our sworn enemies with minus Hazara.

It is time that police was overtaken by the army and out of the hands of the politicians! make police stronger and army's work will be reduced by 60% and they can man the borders!
Currenly, Afghanistan is a land of bandits, thugs, thieves and murderers since the Russian invasion. The civil war has had an adverse affect on the psyche of the nation especially when there is no education.
We should fence the whole border and stop any type of movement across the durand line.
northern alliance as a whole is the problem they are the ones in government and they are the ones that make up most of army and police in that country, sorry let me rephrase farsi speaking afghans are our sworn enemies with minus Hazara.

It is time that police was overtaken by the army and out of the hands of the politicians! make police stronger and army's work will be reduced by 60% and they can man the borders!

I dont know how much interaction you have with people who herd the sheep .. its their entire livelihood and entire families depend on them for generations.. the bandits have hit at least 3 generations of these poor defenceless people by taking away over 2000 sheep yet again.
Bandits from across the Afghan border continued their looting spree in the Kalash valley for the second day on Saturday and herded away about 2,500 goats from a pasture in Birir.
We have to stop this what these chitralis people will do without these goats how they will spend their life
in KPK the problem is unemployment because no industries etc there
northern alliance as a whole is the problem they are the ones in government and they are the ones that make up most of army and police in that country, sorry let me rephrase farsi speaking afghans are our sworn enemies with minus Hazara.

It is time that police was overtaken by the army and out of the hands of the politicians! make police stronger and army's work will be reduced by 60% and they can man the borders!
CIA knew about this fact and that is why Uncle Sam brought farsi speaking into power to create a conflict between Pakistan and Afghanistan permanently. They are criminal-minded people but they lack the courage and bravery and other positive traits of Afghans (the Pashtoons). These morally deprived people can easily commit any crime, whether it is stealing, killing, drug trafficking or anything else.

Uncle Sam's long term program is destabilise Pakistan and he did succeed in that by creating TTP directly and indirectly...by bombing and killing innocent people, they created a huge pool recruits for their hired criminals, some defected Talibans and other militant organisation like LeT who were left disgruntled by Musharaf's connivance with India on the fencing of LOC.
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I dont know how much interaction you have with people who herd the sheep .. its their entire livelihood and entire families depend on them for generations.. the bandits have hit at least 3 generations of these poor defenceless people by taking away over 2000 sheep yet again.
Since it was the failure of the govt to provide them with the security especially against the foreign bandits, so govt should immediately compensate Kailasha people with sheep and animals in the same number or more. We should also appeal to any philanthropists and NGOs to help them. Kailash are one of the most peaceful communities in Pakistan.
What the hell they herded away so much live stock? Where the hell are our security forces? Dont we have any military presence in that area?
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CIA knew about this fact and that is why Uncle Sam brought farsi speaking into power to create a conflict between Pakistan and Afghanistan permanently. They are criminal-minded people but they lack the courage and bravery and other positive traits of Afghans (the Pashtoons). These morally deprived people can easily commit any crime, whether it is stealing, killing, drug trafficking or anything else.
i have quoted a VICE video many times which is narrated by US serving Marine who shows Afghan officials justifying molesting boys and imprisoning people without reason and killing killing slave boys who tried to runaway from them.. open corruption and looting. its called is this winning looks like

And the local LEA's are sleeping?

How about Chitral Scouts and Police kill a few of these "bandit queens"..
i have quoted a VICE video many times which is narrated by US serving Marine who shows Afghan officials justifying molesting boys and imprisoning people without reason and killing killing slave boys who tried to runaway from them.. open corruption and looting. its called is this winning looks like

I wonder what does an average American soldier (I guess he is not aware of the bigger scheme) thinks about all this ally thing; a professional army allying with pathological criminals who would normally find themselves on the army's wanted list.
So uncle sam is supporting these criminals and miscreants to create troubles in Pakistan.
This is one of the reasons, these people are dead against fencing the order..... need to teach some respect to these guys...
And the local LEA's are sleeping?

How about Chitral Scouts and Police kill a few of these "bandit queens"..

These are far off valleys and grazing grounds at high altitude. There isn't any significant border control here. A person with right knowledge can walk and do this before LEAs react. Answer lies in reprisal. Not that we attack or use violence. Rather inform Kabul that we will hurt economically unless livestock is returned and justice is brought to those who were involved. If they don't comply, stop fuel supplies through Torkham and throw back few thousand refugees. Keep doing it till they comply. @Irfan Baloch is right. Livestock is all that these people have got. It is a devastating blow for them. They also killed two shepherds who tried to resist the looting. Ignoring this barbarism will only encourage further attacks on this peaceful community.
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