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Is it too late to save Maldives from climate change and Islamic extremism?

I did not know that. I thought that temperatures only became this low in the provinces in India that border the Himalayas. Outside of the occasional freak temperatures a few times a year. Interesting. Is Delhi as cheap price wise as some tourists say?

@The Huskar

You should read those 2 articles. I just found them and a few seconds ago and skipped through them.

Floating islands could save the sinking Maldives - SmartPlanet

What to Do When Your Country is Drowning

Anyway from conducting just a quick research it indeed seems to me that there is no current technology that is both proven (reliable) and not too expensive. I think that this explains why the UN has largely ignored the pleas of Maldives, Barbados, Tuvulu and nearby Seychelles. All countries whose existence is threatened by the sea level rise.
For tourists yes it is but when compared with other cities within India not much. Delhi started experiencing low temperatures since past few years, things weren't that bad say 5-6 years ago. Plus we have huge problem of fog which makes it much worse.
I once read that the government of Maldives was buying land in Australia to relocate their citizens there...weird choice though seeing as how racist the people over there are.
Good boys they surely must be. :tup:
Hope they keep on practicing.

By practicing i meant,that they are proud muslims.

Now i am not sure if this is true or false,but one of them told our teacher once that if your not a muslim you cannot become the citizen of Maldive.Not sure how much true is this
I did not know that. I thought that temperatures only became this low in the provinces in India that border the Himalayas. Outside of the occasional freak temperatures a few times a year. Interesting. Is Delhi as cheap price wise as some tourists say?

@The Huskar

You should read those 2 articles. I just found them and a few seconds ago and skipped through them.

Floating islands could save the sinking Maldives - SmartPlanet

What to Do When Your Country is Drowning

Anyway from conducting just a quick research it indeed seems to me that there is no current technology that is both proven (reliable) and not too expensive. I think that this explains why the UN has largely ignored the pleas of Maldives, Barbados, Tuvulu and nearby Seychelles. All countries whose existence is threatened by the sea level rise.

Lol, the whole north India is famous for its Hot Summer and Cold Winters, Delhi is even better. Delhi is famous for its Dec and Jan winters.

I once read that the government of Maldives was buying land in Australia to relocate their citizens there...weird choice though seeing as how racist the people over there are.

I can guarantee you, there is more racism in India than in Aus.
What I find unacceptable is the complete lack of religious freedom in the Maldives.

There are so many Hindus, Buddhists and Christians who are working there but they have zero religious freedom. Christians cannot wear a cross, Buddhists cannot take a Vesak card there without it being confiscated/binned. A Sri Lankan Hindu man was deported for praying in his own room. The constitution only recognizes Muslims as citizens.

Yet Maldivians have no problem making use of Sri Lankan/Indian schools, hospitals besides having full religious freedom in these respective countries. If you detest and discriminate against the 'kafirs' so much... why do keep going to their countries?
Thanks for that explanation although I never read that newspaper so I do not know about the ground realities. My intentions were not to start a Muslim-Hindu debate.

I'm more interested in geo-politics rather than man made cults :P
What I find unacceptable is the complete lack of religious freedom in the Maldives.
There isn't much difference between them and other Muslims especially from SC. Too much religion. It goes to the extend that, their daily lives are affected. Cannot think sane and are almost like cult followers - my observation of radicalized Musalman right here in Kerala.

Don't know where this country is ,does not shows up in world map

Is it under water already

lol oh man, ill have to admit i lauged

We don't want their nonsnese here. They can opt for Saudi, Malaysia, SL or any other country they want. They are not welcome in INdia.

like anyone gives a crap about what you have to say
this part is understandable but then wat did u expect indians to do when derogatory comments are made by sme muslims ( esp. pakistanis and bangldeshis ) on hinduism ??? what u see in pdf isn't even a half close when indians are concerned , most of us have muslim freinds and hav no problem wth them(radicals and religious nut jobs excluded) ... :)
@al-Hasani I have a lot of Muslim friends and I recruit them into my team as well. All of us are Indians and we never have this crappy debates.
The issue is the extremism that cannot tolerate any thought beyond what they are used to and then start to blow up every small fault/error on what we are and that is what we don't like.
Otherwise we are waaaay off topic
I think usa /UK should accommodate at diego garcia.

No to India specially kerala please . Tvm ppl are fed up with them. @SpArK

They do not need Visa to enter India.. I have met with couple of them and they have positive view about India!!
They do not need Visa to enter India.. I have met with couple of them and they have positive view about India!!
I have read that they are purchasing vast tracts of coastal lands in Trivandrum district...
They do not need Visa to enter India.. I have met with couple of them and they have positive view about India!!

That is because Indian constitution will let them do their nonsense wannabe stuff here.

No thanks.

Been there thrice and that too due to obligations of work. Not a good set of people. They make Pakistanis and Bangladeshis look as liberal and open-minded as Brazilians.
Do not be a dumb ***, Maldives is expected to sink in 2100. By then if the Biharis have not already been brought back to Pakistan then lanat on such a Pakistan.

Btw, is there even any serious initiative from Pakistan's side in recent years to bring back the stranded Bihari Muslims of Bangladesh? They will never be brought back to Pakistan, never.
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