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Is it too late to save Maldives from climate change and Islamic extremism?

Maldives is sinking at a alarming rate. Capital Island Male is seriously congested. What they need is population dispersion and better island to island connection. Every viable space should be used if they want to remain a country for the next half decade.
where did u get a hindu reference in the article to bring us up ?? the article is neither written by a hindu nor by an indian....

this is the link to the article....

Is it too late to save the Maldives from climate change and Islamic extremism? - Asia - World - The Independent

Trust me I got no problems with non-Muslims nor Muslims. I have Muslim, Catholic and Atheist family members. It was a side comment because the thread title of the article was obviously bogus in my eyes and when I saw that it was posted in the Times of India the conclusion was easy to make. Anyway my comment is actually not far-fetched when I see some Indian comments about Islam and Muslims (I assume that most are Hindus like most Indians are).

It's politics more than anything else, Maldives is trying to get closer to China and in India it's not being viewed positively. So all kind of bogies are being raised, it's dirty but that's how things work in Politics.

Thought so. You guys and China are not best buddies. I learned it the hard way on PDF.:lol: Anyway good to see you around and I hope that you are doing well. Apparently it is getting cold in KSA (most of it at least) while most of India is warm as always. I envy you as I am sitting here in cold and windy Denmark.;)

Maldives is sinking at a alarming rate. Capital Island Male is seriously congested. What they need is population dispersion and better island to island connection. Every viable space should be used if they want to remain a country for the next half decade.

How far-fetched is it to built artificial islands? Or built dikes? Are there not any lagoons nearby? I don't know hence why I am asking. I should study about what can be done if anything.
How about getting Biharis stranded in Bangladesh back first? Anyway good for you guys if you can do it, we wouldn't like them in India but that's where a huge number of them would settle when time will come to move.

Sure throw out the 2 mil bangalis and take back the Biharis..
How about getting Biharis stranded in Bangladesh back first? Anyway good for you guys if you can do it, we wouldn't like them in India but that's where a huge number of them would settle when time will come to move.

Do not be a dumb ***, Maldives is expected to sink in 2100. By then if the Biharis have not already been brought back to Pakistan then lanat on such a Pakistan.
Trust me I got no problems with non-Muslims nor Muslims. I have Muslim, Catholic and Atheist family members. It was a side comment because the thread title of the article was obviously bogus in my eyes and when I saw that it was posted in the Times of India the conclusion was easy to make. Anyway my comment is actually not far-fetched when I see some Indian comments about Islam and Muslims (I assume that most are Hindus like most Indians are).

Thought so. You guys and China are not best buddies. I learned it the hard way on PDF.:lol: Anyway good to see you around and I hope that you are doing well. Apparently it is getting cold in KSA (most of it at least) while most of India is warm as always. I envy you as I am sitting here in cold and windy Denmark.;)

Believe me! Times of India is a piece of Crap/Shit etc. let me give you an example of it, a normal newspaper title will be " A Man was attacked by Shark" but in Times of India could report it "A Minority Man was attacked by a Shark who is a follower of Blah blah guy" . They will add religion, ethnicity , creed and what not to make it hyper sensationalisation . They have a disgusting way of reporting molestation and rapes too :-/
Trust me I got no problems with non-Muslims nor Muslims. I have Muslim, Catholic and Atheist family members. It was a side comment because the thread title of the article was obviously bogus in my eyes and when I saw that it was posted in the Times of India the conclusion was easy to make. Anyway my comment is actually not far-fetched when I see some Indian comments about Islam and Muslims (I assume that most are Hindus like most Indians are).

Thought so. You guys and China are not best buddies. I learned it the hard way on PDF.:lol: Anyway good to see you around and I hope that you are doing well. Apparently it is getting cold in KSA while most of India is warm as always. I envy you as I am sitting here in cold and windy Denmark.;)
Yeah good to see you too man, yeah winter hasn't set in yet but it won't be long before we also start cursing the cold weather. :p:

Sure throw out the 2 mil bangalis and take back the Biharis..
It's up to you if you want to throw Bangalis our or not but do bring back the stranded Pakistanis.
Do not be a dumb ***, Maldives is expected to sink in 2100. By then if the Biharis have not already been brought back to Pakistan then lanat on such a Pakistan.
easy with the name calling, I brought up the issue because they should have been the first priorities and I don't hear much about them here.
How far-fetched is it to built artificial islands? Or built dikes? Are there not any lagoons nearby? I don't know hence why I am asking. I should study about what can be done if anything.
Artificial Islands can be built but the cost of land reclamation will be very huge and uneconomical. Also Maldives is a coral island and unlike volcanic islands, there is no soil deposition on these islands. These is a boon as well as a curse. No deposition means surrounding sea levels won't rise but also no new island would be formed. Also due to rising acidification of the seas, the calcites forming the base of the islands is slowly dissolving. So we can safely assume that the seas are going up while the islands are going down.
Building a lagoon seems viable at first but we must also take into consideration that individual islands of Maldives aren't large enough nor are they so closely grouped.
One option would be to construct dykes around the island chain but then also we come to the economy factor.
Sorry to disappoint my friend but unless and until we come upon some innovative way to raise the height of these islands,I personally don't see much options available.
when I see some Indian comments about Islam and Muslims (I assume that most are Hindus like most Indians are).

this part is understandable but then wat did u expect indians to do when derogatory comments are made by sme muslims ( esp. pakistanis and bangldeshis ) on hinduism ??? what u see in pdf isn't even a half close when indians are concerned , most of us have muslim freinds and hav no problem wth them(radicals and religious nut jobs excluded) ... :)
I think usa /UK should accommodate at diego garcia.

No to India specially kerala please . Tvm ppl are fed up with them. @SpArK
@al-Hasani People of comoros are black?

They are Afro-Arabs. Meaning that many of the people have Arab ancestry. But personally I think that they have a varied ancestry. It's just that whenever a Black person gets a child with a non-Black person the Black genes are usually stronger. For instance did you know that Bob Marley's father was actually a White Englishman (soldier)? I did not know until recently and if you had asked me I would have thought that he was fully Jamaican. Actually millions of African-Americans have White ancestry not many generations back but you would hardly guess that just by appearance.
Now imagine if only 1000 or 2000 Arabs settled on Comoros centuries ago. Of course by now most would not have an Arab appearance.

Yet that is not always the case.

That's Ahmed Abdullah Muhammad Sambi. The previous Prime Minister of Comoros.

Ahmed Abdallah Mohamed Sambi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read about his ancestry. It's Hadhrami Arab.

Believe me! Times of India is a piece of Crap/Shit etc. let me give you an example of it, a normal newspaper title will be " A Man was attacked by Shark" but in Times of India could report it "A Minority Man was attacked by a Shark who is a follower of Blah blah guy" . They will add religion, ethnicity , creed and what not to make it hyper sensationalisation . They have a disgusting way of reporting molestation and rapes too :-/

Thanks for that explanation although I never read that newspaper so I do not know about the ground realities. My intentions were not to start a Muslim-Hindu debate.
Yeah good to see you too man, yeah winter hasn't set in yet but it won't be long before we also start cursing the cold weather. :p:

Mate, am I wrong or did you not live in Gujarat or a province not far away? From what I can see you guys practically do not have any winter or any temperatures below zero. At least this happens in KSA every winter.:)

this part is understandable but then wat did u expect indians to do when derogatory comments are made by sme muslims ( esp. pakistanis and bangldeshis ) on hinduism ??? what u see in pdf isn't even a half close when indians are concerned , most of us have muslim freinds and hav no problem wth them(radicals and religious nut jobs excluded) ... :)

Good to know. PDF brings the worst in all of us. I believe what you say otherwise there would not be almost 200 million Muslim in India. Despite sporadic unrest between Muslims and Hindus.

Artificial Islands can be built but the cost of land reclamation will be very huge and uneconomical. Also Maldives is a coral island and unlike volcanic islands, there is no soil deposition on these islands. These is a boon as well as a curse. No deposition means surrounding sea levels won't rise but also no new island would be formed. Also due to rising acidification of the seas, the calcites forming the base of the islands is slowly dissolving. So we can safely assume that the seas are going up while the islands are going down.
Building a lagoon seems viable at first but we must also take into consideration that individual islands of Maldives aren't large enough nor are they so closely grouped.
One option would be to construct dykes around the island chain but then also we come to the economy factor.
Sorry to disappoint my friend but unless and until we come upon some innovative way to raise the height of these islands,I personally don't see much options available.

Thanks for that explanation. I agree as I forgot that Maldives is made up by coral islands. That indeed makes it difficult.

Yes that's the problem with a lagoon but at first sight I thought that building a lagoon would be the best option. It would be very expensive and a huge project because the Maldives are a quite extensive archipelago.

So I was not that far-fetched. Dikes and lagoons seem to be the only options but they all raise very difficult challenges and the financial support can only come from the outside and is the political will there for such a project? I am not so sure.

Well, it would be a catastrophe.
Mate, am I wrong or did you not live in Gujarat or a province not far way? From what I can see you guys practically do not have any winter or any temperatures below zero. At least this happens in KSA every winter.:)
Nah I live near Delhi far up north, temps. dip to almost close to zero. But still not as bad as the pics you shared in last winter from KSA.
Nah I live near Delhi far up north, temps. dip to almost close to zero. But still not as bad as the pics you shared in last winter from KSA.

I did not know that. I thought that temperatures only became this low in the provinces in India that border the Himalayas. Outside of the occasional freak temperatures a few times a year. Interesting. Is Delhi as cheap price wise as some tourists say?

@The Huskar

You should read those 2 articles. I just found them and a few seconds ago and skipped through them.

Floating islands could save the sinking Maldives - SmartPlanet

What to Do When Your Country is Drowning

Anyway from conducting just a quick research it indeed seems to me that there is no current technology that is both proven (reliable) and not too expensive. I think that this explains why the UN has largely ignored the pleas of Maldives, Barbados, Tuvulu and nearby Seychelles. All countries whose existence is threatened by the sea level rise.
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