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Is it too late to save Maldives from climate change and Islamic extremism?

Btw, is there even any serious initiative from Pakistan's side in recent years to bring back the stranded Bihari Muslims of Bangladesh? They will never be brought back to Pakistan, never.

I think Musharaff brought a few back in 2006 or 7 but then Pakistan became involved in fighting TTP so everything else was put on the back burner. Anyway they will be brought back eventually but it depends on if they will still even want to come back by then.

Mostly they would choose sri lanka or india.

Sri Lankan and Indians do not like Muslims so they would not open the door for them. Most will probably end up in the West but I see a lot of Muslim countries opening the door if they lose their country.

Which Islamic extremism? Have there been any unfortunate accidents in Maldives? No. Are tourists still arriving? Yes. Have Maldives been Muslims for centuries since the time Arab merchants peacefully converted the locals (some also mixed with the locals) due to trade ties? Yes.

It's now so fashionable to talk about Islamic extremism nowadays and to single out the average Muslim Ahmed, Ali, Muhammad or Ibrahim.

Do Hindus equal practicing Muslims as extremists? Has the average Hindu studied Islam? Or is he just drawing conclusions from forums and what a microscopic percentage of Muslims are doing (read ISIS and similar groups)? It appears to be the case if PDF is the measurement.

Are climate changes dangerous for Maldives? Indeed and something must be done to stop it and prevent Maldives and other vulnerable countries from disappearing from the map.

All the best to Maldives. It reminds me of the Southernmost Arab country (Comoros). I would like to visit.

You still have not gotten that Hindus are obsessed than you will never get it, just leave them be.

this part is understandable but then wat did u expect indians to do when derogatory comments are made by sme muslims ( esp. pakistanis and bangldeshis ) on hinduism ??? what u see in pdf isn't even a half close when indians are concerned , most of us have muslim freinds and hav no problem wth them(radicals and religious nut jobs excluded) ... :)

Forever the cry babies only Hindutvas start nonsense on pdf and then you guys say Muslims are bashing Hinduism. Mind you endians open a thread every other day to bash Muslims while I opened one in retaliation in my nearly 3 years here that lasted 10 minutes that made a bunch of Hindus cry.
I think Musharaff brought a few back in 2006 or 7 but then Pakistan became involved in fighting TTP so everything else was put on the back burner. Anyway they will be brought back eventually but it depends on if they will still even want to come back by then.

Definitely they would, their loyalty lies with Pakistan. Irony of the fate is that because of their loyalty with Pakistan most of them are living in Bangladesh like state-less people in ghetos, forever waiting to be taken back to their country Pakistan, I would say they were betrayed by Pakistan, and I think today Pakistanis don't even want them back, just open a poll to find out.
Well you can't continue to live on Tiny Island and eat cocunut and live in Paradise , its about time you move to real world and live in smog and pollution
Definitely they would, their loyalty lies with Pakistan. Irony of the fate is that because of their loyalty with Pakistan most of them are living in Bangladesh like state-less people in ghetos, forever waiting to be taken back to their country Pakistan, I would say they were betrayed by Pakistan, and I think today Pakistanis don't even want them back, just open a poll to find out.

You are thinking too much.
I think Musharaff brought a few back in 2006 or 7 but then Pakistan became involved in fighting TTP so everything else was put on the back burner. Anyway they will be brought back eventually but it depends on if they will still even want to come back by then.

Sri Lankan and Indians do not like Muslims so they would not open the door for them. Most will probably end up in the West but I see a lot of Muslim countries opening the door if they lose their country.

You still have not gotten that Hindus are obsessed than you will never get it, just leave them be.

Forever the cry babies only Hindutvas start nonsense on pdf and then you guys say Muslims are bashing Hinduism. Mind you endians open a thread every other day to bash Muslims while I opened one in retaliation in my nearly 3 years here that lasted 10 minutes that made a bunch of Hindus cry.

If you haven't been to Maldives then don't talk through your wrong end.

It is not about Hindus or any other community. The younger generation in Maldives i.e. those in young workforce and younger are highly radical in their thoughts. In fact, they make you lot look pretty open minded and rational. It is not written on anyone's face what religion they belong to; but generally Maldivians have a very aggressive and biased demeanor most of them.

BTW if you didn't know, tourists barely interact with local residents there. Why? Because the fancy resorts meant for tourists are secluded from rest of the population.

Maldives was a very friendly and liberal country back in 90s. Then in this decade there has been a sea of change there. Literally.
Sri Lankan and Indians do not like Muslims so they would not open the door for them. Most will probably end up in the West but I see a lot of Muslim countries opening the door if they lose their country.

Sorry you're massively misinformed there.. Not sure about India.. But Sri Lanka is the 2nd home to most Maldivians.. There are thousands residing in Sri Lanka.. Most Maldivians attend Sri Lankan high schools.. Almost all their leaders are graduated from Sri Lankan schools and universities from Gayoom to Nasheed and most others.. Check their profiles.. Their political dissenters use SL as safe heaven.. For years the Maldivian opposition operated out of Colombo.. They are almost completely depended on Sri Lanka for food and other amenities because apart from fisheries they produce next to nothing.. Thier police forces and militeries are trained in Sri Lanka and are given equal status to Lankan citizenry.. Lots of Maldivians are intermarried to Sri Lankans and their Language Divehi is so similar to Sinhalese that most consider it a dialect of Sinhalese.. Lots of them have invested in property in SL

I do agree with @Tshering22 .. Maldivian law is a strict form of Sunni Islamic.. And non Sunni Muslim's and people from other denominations and religions are given no freedom there.. But ironically you see the same Maldivians in Colombo and suburbs openly flouting those strict Islamic rules in thier country openly consuming alcohol and other narcotics..
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If you haven't been to Maldives then don't talk through your wrong end.

It is not about Hindus or any other community. The younger generation in Maldives i.e. those in young workforce and younger are highly radical in their thoughts. In fact, they make you lot look pretty open minded and rational. It is not written on anyone's face what religion they belong to; but generally Maldivians have a very aggressive and biased demeanor most of them.

BTW if you didn't know, tourists barely interact with local residents there. Why? Because the fancy resorts meant for tourists are secluded from rest of the population.

Maldives was a very friendly and liberal country back in 90s. Then in this decade there has been a sea of change there. Literally.

All the more reason why India won't be opening the door for them, yes?

Sorry you're massively misinformed there.. Not sure about India.. But Sri Lanka is the 2nd home to most Maldivians.. There are thousands residing in Sri Lanka.. Most Maldivians attend Sri Lankan high schools.. Almost all their leaders are graduated from Sri Lankan schools and universities from Gayoom to Nasheed and most others.. Check their profiles.. Their political dissenters use SL as safe heaven.. For years the Maldivian opposition operated out of Colombo.. They are almost completely depended on Sri Lanka for food and other amenities because apart from fisheries they produce next to nothing.. Thier police forces and militeries are trained in Sri Lanka and are given equal status to Lankan citizenry.. Lots of Maldivians are intermarried to Sri Lankans and their Language Divehi is so similar to Sinhalese that most consider it a dialect of Sinhalese.. Lots of them have invested in property in SL

I do agree with @Tshering22 .. Maldivian law is a strict form of Sunni Islamic.. And non Sunni Muslim's and people from other denominations and religions are given no freedom there.. But ironically you see the same Maldivians in Colombo and suburbs openly flouting those strict Islamic rules in thier country openly consuming alcohol and other narcotics..

So you think SL would be their destination should things go south, and I am aware of their hard right leaning hence why I figure SL and India would not open the door for them. Not to mention with SL Buddhist and Muslim problems that have come up lately and Indians natural inclination to dislike Muslims.
All the more reason why India won't be opening the door for them, yes?

So you think SL would be their destination should things go south, and I am aware of their hard right leaning hence why I figure SL and India would not open the door for them. Not to mention with SL Buddhist and Muslim problems that have come up lately and Indians natural inclination to dislike Muslims.

All i'm saying is your insinuation that they wont be welcomed in Sri Lanka is misplaced because they are already there and have been for decades without any issues
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