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Is it time for Pakistan to seriously start considering an ICBM ?

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If the satanic aid stops it will be a blessing in disguise. Just get rid of the trillion dollar corruption and your economy will be in good condition. Pakistan faces existential threat from its so-called ally.

I agree with this part of your post...
Pakistan should build its economy. after 20 to 25 years it would be wise to think about ICBM when Pakistan will have enough economic power to face sanctions.
Well, that's not part of Pakistan's agenda. When they are being doled out billions of dollars free right since 1947 by America, why should they ever learn to stand on their own feet? That's too much of a hassle. It's far easier to sit back, allow the dollars to pour in, spend most of it on their military to buy weapons to be used against India and on homegrown terrorists like the LeT, JeM etc. Eradication of poverty and so on be damned. Their whole existence focuses on only one thing - India!

As things stand at present, it looks like even after a hundred years Pakistan will continue to depend on foreign doles especially America (whom they despise in spite of being propped up by them). If America stops its aid, I shudder to think of the consequences!
Poilticians?...yes,they can be influenced easily.

Military?...can be,but with difficulty.

Strategic weapons planners?...no way!

Who are the bosses here? Not much depend on the strategic weapons planners.
Who are the bosses here? Not much depend on the strategic weapons planners.

The best they can do is hold back the funds...which they are doing.

But still,against India the development is going on ( though slower than during Musharraf's era)...as displayed by Nasr and frequent testings of Babur and Ra'ad...
I agree with this part of your post...

Pakistan needs ICBMs and there's no but about it. All this cry about the poor condition of the economy is misplaced, having ICBMs won't do anything to the economy the corruption has not done. The cause of Pakistan's economic misery has always been corruption and having ICBMs
cannot possibly add anything to this factor.

Pakistan needs ICBMs and there's no but about it. All this cry about the poor condition of the economy is misplaced, having ICBMs won't do anything to the economy the corruption has not done. The cause of Pakistan's economic misery has always been corruption and having ICBMs
cannot possibly add anything to this factor.

Whatever makes you happy...:cheers:
This is not the right time for ICBM, half of the world is already shouting on us and adding the ICBM will prove even more painful for many including the eastern neighbor. We have the tech and will test it when we feel the need of it. No need to hurry things up and anger the world even further.
It is not time for Pakistan to go ICBM, We are not in under attack or any situation like this, our opponent surly knows that we do posses this technology so there is no reason for this, well if economy is good and we are getting a lot of Business just like 2006-2008 especially we could easily go by going to space that will make Pakistan indirectly an ICBM holder, now we will use it as launching satellites in space for Pakistani companies and many other countries and actually get paid for this, Now reason i said we shouldn't is because it will not solve any problem but create them, I mean entire world knows that Pakistan has nukes but what good will a hydrogen bomb test will give Pakistan? answer is nothing! same goes for ICBM, and if Pakistan is truly under real threat trust me the people who are sitting in GHQ will not delay a second but go ICBM which will put off pressure from Pakistan to our far far away opponent! Inshah Allah that day will not come, Play smart and make money and help your fellow men, When if it comes to war, GHQ will take good steps so leave that for them!
take out a significant population of the adversary (Specially, the well educated population which will take decades to reproduce).[/QUOTE]

Good idea:yahoo: Indian cannot do the same to you coz it is very difficult to find well educated population in your country:bunny:

Pakistan needs ICBMs and there's no but about it. All this cry about the poor condition of the economy is misplaced, having ICBMs won't do anything to the economy
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the cost of a modest ICBM program like the Minuteman would be in the range of $20 - 25 Billion! That's equal to more than Rs 100,000 crores!! This needless to say includes all development costs including infrastructure, design, development, training, storage, deployment and so on for a viable number of ICBMs!

As I mentioned earlier, its easier for Pakistan to buy Chinese ICBMs off the shelf. The MTCR can be easily bypassed as it's not worth the paper it's written on!!

Now would you say that developing an indigenous ICBM program won't do anything to the economy? It would go bust! Period! :whistle:
Well Surya 1, is that a myth? Although Agni 5 can strike US , Delhi to Washington is 7000Km approx.

Delhi to Washington is approx 12000km if I am not wrong
Delhi to Washington is approx 12000km if I am not wrong

just came into mind the dream liner , where it stated it can fly from US to India non stop , and it can fly 6000-7000Km only without re fueling.. Well Iam wrong I guess.
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