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Is Iran a threat to world peace? Nyeth, it’s Israel, stupid

Iran has the largest population of jews even more than Israel :)
Isreal has to deal with jewish people in Isreal who have converted ( or reinverted )to Islam in thier country LOL

After revolution there are two populations that left a lot our country (i mean religious speaking):
armenians, strangely scared of the future and the war
jews for two reasons: even if Khomeiny said a fatwa to protect them they were not sure about their future and mostly the left because the Israeli agencies like worldwide asking them to come back (with some financial help): we had much more Jews in the past

still we have the most important communauty in the region. and we are proud of it :)
Wow was it good?
the brain washing you got
Israel never said that Iran should be off the map as said the crazy
ruler of Iran about Israel...........

Go read some history...... 6 arab states attacked Israel in 1948 and brought
th NAQBA on the Palestinian people

Israel does not have border with six Arab states, so how could six of them attack israel in 1948? The fact is three Arab states attacked israel because they thought they could expel the European invaders who were brought in by the British, but that does not give israel the right to threaten the entire region with nukes! Iran was also attacked by Iraq and she is constantly being threatened by the US and israel, so if israel can have nukes because it was attacked by its neighbours why can't Iran?
while Iran is better suited by a less confrontational and less self-isolating administration, to think that Iran represents a threat to the world is ridiculous

i can't even remember the last time Iran started a war
The actions of Zionist mafia are so pathetic that the moral majority have refused to take their words seriously. It is so ridiculous that when these Zionists are not killing youth and children in Gazzah or Lebanon - they cry for world’s sympathy for them against so-called “Iranian threat to Jewish people”. Now, anyone with even a low IQ can think that if that is true - Why don’t Iranian start killing the 25,000 Jews living inside Iran? I mean Zionists have been killing Jews, Muslims and Christians inside occupied Palestine for the last 60 years.

One doesn’t need a PhD to learn that Iran has neither attacked its neighbours, nor occupied a foreign land in the last 100 years. Contrary to that Zionist Jews, not only, have occupied a foreign land but also have attacked all its neighbours - Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon during the last sixty years.

A survey conducted by European Commission among 7500 EU citizens - 500 from each of 15 members of European Union, who were asked the question: “Tell me if in your opinion it present or not a threat to world peace,” - 59% of the people who participated in survey picked Israel as the greatest threat to world peace - Peter Beaumont, Guardian, November 2, 2003.

Zionists, without any shame, have been projecting the same lies as they did prior to American invasion of Iraq for Israel and oil. Then they lied about Saddam......

Read the rest here

Love it. Write your own article and than ask people to debate over your bull ****.
Love it. Write your own article and than ask people to debate over your bull ****.

Well, most people see the crap coming out of you as crap and that's a good development, don't you think so?
Give me a few reasons as why Iran be considered a threat to the world in general and Middle in particular
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