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Is Indo-Pak friendship possible?



New Recruit

Aug 14, 2006
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Salam everyone,
Well I know this would be the most stupid topic to be discussed at this time, when both countries are at the brink of war between them. But it is important to discuss because this is the only other solution to indo-pak problem other than war and I hope most would agree, war is not a suitable solution. I have been living in dubai and now currently studying in Canada. I have made alot of indian friends and i dont find them having some wrong views about pakistanis. So the question arises, who is responsible for making us fight. Well my view is, there is no doubt we have been enemies of each other for decades but that really doesnt mean we have to keep fighting forever. If Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) can make peace deal (treaty of hudaibiyah) with the non-muslims of Makkah so why cant we have some peace with the indians. It will be in the interest of both pakistan and india because no matter to which part of the world you go, you would definately find indians and pakistanis achieving great successes. So which is the biggest obstacle that prohibits us from getting each other friends. To me their are several reasons.
1) Environment: there is no doubt, in both pakistan and india, we have been told about this rivalry from our birth. Even i use to consider indians a nation which reserve no right to exist.
2) Media: simple eg would be the rescent act of indian media. That designed propaganda of indian media would be more than enough to convert any neutral indian into an anti-pakistani.
3)Third umpire: Definately Americans play a vital role. They would never let this from happening, simply because they know the outcome of it.
4) Leadership: unfortunately both indian and pakistanis have been deprived of leaderhsip with some vision. To me Musharraf was one guy who really wanted to move in this line, but unfortunately i have to say there was no equal response from the indian side.
Finally i would like to say again, though it looks weird talking about friendship with the indians. But in my view, although this frindship looks almost improbable to me from happening but incase if it happens there is no doubt we would be the asian giant who could tackle any power in the world.
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I want ind-pak relations to improve...
here is my comments on point 3 and 4
3) Do u think US wants to help India pak? US is responsible for all these...they are the major prob creator..The moment PAK kicks US out of their border everything will be alright

4) Mushrraf is the one who called for kargil war after indian prime minister Vajpayee started the talks. Mushrraf doesnt deserve any peace initiation as he supported taliban and terrors a lot.
The moment PAK kicks US out of their border everything will be alright
Definately i would love to see that happening and infact every pakistani wants to see a non-us region. But important to mention that we have a US puppet government. Sadly, even india planning to send it troops to afghanistan. So shall we also kick them out.
India to send troops to Afghanistan for safety of its nationals
4) Mushrraf is the one who called for kargil war after indian prime minister Vajpayee started the talks. Mushrraf doesnt deserve any peace initiation as he supported taliban and terrors a lot.

Well i am not sure who started or who really ended. But if we keep looking into past, there are so many tales that u wont have time for frindship.
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Even india planning to send it troops to afghanistan. So shall we also kick them out. India to send troops to Afghanistan for safety of its nationals[/url]

I dont think india EVER thought of joining afghan fight. US simply try to pull INDIA into war keeping Indias big army strength in mind. It didnt work out.
Here is one report. Do u have any other trustable news that India would join the war???

Pakistan should keep US out of their border. Should stop droones.

India not invited to send troops to Afghanistan: US commander
No one can kick out the US militarily...the only thing that can kick the US out is the American people. :)

Hmm well the percentage of area under the US/NATO control and the percentage under the taliban rule, suggests something else. Sooner or latter the US economy will not be able to sustain this prolonged war in afghanistan, the desperation shown by the generals on that side of the border is pretty evident.
Mods please merge threads...
Theere was an old one with similar name...
na ji toba kero:lol:

as long as there's a blame game going on at both ends..like They have got to understand, everything that goes around comes around as well..Otherwise nothing's impossible If only tried.
yes we can be friends .if euro Nations become friends after ww1 and ww2 so why not we.hope soon we are good neighbors its interest of both.

Sure we can be friends when we quit our nuclear programe, accept IOK as a part of India, show a middle finger to China and accept India as a power. Not otherwise. Stop living in a state of denial and accept reality. Ever read the Holy Quran, if you did let me know what does it says about two types of people, the kufirs and the jews?
Well to be realistic friendship is a far fetched idea and also a very subjective term!
However coexisting peacefully is very much a possibility and should be worked upon. For this India also has to give Pakistan its place as a very important neighbor and stop treating Pakistan as a miscreant little street urchin.
We wanted to live in a separate country and that is why Pakistan was created so instead of always trying to find common culture (which many confused people in both countries cry about) we should understand that yes we had differences and hence the three countries (Bangladesh); however that does not mean we slit each others throats every moment we get.

There can be respect even amongst enemies (like in the crusades Salahuddin treated Richard with respect despite the animosity).
Respect cannot be created overnight in the hearts of the people but all the governments need to start respecting each other and if sincerity is there in the long run the people will start tolerating each others presence and the entire region shall do a lot better.
Ever read the Holy Quran, if you did let me know what does it says about two types of people, the kufirs and the jews?

Sorry, but we cant neglect the third largest muslim population in the world which resides in india. As far as Quran concern is there, even China is a non-muslim state, so according to you we should stand up against them. World has changed with time and this is the time of alliances. The enemies of WW11 are living like brothers for their economy.
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Again the Mumbay False Flag incident has shown that Indo-Pak Friendship isn't possible and I don't want this pseudo relationship. We should recognize India as that what it shows: Our enemy and there won't be peace unless India doesn't accept Pakistan
Sorry, but we cant neglect the third largest muslim population in the world which resides in india. As far as ur Quran concern is there, even China is a non-muslim state, so according to you we should stand up against them. World has changed with time and this is the time of alliances. The enemies of WW11 are living like brothers for their economy.

OK first of all with what you have written has nothing to do with my post which suggests that you were rather in a hurry to reply then to understand what i have written.
Also i would also like you to have some manners when relating something to Quran, its not my Quran, its something which belongs to every muslim. Moreover i'll suggest you read All-Green post. He has summarised it perfectly.
No one can kick out the US militarily...the only thing that can kick the US out is the American people. :)

well afghan mujahedeens are already kicking your ***
75% of afganistan is in thier control
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