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Is India the home of World's 2nd largest Muslim population?

Yes, we need to partition India, so that Indian muslims and hindu's have their own nation seperate land from each other

Pakistan and Bangladesh were created for that purpose, Sonny jim. Enjoy your pure lands. They're about to get a lot more 'pure'.

Just stop talking online fascist
By comments like these you are offending millions of proud Indian Muslims who have served the nation, may it be in the military, civilian services, economy, politics etc etc.... Abdul Kalam (father of India`s missile arsenal), M.H. Premj (Lead figure in one of India`s biggest MNCs) are just two of them who have done more for the nation than you will do in your entire life by writing BS on PDF Mr. Keyboardwarrior.

The muslims who are proud to be Indians are worth a lot more than seditious, sickular namesake 'Hindus'. But for the rotten eggs who do hate India, Hindus have no place to go. Muslims however have two countries in the subcontinent created for that purpose where they can spew their venom day in day out to their heart's content.
Pakistan and Bangladesh were created for that purpose, Sonny jim. Enjoy your pure lands. They're about to get a lot more 'pure'.

The muslims who are proud to be Indians are worth a lot more than seditious, sickular namesake 'Hindus'. But for the rotten eggs who do hate India, Hindus have no place to go. Muslims however have two countries in the subcontinent created for that purpose where they can spew their venom day in day out to their heart's content.

I dont care about other countries, but India is no theocratic state.... your dont understand this country. Read our constitution
I dont care about other countries, but India is no theocratic state.... your dont understand this country. Read our constitution

You don't understand the wisdom of Hazrat muhammad ali jinnah (peace be upon him). He did not wish to create a theocratic state either. Just a state where muslims would be in an extreme majority. Nothing to do with religious rule, just a demographic outcome. All I suggest is that we take this beautiful and wonderful 2-nation theory to its logical conclusion, as it applies across the world for all times and places, no? I would even go begging on the street to gather money to give to muslim families which want to migrate, so they can make a safe train ride to either edge of subcontinent. We will create aman lashkars to ensure no muslim is killed in the process. Not even one. Afterall we are not as barbaric as skeleton looking Jinn-ah or his chamchas.
Pakistan and Bangladesh were created for that purpose, Sonny jim. Enjoy your pure lands. They're about to get a lot more 'pure'.

The muslims who are proud to be Indians are worth a lot more than seditious, sickular namesake 'Hindus'. But for the rotten eggs who do hate India, Hindus have no place to go. Muslims however have two countries in the subcontinent created for that purpose where they can spew their venom day in day out to their heart's content.

That partition was for the subcontinent which was one land at that time,,

Pakistan dosent have anything to do with India's current situation,

So if Indian Hindu's & Indian Muslims cant live side by side then divide your country so you indians have a country each.

Neither Pakistan, nor Bangladesh nor any other country has anything to do with your internaal situation
You don't understand the wisdom of Hazrat muhammad ali jinnah (peace be upon him). He did not wish to create a theocratic state either. Just a state where muslims would be in an extreme majority. Nothing to do with religious rule, just a demographic outcome. All I suggest is that we take this beautiful and wonderful 2-nation theory to its logical conclusion, as it applies across the world for all times and places, no? I would even go begging on the street to gather money to give to muslim families which want to migrate, so they can make a safe train ride to either edge of subcontinent. We will create aman lashkars to ensure no muslim is killed in the process. Not even one. Afterall we are not as barbaric as skeleton looking Jinn-ah or his chamchas.

And you dont understand our nationmakers, the people who wrote our constitution... India was envisaged to be a place for all religions, its a democracy, maybe Pakistan was founded on an other basis, but thats not our problem.
That partition was for the subcontinent which was one land at that time,,

Pakistan dosent have anything to do with India's current situation,

So if Indian Hindu's & Indian Muslims cant live side by side then divide your country so you indians have a country each.

Neither Pakistan, nor Bangladesh nor any other country has anything to do with your internaal situation

Quite hypocritical to say the least. Thought qaumiyyah is haraam in Islam. You are differentiating South Asian muslims on the basis of Radcliffe line drawn by Angrezi kafir. So if an Indian muslim comes begging on your door, you will say 'too bad, ummah doesn't apply to you, this law was drawn by our nabis Sir Cyril Radcliffe and Hazrat Muhammad Ali Jinnah al-Agha Khanni wal-Pork&WineLover (peace be upon him)'

Oh well, there is a plan 'B' in the final solution.
and Dr. P.J. Kalam ??? !!!

ha ha ha ha than what about the Tri Morti on your quins ??? represents which Secularism ???
That partition was for the subcontinent which was one land at that time,,

Pakistan dosent have anything to do with India's current situation,

So if Indian Hindu's & Indian Muslims cant live side by side then divide your country so you indians have a country each.

Neither Pakistan, nor Bangladesh nor any other country has anything to do with your internaal situation
Waah Bhai Waah!Once we already divided India for that purpose,and you are demanding it again for no reason?No thanks.Come what may no more divisions.
Tipu Sultan was genocider of Hindus !!!

Than Narindra Moudi A Big Genocider of Indian Muslim
Candidate for Secular India P.M. Ship ??
A Big Joke in the name of secularism !!!
What muslim Genocide?Is rioting genocide?What about the genocide of hindus done by muslims historically(estimates ranging from 80 to 100 million)?Genuine genocides?Your view in that?
MODI Genocider?
Modi is but a target of Congress propaganda and filthy biased Indian media that rarely talks of atrocities done by congress(like 1984 riots)(trillions of rupees worth of scams)or done in time of Congress rule(like Nellie).Please look at this analytically and please don't start bashing me cause I ain't Hindu or pro BJP as it is just like congress.I only appreciate the work and development done by Modi in Gujarat which was one of the most backward states which we have to give credit to Modi as it is now one of the highly developed and thriving states(I have visited it).Now please read.First of all Modi's political career had just started and he had been Chief Minister for a little more than two months.When we start a new work it takes us many months even years to understand it completely.That is simple logic.Now please tell me why would a man who had just become CM perpetrate riots that too against Muslims that too done by supposedly Hindus (Please know that Indian media is trigger happy about portraying Indian/Hindu Nationalism as evil as possible while it is seriously unwilling to take on Islamic fanaticism/terrorism).Why would he hit his leg with a axe?Surely it is someone else's work to defame him.Now to the riots.First of all please know that the riots were carried out in the name of retaliation.Retaliation against the cruel burning of 60 Hindu passengers of a train.Hindus aren't insects.Some retaliation had to happen.That it happened against muslims and that too muslims who were certainly not involved in the godhra incident is wrong.When riots started Gujarat police was not up to the mark to handle such a riot.Modi at day one asked neighbouring states to provide police support but they did not(they were all run by congress at the time).When additional force could not be summoned he called Defence Ministry to provide army support.But this was almost impossible as almost entire army was deployed at the border with Pakistan at that time.Desperate to stop the riots Modi gave orders to police to shoot anyone after curfew was implemented.After this more than 150-200 Hindus who were taking part in the Riots were shot dead.Seeing an oppurtunity to defame a candidate who was up to the mark of developing the country(which congress never wants.All it wants is power and money,to keep us hungry and beggars,it has been exposed,trillions of worth Indian money has been robbed by these pseudo secularists).Congress unleashed propaganda and Media against Modi.Why is the media still crying about 2002?Why not about the plight of the Kashmiri pundits?Nellie?1984 Riots?And many more?Simple,these do not form solid votebank for congress...while 2002 was an ample opportunity for the congress to crush the only candidate/party that could stand up to it,and to appease innocent muslims to get votes of muslims who do not understand the propaganda of Congress.
Modi is no Hitler...the only one who can stand up to Hitler in some form in India is Rajiv Gandhi the pseudo secularist who perpetrated genocidal riots against innocent Sikhs who were most certainly not with the Khalistan Movement.No one else comes close.Look at the riots that have taken place in Congress rule.Recently Muzzafarnagar took place under Congress ally Samajwadi...(under whom about 200 riots have taken place in just so less time since they came to power...while in Gujarat not a single riot has taken place after 2002)but does the slave media or Congress call them communal or Hitlers?Bloody hypocrites.Serving nobody in India just sucking our blood like leeches.I will never vote them.
They are sons of the soil. We cannot name weapons after them. We are not naming after Nehru, Gandhi, too. If you know its Kalam sir who named Weapon names for India.
yeah, most definately you cann't.....i mean will it sound good if you say NEHRU TOOP or GANDHI JET FIGHTER or AK47 as Indra gandhi 47 ...world will not accept it...speacially GANDHI JET FIGHTER.....but you can call it "Peacefull Gandhi Jet Fighter":rofl:
yeah, most definately you cann't.....i mean will it sound good if you say NEHRU TOOP or GANDHI JET FIGHTER or AK47 as Indra gandhi 47 ...world will not accept it...speacially GANDHI JET FIGHTER.....but you can call it "Peacefull Gandhi Jet Fighter":rofl:

Lol. You think urself as hilarious and people reading ur post will start laugh riots? Its one of the most lamest jokes or tried one in this forum. Yu need sharpening skills buddy.
your justification is not answering my question ?

How else am I going to answer your question. Names from recent history are not used. Irrelevant of their caste/creed/religion.

They are honoured in certain other manners. India has named its roads/areas/cities/educational institutes/policies/hospitals/etc on the name of freedom fighters and other leaders. Like Maulana Azad national institute of technology. Mahatma Gandhi road. Many things like this. But if you mean civilian/military awards/names of military assets etc, none of them belong to recent history, and none of them have anything to do with religion.

ha ha ha ha than what about the Tri Morti on your quins ??? represents which Secularism ???

You mean that symbol of lion? It has nothing to do with religion. It is taken from a pillar - Ashoka pillar. The same place where the wheel in India's flage come from.

Pillars of Ashoka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Yes, we need to partition India, so that Indian muslims and hindu's have their own nation seperate land from each other

That's the whole point of Pakistan.

You want more of your types? We don't mind sending them packing.


and Dr. P.J. Kalam ??? !!!

He's the swankiest, coolest president we have till date. Wish he takes some senior position in national defence again.

ha ha ha ha than what about the Tri Morti on your quins ??? represents which Secularism ???

I think you are talking about the Sarnath Lion emblem.

It was the imperial emblem of emperor Ashoka. The Dharmachakra (your so-called wheel) is the wheel of life that represents the never-ending cycle of birth and death.

Yeah. It is a part of Buddhist and Hindu culture and India is a Dharmic country and proud to be so.

Those who want a sekoolar country, can get lost to the super sekoolar Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

We don't want such losers in our nation, if you cannot respect the culture and faith of our land.

Those who think like you will be soon thrown out of the country.
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Quite hypocritical to say the least. Thought qaumiyyah is haraam in Islam. You are differentiating South Asian muslims on the basis of Radcliffe line drawn by Angrezi kafir. So if an Indian muslim comes begging on your door, you will say 'too bad, ummah doesn't apply to you, this law was drawn by our nabis Sir Cyril Radcliffe and Hazrat Muhammad Ali Jinnah al-Agha Khanni wal-Pork&WineLover (peace be upon him)'

Oh well, there is a plan 'B' in the final solution.

Hey tough crap,,,

Pakistan is an independent state, as is Bangladesh

Indian muslims have India, they own land in india, they own homes in india, they are born in india and they die in india, if their is a problem in india between its citizens that indian muslims and indian hindu's cant live together then divide the country between yourselves, Indian muslims as living breathing, tax paying citizens of india have as much right to india and its land as anyone else

If you cant live together then partition India,

This is your problem, whatever happened in the past has happened, Modern Pakistan/Bangladesh is responsible for its own citizens, as muslims we can of course help indian muslims in their dream of a independent home land

But as Indians their new home land should be made in India
Hey tough crap,,,

Pakistan is an independent state, as is Bangladesh

Indian muslims have India, they own land in india, they own homes in india, they are born in india and they die in india, if their is a problem in india between its citizens that indian muslims and indian hindu's cant live together then divide the country between yourselves, Indian muslims as living breathing, tax paying citizens of india have as much right to india and its land as anyone else

If you cant live together then partition India,

This is your problem, whatever happened in the past has happened, Modern Pakistan/Bangladesh is responsible for its own citizens, as muslims we can of course help indian muslims in their dream of a independent home land

But as Indians their new home land should be made in India

As I said, there is always a plan 'B'. Thanks for your crocodile tears though.

I'd once read that when Punjabi Mirpuri inbreds such as yourself used to tell East Pakistanis that they would make "fair", "better" muslims of the Bengalis by raping their women, little did they know that Bangladeshis were much better muslims than they were. It seems that is still the case.

I know your agenda little twerp. Sitting in council housing in bradford and dreaming of Muslims outbirthing Hindus in India so more tensions arise. Next time a riot happens you should stand in the middle of it and test how tough your nut sack is. Instead of munching on KFC in your council housing. Hizb ut Tahrir armchair warrior :lol:
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