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Is India Isolating itself over Pakistan?

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Jul 18, 2006
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India isolating itself globally on Pakistan: editorial

2009-10-31 12:30:00

India is isolating itself globally on Pakistan by insisting that Islamabad first eliminate its terror infrastructure before peace talks can resume, an editorial in a leading English daily said Saturday in reference to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's remarks on the issue.

'India should realise that it is isolating itself globally by putting the condition of removing terrorism on Pakistan before it begins talking,' Daily Times said in an editorial headlined 'Mr. Singh's hidden 'precondition'.'

Manmohan Singh 'says there is 'no precondition' for talks with Pakistan except that Pakistan should bring its terrorists under 'effective control'. How else does one impose a precondition?' the editorial asked.

Manmohan Singh, concluding a two-day visit to Jammu and Kashmir, said Thursday that curbing terrorism by Pakistan was not a precondition but 'a practical way' to create an atmosphere conducive for peace talks.

India, the editorial said, 'needs to come out of its posture of 'policy nirvana' and take a careful look at where South Asia stands today with two SAARC members - Afghanistan and Pakistan - in dire straits. This is the time to talk and change the old postures that have perpetuated conflict in the region'.

Holding that India was 'in many ways crucial to Pakistan's efforts at stamping out the disease of terrorism it has contracted', the editorial added that this country 'is threatened from within as never before in its history but because of India's obstinacy is forced to designate India as the bigger enemy than the Taliban and the Al Qaeda.

'In fact, the strategy is to accuse India of funding rebellions inside Pakistan and thus explain the ongoing bilateral tension. It is only after 'normalising' relations with India that it can free up enough troops from its eastern border to fight the terrorists,' Daily Times maintained.

It also noted that 'domestic political compulsions' had deterred Manmohan Singh from 'reaping the moral advantage he had over Pakistan after the Mumbai attacks'.

'He was not overly enthusiastic about Pakistan at Sharm el-Sheikh but was pilloried when he returned home. Pakistan was flexible before Sharm el-Sheikh but afterwards bent to domestic compulsions and Prime Minister (Yusuf Raza) Gilani began putting Kashmir on the front-burner,' the editorial said.

India isolating itself globally on Pakistan: editorial
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Tensions have flared between both China and India militaries along their disputed 2,175 mile-long border, with both sides alleging more frequent troop incursions in recent weeks. China is upset when the Indian prime minister recently visit the disputed region. China considers an Indian-occupied piece of it’s own Tibetan Autonomous Region, has added flames to the fire.

China of course already deeply resents the fact that the top Tibetan leader, and several hundred thousand exiled Tibetans, are allowed to reside in India.

India’s Maoist rebels are now present in 20 states and have evolved into a potent and lethal insurgency. In the last four years, the Maoists have killed more than 900 Indian security officers. Indian leaders are now preparing to deploy nearly 70,000 paramilitary officers to hunt down the guerrillas.The Maoists, however, do not want to secede or be absorbed. Their goal is to topple the system.

India’s rapid economic growth has made it an emerging global power but also deepened stark inequalities in society. Maoists accuse the government of trying to push tribal groups off their land to gain access to raw materials and have sabotaged roads, bridges and even an energy pipeline.

India is preparing the military for possible war with China and Pakistan. India and Russia have agreed two military pacts, including a 10-year deal on weapons, aircraft, and maintenance contracts potentially worth at least $5 billion, Indian defense officials said. India plans to spend $30 billion over the next five years to buy modern weapons systems and attack planes.

The agreement will certainly help as Russia needs a market and India needs a strategic reassurance to sort out relations that were going sour. India also wants to use the renewed focus on Russia as a counterweight to China, while a strong presence in South Asia could help Moscow keep an eye on China. India fears China is trying to encircle it as they jostle for resources and global influence.
China is a greater anxiety for Russia in the long run and politically it is desirable for India to strengthen relations with Russia

China has boosted military spending by more than 10 percent annually for almost two decades, and the official figure of $71 billion this year is thought by many analysts to represent only a portion of total defense spending. China announced plans to boost military spending by 14.9 percent this year, maintaining a longtime trend of annual double-digit percentage increases that have stirred concern in Washington and among Beijing's neighbors.

India is preparing for possible war with China and Pakistan

---------- Post added at 04:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:42 AM ----------

What is cooking recently.... I don't get it!!!
They are good in propaganda but with opening up of the cyber warfare and participation of Pakistanis recently, it had made India a laughing stuff for their childish propaganda.
I totally agree with you Jana brother...... But it is also hurting Pakistan's Image as well though
They are good in propaganda but with opening up of the cyber warfare and participation of Pakistanis recently, it had made India a laughing stuff for their childish propaganda.

Come on Jana. If anything I have seen more and more articles in the world press describing the dangerous situation created in Pakistan by these terrorists. Nobody is laughing anymore at these articles.

The situation in Pakistan is very worrying for us in India. The same terrorists consider India an even bigger enemy. Recent history has also shown that a terrorist attack in India triggers troop build ups on the India-Pakistan border which in turn reduces the heat on these terrorists. I am sure that some of them are already trying their level best to ensure that this happens.

We would all like to see these guys finished off. These also include the LETs and the JEMs.
Moha i am a GIRL not a boy so you can call me Jana Sister.

WoW i Didn't know that I'm so sorry!!!!!!! lmao my luck is bad latly lmao Sorry again yaar and yeh Jana Sissssss :cheers::smitten::pakistan:
WoW i Didn't know that I'm so sorry!!!!!!! lmao my luck is bad latly lmao Sorry again yaar and yeh Jana Sissssss :cheers::smitten::pakistan:

:) its ok everytime i have to remind the people here that its GIRL GIRL GIRL
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:) its ok everytime i have to remind the people here that its GIRL GIRL GIRL

Ask the Admin to change ur username make it "Miss. Jana" for you.

PS: Even i find it equally surprising that a Girl is interested in Defence topics.
Yes india is isolated

They the indians are taking over the UK car market buying land rover etc.

The biggest buyer of Israeli military tech in the world.

Along with china USSRS BIGGEST military hardware buyers joint projects

Currently has 5 different countries in 3 continents fighting to win MMRCA

PART OF THE G20 largest 20 industrial nations in the world.

One of 5 likely candidates to win a permanent seat in Security council in next 5 years along with Japan Germany Brazil ETC.

India seems very isolated. AND VERY ALONE TO ME lol lol
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