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Is India Isolating itself over Pakistan?

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i would agree to this.
money speaks. But i would also saythat
We r not denying that we have some serious problems, but by making these repeated threatening statements they are having negative effect on the common people of pakistan.
Funny how everyone is commenting on the OP's article quoted from the Sify's website and fails to notice that the Sify article quotes an article from the Daily Times - a Pakistani mouthpiece!
'India should realise that it is isolating itself globally by putting the condition of removing terrorism on Pakistan before it begins talking,' Daily Times said in an editorial headlined 'Mr. Singh's hidden 'precondition'.'
Stupid propaganda. And seriously, you wish! :disagree:

The Original Piece from the Daily Times editorial
The second editorial!!
Come on Jana. If anything I have seen more and more articles in the world press describing the dangerous situation created in Pakistan by these terrorists. Nobody is laughing anymore at these articles.

The situation in Pakistan is very worrying for us in India. The same terrorists consider India an even bigger enemy. Recent history has also shown that a terrorist attack in India triggers troop build ups on the India-Pakistan border which in turn reduces the heat on these terrorists. I am sure that some of them are already trying their level best to ensure that this happens.

We would all like to see these guys finished off. These also include the LETs and the JEMs.

Finally some one who actually understands the Situation for what it is.
Good insight there Scrumpy
;) i can see the phobia about me not a new thing.

First get the grammer right high school girl. Then maybe the prepositions, verbs, adjectives, interjections. I will wait, when you have grown up. Right now, I leave you to scream and squeal.
India isolating himself??!!! Am i the only one who sees the irony?
First get the grammer right high school girl. Then maybe the prepositions, verbs, adjectives, interjections. I will wait, when you have grown up. Right now, I leave you to scream and squeal.

what about the spellings.....:rofl::rofl:
Lets not discuss about grammar and spellings here... we are definitely not writing a book or an article, or sitting in an english exam for that matter... we write as we would speak face to face... anyways..
Back to the topic, I feel that there should be no preconditions to any talks between the two countries...because if we wait for the preconditions to be met, it is not going to happen... simply because there is no way to credibly measure that the precondition has been met by either sides... I hope there is some progress after situation normalized in Pakistan... it is hard to conduct peace talks where one country is under fire.
First get the grammer right high school girl. Then maybe the prepositions, verbs, adjectives, interjections. I will wait, when you have grown up. Right now, I leave you to scream and squeal.

Look, whos talking.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
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