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Is India facing its worst crisis since independence?


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Is India facing its worst crisis since independence?
While the economy is tanking, Modi continues to dominate the political landscape
Ravi Menon, Special to Gulf News Published: December 23, 2019 10:07

Demonstrators shout slogans during a protest against a new citizenship law in Jafrabad, an area of Delhi, India December 20, 2019. REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui Image Credit: REUTERS
Indian Prime Minister Modi in his second act says his first 100 days is but a trailer and tells his audience to patiently wait for the entire film. Meanwhile the film critics (who are generally wrong) goad the man saying, ‘It’s the economy, stupid’.

But have these movie buffs got it wrong, as is their wont?

For despite the clear and present danger that the Indian economy is creeping towards a free-fall, Modi continues to dominate the political landscape. Yes, much of his invincibility and aura has fallen by the way side but notwithstanding epithets like ‘Divider-in Chief’ he is still the strongest leader, India has seen for decades.

Unlike the American electorate where Trump’s base is numerically not that impressive, in India, Modi’s base is a large chunk of the Hindu population and this base thinks the economy can wait, let’s get the temple built, rewrite the constitution if needed because India’s true destiny is that of a Hindu State. Given this mind-set Modi is on track to keep his flock
- Ravi Menon

The well respected ‘Foreign Policy’ magazine says ‘Everyone Thinks the Economy Is Issue No. 1 for India’s Modi. It’s not’. Meanwhile the ‘Economist’ in its latest special report on India has published a series of pieces titled ‘ The muddle Modi made’, ‘The two Modis’, and ‘ All hat, no cattle’ that are scathing.

To get a more well-rounded view the reader would do well to read Tribune’s ‘Economic heft matters’ written by Shyam Saran, arguably the most accomplished Indian diplomat over the past four decades.

Saran in his usual insightful and candid furrowing of truths says if India and its visionary leaders want India to be recognised as a truly civilisational power then ‘it’s, economy stupid’ has to be India’s mantra. Saran, of course, dwells on the strategic necessity of such an approach and less on the tactical compulsions of winning elections.

Exports, with a focus on component and product trade, will be critical to India’s manufacturing sector, according to a recent FICCI survey Image Credit: Shutterstock

Delivering the agenda

Meanwhile let’s spend time on Foreign Policy’s line ‘little separates various Indian political parties on the economy. That’s why the prime minister’s new government is making its mark by delivering on its social and cultural agenda’.

It then goes onto say ‘there were several reasons for Modi’s popularity…the BJP’s well-oiled and well-funded election machinery…. the weakness of the opposition…but the broader takeaway is that economic indicators such as growth rates and stock market numbers have a limited impact on electoral prospects’.

So there you have it as to why the Modi-Shah combine are on a war footing to fulfil the many promises to its base: The Hindu middle class: Ergo, the Ram temple, the abrogation of Article 370, the Citizenship Act, and so on so forth.

Economist also lays out the stark truth ‘Narendra Modi is damaging India’s economy as well as its democracy: Growth fell from 8 per cent in the middle of last year to 5 per cent year-on-year in the most recent quarter. That might not sound too bad, and other emerging economies are also suffering, but India needs to grow fast just to keep its vast workforce fully employed.

Worse, the slowdown looks less like a dip than a prolonged cold shower. Some banks and many other lenders are in crisis, with a $200 billion mountain of bad debts. In the six months ending in September, the total flow of financing to businesses fell by 88 per cent. Five successive rate cuts by the Reserve Bank of India, the central bank, have failed to pull down commercial lending rates, and in any case firms are not investing. Consumer demand has levelled off or fallen, too.

Below expectations

Sales of cars and motorbikes have tumbled by 20 per cent or more. And with the combined fiscal deficit of the federal government and the states already approaching 9 per cent of GDP, and tax receipts falling well below expectations, there is little scope for stimulus.

Despite such dire warnings Modi marches on with his divisive agenda, but New Yorker asks ‘Has Modi finally gone too far’? It would appear Modi has taken a leaf out of President Trump tactic ‘protect your base, the rest does not matter’.

And unlike the American electorate where Trump’s base is numerically not that impressive, in India, Modi’s base is a large chunk of the Hindu population (Hindus constitute close to 80 per cent of 1.3 billion of India’s population) and this base thinks the economy can wait, let’s get the temple built, rewrite the constitution if needed because India’s true destiny is that of a Hindu State. Given this mind-set Modi is on track to keep his flock.

Here it is worthwhile listening to eminent jurist Fali Nariman, the country’s leading light on all matters judicial and the constitutional. He says when the country adopted a liberal secular constitution in 1950s there were serious objectors even then (motor mouths like Pragya Thakur) but despite that the Hindu middle class voted against a Hindu State.

However in Modi’s India if the same Hindu middle class has turned its back on a secular constitution, the minorities then have no choice but accept it.

Grim tidings indeed! The country is in for long vigil: The dark night of the soul is upon it.
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That's why Pakistani generals were PRAYING for a Modi victory. Imran Khan even said he wanted Modi to win....

Everyone knows that Modi govt and Hindutva vs. Secularism struggle will keep india on a slow boil...

In all of 2019, whenever I randomly google searched india---almost all international media sources always talked about negative things....whether it was Feb skirmishes (where Pakistan humilitated india militarily infront of the world), or later Kashmir oppression, rape cases, rising fascism in society, and now this nationwide agitation...

The images going out from india are that of rape, mass protests, killing, their military commanders being paraded by the superior enemy forces, and what have you. Even TODAY, the Week wrote a scathing article about how West misjudged Modi and how he is a backward despot instead of being the guy to take india forward etc (Google it...easily finable).

Poor Hindu Bakht retards are finding how hard it is to change the status-quo in any country. CAA is a small, harmless step---yet, look at the reaction across the board. Nationwide NRC is out of question in this environment...and this was just the beginning of their long-awaited Hindutva dream :lol:

Meanwhile BJP keeps losing state after state (They just lost Jharkhand today). So now, even though BJP won a landslide victory just few months ago---majority of indian population lives in states with non-BJP chief ministers. This create further chaos and deadlock, while the economy tanks!

All of this is when Kashmir blowback hasn't even started yet...

Pakistani generals are laughing at their good luck right now. Who woulda thought just few years ago of this turn around

Pakistan stable, tourism returning, economic reforms being pushed...

India...unstable, agigation the streets, people dying in protests, BJP winning nationally but losing state after state, economy tanking

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I have dozens of friends from across india...
Every day different grps that i am in with them is literred with pictures of protests, police brutality, beatings, posters and news related to the anti CAA or NRC protests..
One thing is clear they all have now started voicing ine single mantra.. Nothing is gonna happen to the central government. CAA and NRC is here to stay. The government is least bothered about these protests. The media is in government control... The assemblies are the drawibg rooms of BJP elected members and they can change the laws as per their liking.
The conclusion that many have reached is..
This is an extension of shudhi or ghar wapsi movement
Educated and welll off muslim lot will gradually move to canada, Australia or malaysia.. Those whk can prove their indian-ness will prefer GCC and west more and the majority ones of the muslims left need to convert to be not evicted fron their land and houses. Mind u the proportions of muslims doing masters, phd or on good posts in specially government or semi government sectors is very low.
Either ways... Within the tenure of this BJP government India will become a hindu-desh
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That's why Pakistani generals were PRAYING for a Modi victory. Imran Khan even said he wanted Modi to win....

Everyone knows that Modi govt and Hindutva vs. Secularism struggle will keep india on a slow boil...

In all of 2019, whenever I randomly google searched india---almost all international media sources always talked about negative things....whether it was Feb skirmishes (where Pakistan humilitated india militarily infront of the world), or later Kashmir oppression, rape cases, rising fascism in society, and now this nationwide agitation...

The images going out from india are that of rape, mass protests, killing, their military commanders being paraded by the superior enemy forces, and what have you. Even TODAY, the Week wrote a scathing article about how West misjudged Modi and how he is a backward despot instead of being the guy to take india forward etc (Google it...easily finable).

Poor Hindu Bakht retards are finding how hard it is to change the status-quo in any country. CAA is a small, harmless step---yet, look at the reaction across the board. Nationwide NRC is out of question in this environment...and this is just the beginning :lol:

Meanwhile BJP keeps losing state after state (They just lost Jharkhand today). So now, even though BJP wan a landslide victory just few months ago---majority of indian population lives in states with non-BJP chief ministers. This create further chaos and deadlock, while the economy tanks!

All of this is when Kashmir blowback hasn't even started yet...

Pakistani generals are laughing at their good lucks right now. Who woulda thought just few years ago of this turn around

Pakistan stable, tourism returning, economic reforms being pushed...

India...unstable, agigation the streets, people dying in protests, BJP winning nationally but losing state after state, economy tanking


Good post

It's crazy how bakhts don't understand that India is big and diverse

They are intent on forcing their hindutva views upon a diverse population and almost actively trying to humiliate or beat down minorities, liberal Hindus and Muslims especially

It's brilliant

Modi has caused some serious divisions in India and even if it calms down in a week the divisions are there and they are festering

Modi and hindutva are ISIs secret weapon against India
Is India facing its worst crisis since independence?
While the economy is tanking, Modi continues to dominate the political landscape
Ravi Menon, Special to Gulf News Published: December 23, 2019 10:07

Demonstrators shout slogans during a protest against a new citizenship law in Jafrabad, an area of Delhi, India December 20, 2019. REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui Image Credit: REUTERS
Indian Prime Minister Modi in his second act says his first 100 days is but a trailer and tells his audience to patiently wait for the entire film. Meanwhile the film critics (who are generally wrong) goad the man saying, ‘It’s the economy, stupid’.

But have these movie buffs got it wrong, as is their wont?

For despite the clear and present danger that the Indian economy is creeping towards a free-fall, Modi continues to dominate the political landscape. Yes, much of his invincibility and aura has fallen by the way side but notwithstanding epithets like ‘Divider-in Chief’ he is still the strongest leader, India has seen for decades.

Unlike the American electorate where Trump’s base is numerically not that impressive, in India, Modi’s base is a large chunk of the Hindu population and this base thinks the economy can wait, let’s get the temple built, rewrite the constitution if needed because India’s true destiny is that of a Hindu State. Given this mind-set Modi is on track to keep his flock
- Ravi Menon

The well respected ‘Foreign Policy’ magazine says ‘Everyone Thinks the Economy Is Issue No. 1 for India’s Modi. It’s not’. Meanwhile the ‘Economist’ in its latest special report on India has published a series of pieces titled ‘ The muddle Modi made’, ‘The two Modis’, and ‘ All hat, no cattle’ that are scathing.

To get a more well-rounded view the reader would do well to read Tribune’s ‘Economic heft matters’ written by Shyam Saran, arguably the most accomplished Indian diplomat over the past four decades.

Saran in his usual insightful and candid furrowing of truths says if India and its visionary leaders want India to be recognised as a truly civilisational power then ‘it’s, economy stupid’ has to be India’s mantra. Saran, of course, dwells on the strategic necessity of such an approach and less on the tactical compulsions of winning elections.

Exports, with a focus on component and product trade, will be critical to India’s manufacturing sector, according to a recent FICCI survey Image Credit: Shutterstock

Delivering the agenda

Meanwhile let’s spend time on Foreign Policy’s line ‘little separates various Indian political parties on the economy. That’s why the prime minister’s new government is making its mark by delivering on its social and cultural agenda’.

It then goes onto say ‘there were several reasons for Modi’s popularity…the BJP’s well-oiled and well-funded election machinery…. the weakness of the opposition…but the broader takeaway is that economic indicators such as growth rates and stock market numbers have a limited impact on electoral prospects’.

So there you have it as to why the Modi-Shah combine are on a war footing to fulfil the many promises to its base: The Hindu middle class: Ergo, the Ram temple, the abrogation of Article 370, the Citizenship Act, and so on so forth.

Economist also lays out the stark truth ‘Narendra Modi is damaging India’s economy as well as its democracy: Growth fell from 8 per cent in the middle of last year to 5 per cent year-on-year in the most recent quarter. That might not sound too bad, and other emerging economies are also suffering, but India needs to grow fast just to keep its vast workforce fully employed.

Worse, the slowdown looks less like a dip than a prolonged cold shower. Some banks and many other lenders are in crisis, with a $200 billion mountain of bad debts. In the six months ending in September, the total flow of financing to businesses fell by 88 per cent. Five successive rate cuts by the Reserve Bank of India, the central bank, have failed to pull down commercial lending rates, and in any case firms are not investing. Consumer demand has levelled off or fallen, too.

Below expectations

Sales of cars and motorbikes have tumbled by 20 per cent or more. And with the combined fiscal deficit of the federal government and the states already approaching 9 per cent of GDP, and tax receipts falling well below expectations, there is little scope for stimulus.

Despite such dire warnings Modi marches on with his divisive agenda, but New Yorker asks ‘Has Modi finally gone too far’? It would appear Modi has taken a leaf out of President Trump tactic ‘protect your base, the rest does not matter’.

And unlike the American electorate where Trump’s base is numerically not that impressive, in India, Modi’s base is a large chunk of the Hindu population (Hindus constitute close to 80 per cent of 1.3 billion of India’s population) and this base thinks the economy can wait, let’s get the temple built, rewrite the constitution if needed because India’s true destiny is that of a Hindu State. Given this mind-set Modi is on track to keep his flock.

Here it is worthwhile listening to eminent jurist Fali Nariman, the country’s leading light on all matters judicial and the constitutional. He says when the country adopted a liberal secular constitution in 1950s there were serious objectors even then (motor mouths like Pragya Thakur) but despite that the Hindu middle class voted against a Hindu State.

However in Modi’s India if the same Hindu middle class has turned its back on a secular constitution, the minorities then have no choice but accept it.

Grim tidings indeed! The country is in for long vigil: The dark night of the soul is upon it.

Yes. It is.
Is India facing its worst crisis since independence?
While the economy is tanking, Modi continues to dominate the political landscape
Ravi Menon, Special to Gulf News Published: December 23, 2019 10:07

Demonstrators shout slogans during a protest against a new citizenship law in Jafrabad, an area of Delhi, India December 20, 2019. REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui Image Credit: REUTERS
Indian Prime Minister Modi in his second act says his first 100 days is but a trailer and tells his audience to patiently wait for the entire film. Meanwhile the film critics (who are generally wrong) goad the man saying, ‘It’s the economy, stupid’.

But have these movie buffs got it wrong, as is their wont?

For despite the clear and present danger that the Indian economy is creeping towards a free-fall, Modi continues to dominate the political landscape. Yes, much of his invincibility and aura has fallen by the way side but notwithstanding epithets like ‘Divider-in Chief’ he is still the strongest leader, India has seen for decades.

Unlike the American electorate where Trump’s base is numerically not that impressive, in India, Modi’s base is a large chunk of the Hindu population and this base thinks the economy can wait, let’s get the temple built, rewrite the constitution if needed because India’s true destiny is that of a Hindu State. Given this mind-set Modi is on track to keep his flock
- Ravi Menon

The well respected ‘Foreign Policy’ magazine says ‘Everyone Thinks the Economy Is Issue No. 1 for India’s Modi. It’s not’. Meanwhile the ‘Economist’ in its latest special report on India has published a series of pieces titled ‘ The muddle Modi made’, ‘The two Modis’, and ‘ All hat, no cattle’ that are scathing.

To get a more well-rounded view the reader would do well to read Tribune’s ‘Economic heft matters’ written by Shyam Saran, arguably the most accomplished Indian diplomat over the past four decades.

Saran in his usual insightful and candid furrowing of truths says if India and its visionary leaders want India to be recognised as a truly civilisational power then ‘it’s, economy stupid’ has to be India’s mantra. Saran, of course, dwells on the strategic necessity of such an approach and less on the tactical compulsions of winning elections.

Exports, with a focus on component and product trade, will be critical to India’s manufacturing sector, according to a recent FICCI survey Image Credit: Shutterstock

Delivering the agenda

Meanwhile let’s spend time on Foreign Policy’s line ‘little separates various Indian political parties on the economy. That’s why the prime minister’s new government is making its mark by delivering on its social and cultural agenda’.

It then goes onto say ‘there were several reasons for Modi’s popularity…the BJP’s well-oiled and well-funded election machinery…. the weakness of the opposition…but the broader takeaway is that economic indicators such as growth rates and stock market numbers have a limited impact on electoral prospects’.

So there you have it as to why the Modi-Shah combine are on a war footing to fulfil the many promises to its base: The Hindu middle class: Ergo, the Ram temple, the abrogation of Article 370, the Citizenship Act, and so on so forth.

Economist also lays out the stark truth ‘Narendra Modi is damaging India’s economy as well as its democracy: Growth fell from 8 per cent in the middle of last year to 5 per cent year-on-year in the most recent quarter. That might not sound too bad, and other emerging economies are also suffering, but India needs to grow fast just to keep its vast workforce fully employed.

Worse, the slowdown looks less like a dip than a prolonged cold shower. Some banks and many other lenders are in crisis, with a $200 billion mountain of bad debts. In the six months ending in September, the total flow of financing to businesses fell by 88 per cent. Five successive rate cuts by the Reserve Bank of India, the central bank, have failed to pull down commercial lending rates, and in any case firms are not investing. Consumer demand has levelled off or fallen, too.

Below expectations

Sales of cars and motorbikes have tumbled by 20 per cent or more. And with the combined fiscal deficit of the federal government and the states already approaching 9 per cent of GDP, and tax receipts falling well below expectations, there is little scope for stimulus.

Despite such dire warnings Modi marches on with his divisive agenda, but New Yorker asks ‘Has Modi finally gone too far’? It would appear Modi has taken a leaf out of President Trump tactic ‘protect your base, the rest does not matter’.

And unlike the American electorate where Trump’s base is numerically not that impressive, in India, Modi’s base is a large chunk of the Hindu population (Hindus constitute close to 80 per cent of 1.3 billion of India’s population) and this base thinks the economy can wait, let’s get the temple built, rewrite the constitution if needed because India’s true destiny is that of a Hindu State. Given this mind-set Modi is on track to keep his flock.

Here it is worthwhile listening to eminent jurist Fali Nariman, the country’s leading light on all matters judicial and the constitutional. He says when the country adopted a liberal secular constitution in 1950s there were serious objectors even then (motor mouths like Pragya Thakur) but despite that the Hindu middle class voted against a Hindu State.

However in Modi’s India if the same Hindu middle class has turned its back on a secular constitution, the minorities then have no choice but accept it.

Grim tidings indeed! The country is in for long vigil: The dark night of the soul is upon it.
Ppl need to kick modi out of office and yogi to take over. He will ensure india is next superpower. Yogi should detain all 200 million muslims in india and put them on jail.

In response Bd and Pakistan ppl should order lots of popcorn to watch the rise of superpower india.
Heartening to see Indian flags in the hands of muslim protesters across india..

They are Indians but you hindutva extremists are so intent on creating a hindutva rashtra and killing anyone who doesn't agree you are splitting India apart

Thank you for finally humiliating and pushing Indian Muslims so far that they finally get the Jinnah was right and they were wrong
India has been through worse times in the past. What worries me is the future or Indian minorities especially Muslims.
India has been through worse times in the past. What worries me is the future or Indian minorities especially Muslims.

There is nothing to worry.

Muslims have a martial race quality due to their religion.

I have seen 1 Muslim take on 50 plus Hindus during Hindu-Muslim riots in Hyderabad.

Even police shiver to enter Muslim areas like Moghalpura in Hyderabad (deccan)

They are Indians but you hindutva extremists are so intent on creating a hindutva rashtra and killing anyone who doesn't agree you are splitting India apart

Thank you for finally humiliating and pushing Indian Muslims so far that they finally get the Jinnah was right and they were wrong

Sanghis are loud mouth but they are sisses.

They run away every time they are confront by a Muslim.
There is nothing to worry.

Muslims have a martial race quality due to their religion.

I have seen 1 Muslim take on 50 plus Hindus during Hindu-Muslim riots in Hyderabad.

Even police shiver to enter Muslim areas like Moghalpura in Hyderabad (deccan)

Thats stupid. Muslims are the most poor uneducated poverty stricken community of India.
Thats stupid. Muslims are the most poor uneducated poverty stricken community of India.

There are poor people people across all religions be it Hindus, Christians or Muslims in India.

I can confidently say that there are more poor Christians than poor Muslims in India as most of the poor Hindus actually embrace Christianity in India.

Muslims may have more poor than Hindus as a percentage for the following reasons

1) Poor Hindus embracing Christianity means as a percentage there are more rich Hindus remaining as Hindus

2) The rich Muslims of India emigrated to Pakistan during partition of India. Only the poor Muslims could not emigrate due to economic reasons and now are stuck in India.
Yogi should detain all 200 million muslims in india and put them in jail.
they are in the process of converting higher castes like rajputs and the affluent ones back to Hinduism. converts from lower castes like the shuddra and those outside the caste system are on their way to BD
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