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Is dollar going to touch 180 PKR after IMF bailout?

Alpha BeeTee

Apr 23, 2015
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Much is being said about the dollar spike and many are saying that it will spike even more after the IMF bailout. I have heard that sources in the financial ministry have also shared their huch with some industrialists that be ready for for 180 PKR dollar.

If that is true, where the heck is this economy going? Also, when was the last time dollar went on a reverse gear? If it reaches 180, then I think it will stay above 100 for our life time atleast. This is totally devastating for the economy.

I also wonder what PTI supporters have to say about this. I never supported PTI nor any other party, but I think that while the former govts were corrupt, the current one is incapable though sincere.

Also, if anyone with better economic insight can shed light on this, how much truth is there to the theory that Asad Umer and co and giving Pakistani economy a chemotherapy by devaluing everything which was artifically kept stable? This theory suggests that these guys are in control of the situation and have a plan at hand, while I think they have no plan, are just acting impulsively at whatever new is being thrown at them and have no clue about the future.

Also, I think it's a good time to invest in dollars if you have spare money!
Dont think it would go that down, probably 160, but if its breaks 160 then 200 is also possible.
When INR went from 40-60 it was very difficult time for importers.
PKR going from 90-180 in short time will break the common mans backbone given that Pakistan imports a lot of common man requirements.
buy bitcoin, physical gold, and lots of 9mm ammo my friends

im all in crypto to hedge my savings and am doing pretty good, the dollar parity doesnt hurt me.

use crypto for ur transactions and business. theres no point to hang on to a worthless paper currency that can be devalued at the whim of IMF and Central banks
The real culprit behind rise of dollar rate are hoarders and hawala hundi traders. This time gov seems to have a plan and limiting money exchangers by putting conditions.

Additionally Nawaz and Zardari governments were them self involved in money laundering so werent keen on FATF measures, this time it's different.
Much is being said about the dollar spike and many are saying that it will spike even more after the IMF bailout. I have heard that sources in the financial ministry have also shared their huch with some industrialists that be ready for for 180 PKR dollar.

If that is true, where the heck is this economy going? Also, when was the last time dollar went on a reverse gear? If it reaches 180, then I think it will stay above 100 for our life time atleast. This is totally devastating for the economy.

I also wonder what PTI supporters have to say about this. I never supported PTI nor any other party, but I think that while the former govts were corrupt, the current one is incapable though sincere.

Also, if anyone with better economic insight can shed light on this, how much truth is there to the theory that Asad Umer and co and giving Pakistani economy a chemotherapy by devaluing everything which was artifically kept stable? This theory suggests that these guys are in control of the situation and have a plan at hand, while I think they have no plan, are just acting impulsively at whatever new is being thrown at them and have no clue about the future.

Also, I think it's a good time to invest in dollars if you have spare money!

The problem with us is that we like to make it issue for PTI but we ignore the reality.

The problem stems from the government of PPP and PMLN and it will take long time to settle this matter. Back in 2007 our exports were somewhere around 18 billion and today they are somewhere close to 23 or billion. So in the 10 years we grew our exports by merely 5 billion while at the same time our imports increased from 40 odd billion to close to 60 odd billion. thus there is increasing gap between imports and exports.

In order to import you need $$$ which would mean we need to sell PKR to buy dollar thus leading to increase demand for dollar and less demand for PKR accordingly the market forces mean the price of dollar increase thereby reducing the price of PKR.

You cannot and should not expect PTI to fix this in any short-term, if they manage to get it in control in the next five years it will be a miracle. Its a structural problem which needs to be addressed which will also impact on growth rate, as we need to suppress imports.

However was problem created.

One major problem was lack of energy thus leading to shutting down of textile industry in Pakistan. This mean many textile industries shifted to Bangladesh who export in 2007 were about $13 billion while these increased to $44 in 2018.


if you look closely their textile export has increase from 5 odd billion to over 33 billion dollars. WHile we went backward they increased by 28 billion dollars.

So we lost massive export share to bangladesh, if you further analyse Vietnam their textile export also went up from mere $7 billion to over $25 billion while we went from $7-8 billion to $5 billion in that period.

So we lost massive source of income which put massive pressure on dollar. Back in the day in Australia majority good quality textile items has made in Pakistan label and now we will be luck to spot few.

Same happened with medical equipment and dental implants, Vietnam has taken a massive lead while we were left eating their dust.

Was this all PTI Fault? NO NO NO...

Rather than addressing the problem we had PPP bring in 18th amendments and smuggled billions through UAE.

Further rather than investing in industries and power sector so manufacturing and textile could boom both PPP and PML N took out massive loans to subsidies things which created a structural problem where money that was borrowed did not generate any income but put pressure on the budget has that money had to be paid back both interest and principal.

had PPP and PMLN invested in infrastructure that encouraged industries such in power sector, in water management to increase crop output we would have massive increase in export which would have meant more $$$ coming in and more taxes.

The money that PPP and PMLN has borrowed has to be returned and on top PTI Government has to manage the massive gap between import and exports. So how do you fix that? can you fix that in short period??

So stop blaming PTI and look into the structural problem that was created by PPP and PMLN. It requires time and money to fix of which PTI does not have the money so need IMF help.

Unless PTI overhauls FBR and brings in billions in taxes we are going to see big economic problem for at least next two to three years before a recovery can happen if at all.
buy bitcoin, physical gold, and lots of 9mm ammo my friends

im all in crypto to hedge my savings and am doing pretty good, the dollar parity doesnt hurt me.

use crypto for ur transactions and business. theres no point to hang on to a worthless paper currency that can be devalued at the whim of IMF and Central banks
I bought ripple for .78$ and since then it sunk [emoji16]
Much is being said about the dollar spike and many are saying that it will spike even more after the IMF bailout. I have heard that sources in the financial ministry have also shared their huch with some industrialists that be ready for for 180 PKR dollar.

If that is true, where the heck is this economy going? Also, when was the last time dollar went on a reverse gear? If it reaches 180, then I think it will stay above 100 for our life time atleast. This is totally devastating for the economy.

I also wonder what PTI supporters have to say about this. I never supported PTI nor any other party, but I think that while the former govts were corrupt, the current one is incapable though sincere.

Also, if anyone with better economic insight can shed light on this, how much truth is there to the theory that Asad Umer and co and giving Pakistani economy a chemotherapy by devaluing everything which was artifically kept stable? This theory suggests that these guys are in control of the situation and have a plan at hand, while I think they have no plan, are just acting impulsively at whatever new is being thrown at them and have no clue about the future.

Also, I think it's a good time to invest in dollars if you have spare money!
Real effective rate of rupee is at where it should be..so i doubt rupee will go down..
In end throwing the rupee down isnt going to change anything ..devaluation or supervaluation both are problem and rupee should be kept at real effective rate

So why do Pakistan repeat this cycle of rupee valuation in last year of every Democratic cycle

1. Increase the rupee momentarily drops inflation rates and give false impression of stronger economy to masses
2. Real reason is drop in inflation means lower interest rate which mean govt has suddenly a large amount of extra money that it can spend, this couoled with taking large debt allows Parties like PMLN to fund its ambitious motorways and infrastructure projects..
3. However everyone knows this isnt sustainable but who cares
Real effective rate of rupee is at where it should be..so i doubt rupee will go down..
In end throwing the rupee down isnt going to change anything ..devaluation or supervaluation both are problem and rupee should be kept at real effective rate

So why do Pakistan repeat this cycle of rupee valuation in last year of every Democratic cycle

1. Increase the rupee momentarily drops inflation rates and give false impression of stronger economy to masses
2. Real reason is drop in inflation means lower interest rate which mean govt has suddenly a large amount of extra money that it can spend, this couoled with taking large debt allows Parties like PMLN to fund its ambitious motorways and infrastructure projects..
3. However everyone knows this isnt sustainable but who cares
I doubt that rupee is where it needs to be..IMF k baad aur giray ga
Lets talk about this issue point by point:

1. The reason for a sudden devaluation: The reason for a sudden devaluation in Pakistani Rupee was that for many years exchange rate was artificially maintained by pumping more and more $ in the economy by the previous governments. So basically they were artificially keeping the supply high so that it meets demand and price of $ remains low. Now the problem with this approach is that for a country like Pakistan, where the government hardly has any money in foreign reserves and where the economy is so heavily dependent on imports, if you keep doing that you will have to keep on taking more foreign debt to maintain the supply. This government took the principled stance that the Rupee Dollar parity should be determined by market forces (*Read* our actual economic condition), albeit with some regulation, and not artificially by pumping dollars into the system.

2. Why is it this important?: While previous governments kept on telling us how they have maintained the value of a dollar to a certain level, they didn't tell us how that affects us. Basically they kept on taking foreign debt to maintain this exchange rate, but to what end. Keeping the price of Rupee artificially high, previous governments were incentivizing (and subsidizing) imports while disincentivizing exports. To understand this lets take a simple example. Say a child of yours like to buy expensive Swiss chocolate, he has a pocket money of 1000 Rupees for the whole month, and the chocolate costs 200 Rupees. So the first month he buys a Swiss chocolate bar for 5 consecutive days and ends up spending all the money. He is now left with 25 days in the month and has no money for buying lunch at school anymore. What would you do, so you think you are a caring father/mother and give them another 1000 Rupees so he/she can eat for the rest of the month at school. But he/she again buys 5 more chocolate bars for the next 5 days and spends all of it. So now you what options do you have, keeping giving him/her money so he/she can keep buying expensive stuff, or tell him/her that this is amount you get in a month so spend accordingly. And then he/she starts to learn how he/she can get the chocolate once a month, eat cheap stuff others days and maybe take lunch from home on other days. This is exactly what is happening with Pakistan right now. This government is telling the people that you have been spoiled by our previous governments into thinking that we can keep on importing all the stuff you need, not make anything domestically for your own consumption or for exports and the government will keep taking loans on your behalf. But consider what the costs are, an increasing debt to GDP ratio (the proportion of how much loan you have to repay and the total earnings you do), compromised national security (because the debtors want you to agree to their terms which might affect national security) and eventual bankruptcy. This government is telling us, you ain't got the money to buy the shiny new car, make your own cars or make something else, sell it and then use that money to buy whatever you want.

3. Having an exchange rate high doesn't mean the economy is doing good or bad: Take the example of Japan and Afghanistan, a US dollar gets you 111 Yens while it only gets you 77 Afghani. Does that mean Afghanistan is a richer country than Japan? As a matter of fact, countries that want to increase exports intentionally keep their currency low to make sure exports are incentivized. China is repeatedly blamed by the US that it devalues it currency even below it actual value, to keep an upward pressure on exports and downward pressure on imports.

4. Is investing in US Dollars a good idea?: Well, the interest rate in Pakistan is close to 10%, and real estate/property appreciates in Pakistan at around 30% a year. So there are many other better venues to park your money as compared to Dollar.

5. Final thoughts: This is not from a profitability perspective, but if you have money lying around, invest in a business in Pakistan. It will earn you money, keep the money circulating in the economy, create jobs and generate real value in the society.

**Update**: Forgot to add, in my opinion, the Rupee is very close to its actual value right now, and any devaluation we see, if any, would be minimal.
So you think rupee will be stable at 140 even after IMF? IMF always forces you to devalue rupee
Based on...?
Real effective rate of rupee can be easily calculated ...you can clearly see it wa a overvalued in 2016 and slightly under valued now ..
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