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Is China's Space Program Shaping a Celestial Empire?

talking to you is a big waste of time

what is water? water vapour? steam? ice? water molecule? H 2 O?
which country discovered that first on the moon?
How can you complete the mar mission project without the nasa installations in usa, spain and australia?

get lost TOLL!

Yeah ' TOLL ' :omghaha:

Oh so you atleast know what is chemical composition of water.First globally acknowledged discovery of lunar water was made by Indian Moon Mission Chandrayaan 1.got anything to say?

And yes it is possible for us to track it,but ISRO does not have the $$$ for that

isro wants to land a man on the moon in 2020, as of this day(2013) they have yet to even send a man into space on their own nor have a proven reliable cryogenic engine, how many people wanna bet that india will miss that 2020 date by at least 10 years (probably more)

Who said that Indian Moon Mission would be done on 2020?

Is a cryogenic engine neccessary for manned mission?check your own manned carrier rocket?We have one to undergo flight testing by this year,a 200 kN one is undergoing ground tests.
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