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Is China's Space Program Shaping a Celestial Empire?

Typical CPC programmed brain,that cannot comprehen the facts,read that link again.

1. Your incapabilities to do tracking in deep space is a fact
2. you need help from NASA is a fact
3. you are not the first to discover water on moon - FACT
4. But you have been bragging about the discovery of water as an indian achievement - PATHETIC and SHAMEFUL
that's cold war period, and in order to beat each other,they put in more than they can afford and bled themselves dry to achieve those goals.with a normal budget now they are no longer able to do that again.it's all about money.

Chinese space program doesnt have a big budget but we are getting there slowly but surely,it doesnt burden the country at all,actually it generates huge profits.and technology is whole way different from the one in the 1960s.
Are you a moron? The tech from our programs has well paid for itself.
1. Your incapabilities to do tracking in deep space is a fact
2. you need help from NASA is a fact
3. you are not the first to discover water on moon - FACT
4. But you have been bragging about the discovery of water as an indian achievement - PATHETIC and SHAMEFUL

1.We are capable of tracking the mars probe for part of time,but are not interested in spending more money on establishing ship/aircraft based tracking system -> fact.

2.So we asked for NASA cooperation -> fact

3.India's Moon Impact Probe found presence of lunar water during hard landing -> fact

4.As expected CPC controlled trolls cannot digest the fact that Chandrayaan was a successful mission - absolutely pathetic and shameless.
1.We are capable of tracking the mars probe for part of time,but are not interested in spending more money on establishing ship/aircraft based tracking system -> fact.

2.So we asked for NASA cooperation -> fact

3.India's Moon Impact Probe found presence of lunar water during hard landing -> fact

4.As expected CPC controlled trolls cannot digest the fact that Chandrayaan was a successful mission - absolutely pathetic and shameless.

you are just shameless to the core:

1. you have asked the nasa for help because you are incapable of doing the tracking
2. you shameful people was not the first to discover water on moon but claimed credit for it
3. did you give credit to the soviet union which was the first to discover water on moon?
4. And during the lunar mission you need NASA's equipment to do the job properly - FACT

you are just shameless to the core:

1. you have asked the nasa for help because you are incapable of doing the tracking
2. you shameful people was not the first to discover water on moon but claimed credit for it
3. did you give credit to the soviet union which was the first to discover water on moon?
4. And during the lunar mission you need NASA's equipment to do the job properly - FACT


Get lost troll.

1.We asked NASA coz we do not have the budgets to develop an extensive deep space network.

2It was Moon Impact Probe which did a hard landing on surface of the moon on 14 November 2008 that discovered lunar water just before it hit lunar surface .NASA did only give out their discovery in september 2009.

3.Do you know that heliocentric model was discovered by Indians centuries before Copernicus?Do you give credit?Why not?

4.same as point 2
Get lost troll.

1.We asked NASA coz we do not have the budgets to develop an extensive deep space network.

2It was Moon Impact Probe which did a hard landing on surface of the moon on 14 November 2008 that discovered lunar water just before it hit lunar surface .NASA did only give out their discovery in september 2009.

3.Do you know that heliocentric model was discovered by Indians centuries before Copernicus?Do you give credit?Why not?

4.same as point 2

Chill cheerleaders!

1. You dont have the capabilities to do the tracking this is a published fact so you asked for NASA's help
2. You are not the FIRST to DISCOVER water on moon
3. You took it as if YOU ARE THE FIST to discover water on moon and no regards paying to SU's finding
4. who cares about your other historical claim when what matters on the table is you cheerleaders are claiming credits when you dont deserve !

1.its not about capability,its about financial viability.

2.got any proofs??

3.Answer my point 3 above.
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1.its not about capability,its about financial viability.

2.got any proofs??

3.Answer my point 3 above.

OMG you are not reading, not able to comprehend NOR to think intellectually, boring! You should be shameful to india's false claims!

Posts no 63 and 64 by Phys.org and MIT revealed SU was the first to discover water on moon
You are not able to do the tracking yourself, PERIOD
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OMG you are not reading, not able to comprehend NOR to think intellectually, boring! You should be shameful to india's false claims!

Posts no 63 and 64 by Phys.org and MIT revealed SU was the first to discover water on moon
You are not able to do the tracking yourself, PERIOD

You re running away,My question is do you have any proofs that it was NASA Moon Minerology Mapper that found water presence before Indian Moon Impact Probe?

I know you dont have it.

According to ISRO scientists , it was Moon Impact probe that discovered presence of water just before impact on Lunar surface,The final orbit was acheived on 12 Novembor and MIP seperation was done on 14 september and it was only after the impact,other instruments were turned on
And it was MIP which released plumes from lunar surface that could be analysed for presence of water on moon.

For that part,it may be true but still,it was never acknowledged globally,the world had to wait till Chandrayaan 1 to confirm it.Just like how heliocentric model is considered as discovery by Copernicus,Lunar water discovery is an Indian acheievement.

For the third part read link you posted again,do you understand what is non visible period...
Typical CPC programmed brain,that cannot comprehen the facts,read that link again.

CPC 'programded' brain is far better than genetically mentally handicappd Indian brain, proven by many scientific researches, and you should indeed take the the credit of being most primitive country, not those irrelevant high tech stuff which is an incompatible field of discipline to the the nature of India
CPC 'programded' brain is far better than genetically mentally handicappd Indian brain, proven by many scientific researches, and you should indeed take the the credit of being most primitive country, not those irrelevant high tech stuff which is an incompatible field of discipline to the the nature of India

If you want to talk about mentally handicapped brain,talk about your compatriots one - who were posting about NASA tracking Indian moon mission,when some one asked the question - 'Can India sent mars mission using its own rocket? '

FYI our space program has acheived quite a lot,given its budget and our GDP,Indians can always take credit of discovery of ' Lunar water ',and we will continue of pursuit in space-with our upcoming Mars mission (2013) & lunar lander- rover mission (2014) .Meanwhile youbcan go crying around calling us 'primitive ' and making a fool out of yourself !
You re running away,My question is do you have any proofs that it was NASA Moon Minerology Mapper that found water presence before Indian Moon Impact Probe?

I know you dont have it.

According to ISRO scientists , it was Moon Impact probe that discovered presence of water just before impact on Lunar surface,The final orbit was acheived on 12 Novembor and MIP seperation was done on 14 september and it was only after the impact,other instruments were turned on
And it was MIP which released plumes from lunar surface that could be analysed for presence of water on moon.

For that part,it may be true but still,it was never acknowledged globally,the world had to wait till Chandrayaan 1 to confirm it.Just like how heliocentric model is considered as discovery by Copernicus,Lunar water discovery is an Indian acheievement.

For the third part read link you posted again,do you understand what is non visible period...

talking to you is a big waste of time

what is water? water vapour? steam? ice? water molecule? H 2 O?
which country discovered that first on the moon?
How can you complete the mar mission project without the nasa installations in usa, spain and australia?

get lost TOLL!
isro wants to land a man on the moon in 2020, as of this day(2013) they have yet to even send a man into space on their own nor have a proven reliable cryogenic engine, how many people wanna bet that india will miss that 2020 date by at least 10 years (probably more)
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