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Is China Losing the Diplomatic Plot?

We will see.

The U.S is trying hard to convince Vietnam to become a new ally. It is just funny to see how US politicians have stepped up their rhetorics against China recently, while they avoid to mention a word about Vietnam.
At present, Vietnam still believes that it can take on China alone, so it rejects to side with America. But that can be changed in the future.

The U.S. cannot afford to show any weakness against China. In doing so, all other countries in Asia including Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Philippines and others will arm themself massively, the situation could get quickly out of control.

LOL you sound like a love child of Uncle Sam and I admire your innocent.

If you think Vietnam can take on China by herself now you better hurry because starting next few years she's going to produce massive number of warships annually and by the end of the decade even Uncle Sam will think twice to engage her.

The way I see it, China's not going to back down against the US or anybody in the SCS, where she see it as her backyard. I wouldn't surprised she's going to muscle all the shoals, or at least, the strategic ones into her control. The US did her best to provoke you guys to do something without committing herself. What will you do?

We will see indeed, but you better hurry because the situation is getting bad.
LOL you sound like a love child of Uncle Sam and I admire your innocent.

If you think Vietnam can take on China by herself now you better hurry because starting next few years she's going to produce massive number of warships annually and by the end of the decade even Uncle Sam will think twice to engage her.

The way I see it, China's not going to back down against the US or anybody in the SCS, where she see it as her backyard. I wouldn't surprised she's going to muscle all the shoals, or at least, the strategic ones into her control. The US did her best to provoke you guys to do something without committing herself. What will you do?

We will see indeed, but you better hurry because the situation is getting bad.

Why you don't think that ASEAN is backyard of Uncle Sam, if you really living in Singapore you known well Sing's govt let US warships use Sing seaports first.
Why you don't think that ASEAN is backyard of Uncle Sam, if you really living in Singapore you known well Sing's govt let US warships use Sing seaports first.

Uncle Sam won't be here forever but China is here. Singapore, being a small city state among hostile environments, has to bend with the wind and stay neutral in order to survive.
Uncle Sam won't be here forever but China is here. Singapore, being a small city state among hostile environments, has to bend with the wind and stay neutral in order to survive.

Earth is small planet today, bro.
In case of China can confront with US to take world hegemony, it's best for US when they can stop china's illusion here, by door of China and it's far enough from America continent.
Earth is small planet today, bro.
In case of China can confront with US to take world hegemony, it's best for US when they can stop china's illusion here, by door of China and it's far enough from America continent.

It seems China is not backing down on the SCS. What has the US done aside from rhetoric and verbal supports for some nation. Did she say who those islands belong to? Would she confront China militarily if China decides to take some of you islands? There are so many unanswered question on her because she didn't make any commitment, and why should she anyway it's not her problems. She doesn't mind to be the arm merchant though if you guys can afford it.

Sure the US wants to contain China in this area but how much is she willing to pay to get the job done. Not enough to hurt herself I guess.
It seems China is not backing down on the SCS. What has the US done aside from rhetoric and verbal supports for some nation. Did she say who those islands belong to? Would she confront China militarily if China decides to take some of you islands? There are so many unanswered question on her because she didn't make any commitment, and why should she anyway it's not her problems. She doesn't mind to be the arm merchant though if you guys can afford it.

Sure the US wants to contain China in this area but how much is she willing to pay to get the job done. Not enough to hurt herself I guess.

It's not nice ways but it looks that ways, so Viet Nam? It seems not backing down also, and future war could has been happens. U.S has many times to declare not backing up or take sides with any countries has involves dispute. However, U.S strongly support for free navigation route in SCS which is against the wills of China if its goes any thing worst.
It's not nice ways but it looks that ways, so Viet Nam? It seems not backing down also, and future war could has been happens. U.S has many times to declare not backing up or take sides with any countries has involves dispute. However, U.S strongly support for free navigation route in SCS which is against the wills of China if its goes any thing worst.

yes, US is smart enough when let China open fire and do same idiot activities, let China make his neighbors became permanent enemies and US navy will take care about free navigation on sea only. Very cheap price, and ASEAN countries can choice by side with US or China.
LOL you sound like a love child of Uncle Sam and I admire your innocent.

If you think Vietnam can take on China by herself now you better hurry because starting next few years she's going to produce massive number of warships annually and by the end of the decade even Uncle Sam will think twice to engage her.

The way I see it, China's not going to back down against the US or anybody in the SCS, where she see it as her backyard. I wouldn't surprised she's going to muscle all the shoals, or at least, the strategic ones into her control. The US did her best to provoke you guys to do something without committing herself. What will you do?

We will see indeed, but you better hurry because the situation is getting bad.

We will allow 400 U.S warships presence in Vietnam.
A tiny island like Singapore has allowed 4 modern warships of Uncle Sam to deploy there, so why don't we learn Singaporeans?

BTW: Why doesnt your government allow OUR Chinese friend to deploy warships in Singapore instead of Uncle Sam?
Uncle Sam won't be here forever but China is here. Singapore, being a small city state among hostile environments, has to bend with the wind and stay neutral in order to survive.

I dont think S'pore is neutral in this regard. S'pore is reaping economic and poitical benefits at the expense of China's interest. Letting the yanks use the port is a huge military convenience to the imperialist. Shameful!

yes, US is smart enough when let China open fire and do same idiot activities, let China make his neighbors became permanent enemies and US navy will take care about free navigation on sea only. Very cheap price, and ASEAN countries can choice by side with US or China.

you are making enough enemies of your own . we are not trying to make enemies unless some nasty countries like vietnam. india, japan etc push us to become one.
I dont think S'pore is neutral in this regard. S'pore is reaping economic and poitical benefits at the expense of China's interest. Letting the yanks use the port is a huge military convenience to the imperialist. Shameful!

Singapore's military alliance with the US has been long standing and began when China didn't even have a decent size war ship to speak of. Being a small city state we need some forms of deterrence to counter some of our aggressive bigger neighbors and we also need decent supply of military procurements. If we don't have both our national security would be in jeopardy.

Can China do both 30 years ago? Even today China's naval reach is still limited somewhat and until China is strong enough to project power beyond her littoral border she can not question a small city state's former alliances. If China can kick the US out of Western Pacific I don't see there is a need for us to have the US's protections. But until then we are neutral and being an ASEAN member we also follow its consensus.

China has no right to question the US warships (actually they are littoral warships whose primary duty are in the Malacca) station in Singapore because the agreement was signed long ago. If war breaks out between you two in the SCS, IMO, Singapore will stay neutral and not allows the US to use as a base beyond the existing warships.

The economic benefits are a two way street. Lest not forget Singapore was one of the first country that entered China to provide capitals and professional management know hows. Besides the government Chinese Diaspora invested in China en mass and contributed vast amount pf capitals when China needed them the most.

We will allow 400 U.S warships presence in Vietnam.
A tiny island like Singapore has allowed 4 modern warships of Uncle Sam to deploy there, so why don't we learn Singaporeans?

BTW: Why doesnt your government allow OUR Chinese friend to deploy warships in Singapore instead of Uncle Sam?

(See above)
LOL you sound like a love child of Uncle Sam and I admire your innocent.

If you think Vietnam can take on China by herself now you better hurry because starting next few years she's going to produce massive number of warships annually and by the end of the decade even Uncle Sam will think twice to engage her.

The way I see it, China's not going to back down against the US or anybody in the SCS, where she see it as her backyard. I wouldn't surprised she's going to muscle all the shoals, or at least, the strategic ones into her control. The US did her best to provoke you guys to do something without committing herself. What will you do?

We will see indeed, but you better hurry because the situation is getting bad.

We are not stupid. Why we should start a war? China should fire first!
Vietnam knows that the time will come that it cannot stand alone against a possible Chinese aggression.
Though we Viets know best about the Americans. They are selfish und warmonger!

You know I can lip-read:

Here at the last meeting,
our FM Minh asks Ms. Clinton: "what is the U.S. position, if China attacks Vietnam?"
FM Clinton responds:" America will support Vietnam with all weapons, economics and political means, all what you need! You can count on us."


U.S. Secretary of State Clinton speaks to Vietnam's Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh in Hanoi on July 10, 2012.
© 2012 Reuters
I really don't understand the Vietnamese. You claim that you are the victims of all the wars in your history. On the same time, you wish a new war coming to you soon. You just can't get enough, right?

We are not stupid. Why we should start a war? China should fire first!
Vietnam knows that the time will come that it cannot stand alone against a possible Chinese aggression.
Though we Viets know best about the Americans. They are selfish und warmonger!

You know I can lip-read:

Here at the last meeting,
our FM Minh asks Ms. Clinton: "what is the U.S. position, if China attacks Vietnam?"
FM Clinton responds:" America will support Vietnam with all weapons, economics and political means, all what you need! You can count on us."


U.S. Secretary of State Clinton speaks to Vietnam's Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh in Hanoi on July 10, 2012.
© 2012 Reuters
We are not stupid. Why we should start a war? China should fire first!
Vietnam knows that the time will come that it cannot stand alone against a possible Chinese aggression.
Though we Viets know best about the Americans. They are selfish und warmonger!

You know I can lip-read:

Lip reading is a rare talent am happy you're endowed with such gift. But what your government waiting for, with support like this she can take back those islands that China 'robbed' as you guy constantly claim. If you wait any longer Sugar Mommy, the smart alecky, is going to be nowhere in sight. She also has a short memory and might forget what she promised after November.

So you will not fire first. Hmm that's not the trait of a Dai Viet, you must be a Hoa then, if so you better to be careful because you never know when the Viets turm on you. They hate Hoa, do you know?
Singapore's military alliance with the US has been long standing and began when China didn't even have a decent size war ship to speak of. Being a small city state we need some forms of deterrence to counter some of our aggressive bigger neighbors and we also need decent supply of military procurements. If we don't have both our national security would be in jeopardy.

Malaysia and Singapore agreed together to the International Court of Justice to resolve disputes on some small islands, and the disputes has been resolved peacefully.
Moreover, the Singapore Navy is considered one of the most powerful navy in the region. So what made your government to worry?

Can China do both 30 years ago? Even today China's naval reach is still limited somewhat and until China is strong enough to project power beyond her littoral border she can not question a small city state's former alliances. If China can kick the US out of Western Pacific I don't see there is a need for us to have the US's protections. But until then we are neutral and being an ASEAN member we also follow its consensus.

Agreement on 4 U.S warships took place only recently.
Furthermore, your presentation here contradict your section above. You said that you "need some forms of deterrence to counter some of our aggressive bigger neighbors", this will end if China kicked the U.S out western Pacific?

China has no right to question the US warships (actually they are littoral warships whose primary duty are in the Malacca) station in Singapore because the agreement was signed long ago. If war breaks out between you two in the SCS, IMO, Singapore will stay neutral and not allows the US to use as a base beyond the existing warships.

I doubt this.
I think at the time Singapore will become a useful logistics base for USN.

The economic benefits are a two way street. Lest not forget Singapore was one of the first country that entered China to provide capitals and professional management know hows. Besides the government Chinese Diaspora invested in China en mass and contributed vast amount pf capitals when China needed them the most.

This is a win-win cooperation. It also brought prosperity to Singapore, where a limited resource. Your country will not continue rich more and more if it did not act capital investment abroad.

Finally, you should admit that your government has ideas which not same yours.
I really don't understand the Vietnamese. You claim that you are the victims of all the wars in your history. On the same time, you wish a new war coming to you soon. You just can't get enough, right?

We don´t wish a war!

Our goal is to have Paracel and part of Spratly islands back from the Chinese, by peaceful negotiation. No threating with force nor using force. I never hear that China official declares from refraining from force for its objectives.
At the last ASEAN meeting, Vietnam and Philippines wanted the bloc discussing on the South China Sea issue, and adding some more binding statements into the Code of Conduct. But it failed, due to Chinese sabotage.

Obviously China has a hidden agenda.
So do not blame Vietnam, that it is turning to Russia and the U.S.
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