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Is Bhutan moving away from Delhi... towards Beijing?

This is the Queen of Bhutan:


And the Indians here are claiming that she is an Indian. :lol:

It doesn't matter. India and Bhutan have a free regime. Bhutanese can work in India without legal restriction. 90% of Bhutanese study in various parts of India. Bhutan's military requirement and most of of its foreign affairs are managed by India.

So why are your Indian friends claiming she is an Indian?

She was born in the city of Thimphu (in Bhutan), to a father that was born in Trashigang (in Bhutan), to a Grandfather that was born in Bhutan.
It is very good that the external affairs ministry has done the studies in a pro active manner. But nothing to panic about it. Again restating what I stated in another thread. Here are certain points to ponder.

1. China - Bhutan need to settle their border issues
2. Bhutan shares a cultural relationship for ages with people of Tibet and Bhutan would be concerned about the Chinese more than Indians.
3. India is a major trade partner and is dependent on Indian financial assistance and the major part of the trade is the Bhutan export of hydroelectric power to India(For all the problems, still India is the consumer of that hydroelectric power)
4. Bhutan-India most recently signed 2007 friendship treaty - one of the clauses is Bhutan can import weapons from non-Indian sources but the weapons should not be a threat for India. This being the situation, if China wants to have even a listening post, Bhutan will not risk it.
5. Bhutan atmost would play neutral between China and India - It is pointless to assume that countries like Bhutan or SL will choose one vs the other.
6. India-Bhutan does not have many sticking issues in their relationship.
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and his Bhutanese counterpart, Jigmi Y. Thinley, on Thursday expressed willingness to establish formal diplomatic ties between their countries.

The two leaders met here on the sidelines of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, known as the Rio+20 summit, which started Wednesday afternoon.

Wen said China highly appreciates Bhutan's staunch support of China's position on issues concerning Taiwan and Tibet.

China, Wen said, also values the traditional friendship between the two nations and respects Bhutan's choice for its development path according to its own national conditions.

Noting that China pursues a foreign policy of good-neighborliness, Wen said China is ready to forge formal diplomatic relations with Bhutan on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.

Meanwhile, Wen said, China is willing to complete border demarcation with Bhutan at an early date and strengthen exchanges in various fields so as to push bilateral ties to a higher level.

For his part, Thinley said his talks with Wen carry great historic significance as it marks the first meeting between the heads of the two governments.

The Bhutanese, he said, highly appreciate China's endeavor to safeguard the common interests of developing countries in international and regional affairs.

Bhutan firmly sticks to a one-China policy and has strong desire to strengthen understanding of and friendship with China, Thinley said.

He confirmed that Bhutan wishes to forge formal diplomatic ties with China as soon as possible.

Bhutan is willing to settle border issues with China in an cooperative manner, enhance bilateral economic and trade cooperation and people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and carry out close communication and coordination in international and regional affairs, said Thinley.

China, Bhutan ready to forge formal diplomatic ties - Globaltimes.cn

Bhutan is ready to come out and join the world communities, away from India's iron grips on it economies, military and foreign policies. She will become a truly independent state out of constant interferences of the past. While she at it, she mind as well get rid the devalued Ruppee and uses the Chinese Yuan instead.
Is Bhutan moving away from Delhi... towards Beijing?
Published: Saturday, Jul 14, 2012, 9:30 IST
By Iftikhar Gilani | Place: New Delhi | Agency: DNA

I know many people here may not like to hear it but the truth is that Chinese projects certainly get completed quite efficiently in comparison to Indian projects. The story is the same in Sri Lanka. Bascially if you sign an agreement with China, you are almost guaranteed that the job will be done - often before the deadline itself and to a high standard, whereas if you sign and agreement with India, the project will take ages to get started and ages to finish - if it actually gets off the ground that is. Perhaps this is a cultural difference, but it does not inspire confidence to be honest. However, it must be said that the Indian projects have generally better terms. In Sri Lanka, the Hambantota Port and the Southern Highway were completed so efficiently and in time, whereas the Indian sponsored coal power project in the east of the country is still to get off the ground even after a couple of years.
The thing with the Bhutanese is that naked materialism is not their thing.

If all they wanted was bullet trains and iPads, the would have rushed into Chinese arms a long time ago.

Unfortunately for you, my Chinese friends, there are some things that us inefficient, dark-skinned Indians can offer that you will always have difficulty in recognizing.
*sigh* Every 2-3 years news like this surfaces.........
The fact remains that despite all this news, from "inside sources" , Bhutan-Sino border is closed!!
The thing with the Bhutanese is that naked materialism is not their thing.

If all they wanted was bullet trains and iPads, the would have rushed into Chinese arms a long time ago.

Unfortunately for you, my Chinese friends, there are some things that us inefficient, dark-skinned Indians can offer that you will always have difficulty in recognizing.

Maybe not, but they are the ones coming to us looking for diplomatic relations.

Even your own media is reporting it:

China, Bhutan 'ready' to establish diplomatic ties - The Hindu
Bhutan should provide staging post for PLA near Shiliguri Corridor.

Y dont KIDS change diapers in sleep? :angry:

Maybe not, but they are the ones coming to us looking for diplomatic relations.

Even your own media is reporting it:

China, Bhutan 'ready' to establish diplomatic ties - The Hindu

Oh ya CD, just now they are creating diplomatic relationship and one comedian is posting, they are walking towards beijing? :lol:
It will take atleast a century if Bhutan wants to be allies with China !!
And they are our dearest friend !! :)
Oh ya CD, just now they are creating diplomatic relationship and one comedian is posting, they are walking towards beijing? :lol:
It will take atleast a century if Bhutan wants to be allies with China !!
And they are our dearest friend !! :)

Maybe so.

But that doesn't change the fact that they are the ones coming to us and looking for diplomatic relations.
So why are your Indian friends claiming she is an Indian?

She was born in the city of Thimphu (in Bhutan), to a father that was born in Trashigang (in Bhutan), to a Grandfather that was born in Bhutan.
You are right, she wasn't born in India, just educated here......

Offtopic She is a hell of a hottie!!:flame:(sorry my tharki brain won't stop even for a serious discussion:D)
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