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Is all hope lost for the future of Pakistan?


Aug 19, 2014
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PM Imran Khan struggled 22 long years to break the two party system of PPP-PMLN, only to be replaced by the same in less than 4 years! How did this happen? Was he fighting the wrong people all this time? Who is responsible for this historic political disaster?
We all know PM Imran Khan is a born fighter and he will continue to fight even from opposition as he used to do. But watching his decades long struggle wasted in a couple of days leading up to NCM vote is not a very healthy sign for the future of Pakistan. This unfolding episode is yet another circumstantial evidence of the harsh reality that real political power in Pakistan doesn't rest with its civilian govt. It's always somewhere else and when they choose, they are powerful enough to topple even a govt with 2/3 majority. Mr Khan didn't even have a simple majority and yet he is still not completely clean bold. Your thoughts?
America bahadur ko kesey naraz ker diya.
is Ummat ka fitna maal ha or hamari elite to intihai badbakht ha.

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It doesn't matter, but the institution whIch gets to choose prefers corrupt goons over an honest leader.
Institution is in close contact with both opposition and govt at the same time. And then switch sides as it seems fit leading to sudden forming and bust of govts. This cycle of instability has to stop for the country to achieve political stability
Institution is in close contact with both opposition and govt at the same time. And then switch sides as it seems fit leading to sudden forming and bust of govts.
Yup, they are the God. They can make anyone win or lose. Do you remember how Khawaja Asif won his N.A seat in G.E 2018?

So, us, civilians, we don't get to choose.
PM Imran Khan struggled 22 long years to break the two party system of PPP-PMLN, only to be replaced by the same in less than 4 years! How did this happen? Was he fighting the wrong people all this time? Who is responsible for this historic political disaster?
We all know PM Imran Khan is a born fighter and he will continue to fight even from opposition as he used to do. But watching his decades long struggle wasted in a couple of days leading up to NCM vote is not a very healthy sign for the future of Pakistan. This unfolding episode is yet another circumstantial evidence of the harsh reality that real political power in Pakistan doesn't rest with its civilian govt. It's always somewhere else and when they choose, they are powerful enough to topple even a govt with 2/3 majority. Mr Khan didn't even have a simple majority and yet he is still not completely clean bold. Your thoughts?

"A nation lives in the heart of its people"
When the Pakistani public is voting for the opposition then who are we to complain? If the public actually wants a change, it can happen within a minute, it doesnt have to be PTI, the people need to vote for those who will give rights to the poor, justice for all, destroy corruption, make institutes corruption free, promote education.
We dont need to vote for the elite, the electables, if 99% vote for a young educated MNA, who will stop this? If the public finds the MNA as corrupt then next elections vote another candidate, the day a normal educated person can become MNA then that day any individual will challenge for the MNA seat.
No one is above the State of Pakistan

Active Care Taker Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan , has power for 15 days to elect a new Care Taker else his power will be indefinitely extended till elections are concluded

Prime Minister Imran Khan , should consult the National Security Council once and discuss the dangers to State of Pakistan and Impose Emergency in state , and governor rule in Sindh

Supreme court has no Jurisdiction over the Inner working of Assembly

The Media , the hoopla is mere illusion to create an atmosphere of confusion

  • If Speaker of National Assembly , determines Opposition had broken rules regarding political manipulation with another party's members , then yes he can make his judgement call and reject petition for Vote of No confidence

The moment a foreign Nations Threatens state of Pakistan with a formal letter the state can impose Emergency till Intelligence authorities can investigate he matte who was collaborating with Foreign State

Supreme Court's Ruling should be Rejected
  • Against Article 69 , Courts have no authority over Assembly they can't dictate Prime Minister of Pakistan , President of Pakistan or Speake of National Assembly

  • If the Active Prime Minister or Care Taker feels Supreme Court is acting against Interest of Pakistan then the Prime Minister can invoke Emergency Rule to shut down Supreme court , put a lock on it if necessary

It is responsibility of Military / Intelligence / Federal Security Apparatus/Soldiers to side with Active Prime Minister

And help complete the goals of 90 day election
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Institution is in close contact with both opposition and govt at the same time. And then switch sides as it seems fit leading to sudden forming and bust of govts. This cycle of instability has to stop for the country to achieve political stability
This is the time, while the iron is hot for the PTI to build up its ground game for each and every NA seat. It not only has to convince voters but enough investors that it can deliver once back in office. It’s platform needs to reflect from the lessons it’s has learned in 3 and a half years of governing. It can comeback from this setback stronger then ever. PTI has to keep on evolving because this time it took the entire opposition to unite to setback PTI. If it comes back with a new strategy and a solid economic and diplomatic plan it could win the next election stronger then ever, and win a clear majority over the opposition, hopefully enough of a majority to make key reforms.
Allah America dollar. Yes, it's better to leave Pakistan now. I think many stayed in Pakistan because they wanted to see democracy this time but the same drama happened again. If you look at other democracies, you will see that they work differently compared to ours. Our democracy is basically the Kingdom of elites, the kingdom of the establishment. We blame Zardari, Nawaz, and others but in reality, nobody was ever allowed to work and nobody was allowed to take matters into their own hands.
Politicians are like puppets to them. Tomorrow they will select another politician to replace Imran khan and this will continue. There are many who can't even visit Pakistan because they write facts about the establishment. I always argued and call those journalists traitors but I think, they are all right.

We can't change this system. I feel sorry for the Pak airforce and Navy because they aren't allowed to make their own decisions as well. India is our bitter enemy but today I agree with most of the members from India who repeatedly told us about the presence of the establishment. We thought they are maligning our image.

I read somewhere that a general in India tried to build up forces near Rajasthan, operation Brasstacks. Rajiv Gandhi fired him and sacked him. India is real democracy. Here you fear for your life like regular bomb blasts, jihadi attacks, political parties with weapons, and religious parties with live ammunition inside mosques. This is Quaid e Azam Pakistan. even Quaid urged the establishment to stay away and play their role in defending Pakistan. Capital changed from Karachi to Islamabad and East Pakistan was ruined.

look at Balochistan now! Anyway thank you all for supporting Imran khan. one day, we will defeat this system and break the chains. Maybe after 20 or 30 years but I think I will not be alive to see powerful Pakistan. as a kid, I used to see fighter jets. I think there is no point now. You can do anything in Pakistan now. Money buys everything here. Very sad but true.
Not all lost but the battle is very difficult.

Just look at the battlefield. Its Imran Khan versus the state and corrupt politicians.

These politicians are so courageous that they call the army generals by name. These same army generals then meet in the dark with Sharif family to give them concession.

What happened today is that the establishment tied Imran Khan's limbs and threw him to the crooks.

What was Imran Khan's fault? He was trying his best to get the nation out of this perpetual slavery. He was trying to improve the economy so that we are self sufficient. He did so much for poor through Ehsas program and Sehat card. These are just two examples. For the first time, a government disbursed $8 billion in cash assistance. This was his fault. For first time, a leader did something for the people.

The final decision has fingerprints of establishment over it. You will see this in a few days if you dont believe me. Its Bajwa.
This is the time, while the iron is hot for the PTI to build up its ground game for each and every NA seat. It not only has to convince voters but enough investors that it can deliver once back in office. It’s platform needs to reflect from the lessons it’s has learned in 3 and a half years of governing. It can comeback from this setback stronger then ever. PTI has to keep on evolving because this time it took the entire opposition to unite to setback PTI. If it comes back with a new strategy and a solid economic and diplomatic plan it could win the next election stronger then ever, and win a clear majority over the opposition, hopefully enough of a majority to make key reforms.
The issue is if the west is not happy then Pakistan economy will suffer, then our elite assets will suffer and this includes current and retired establishment people. What could you do to make this better?

IK and PTI need to come with alternative plan which would benefit Pakistan. ie more trade with China, Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, ASEAN, Gulf, Africa, Russia, Turk Nations. The question is are these importing nations or are they in the same as category as Pakistan, which is a nation which is desperate for exports. The west is mega rich and they import from Asia because its cheap.

We are desperate for gas and oil, we made contract with Iran for the pipeline, Iran built their side of pipeline but Pakistan is acting like a coward nation and not building it on their side.
democracy is messy. why get so worked up over it ?
India has had 27 no confidence motions since 1963 , the first against Nehru in 1963.
So in 60 odd years 27 motions.
1 motion every 2 years.
Vajpayee famously lost by 1 vote in 1999.
Personally i feel mqm is a better party for Pakistan because it gets stuff done on the ground while pti is always in opposition mode , even while in power. All talk but nothing substantial on the ground, instead creating international divisions for Pakistan.
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