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Is all hope lost for the future of Pakistan?

Not all lost but the battle is very difficult.

Just look at the battlefield. Its Imran Khan versus the state and corrupt politicians.

These politicians are so courageous that they call the army generals by name. These same army generals then meet in the dark with Sharif family to give them concession.

What happened today is that the establishment tied Imran Khan's limbs and threw him to the crooks.

What was Imran Khan's fault? He was trying his best to get the nation out of this perpetual slavery. He was trying to improve the economy so that we are self sufficient. He did so much for poor through Ehsas program and Sehat card. These are just two examples. For the first time, a government disbursed $8 billion in cash assistance. This was his fault. For first time, a leader did something for the people.

The final decision has fingerprints of establishment over it. You will see this in a few days if you dont believe me. Its Bajwa.
you are right. The point is why to think about positive things when you know that they will never happen. Generations before us dreamed the same. Nothing happened. today, we dreamed the same but we have seen this battle. How can a single politician win against the whole state? It's impossible. Imran Khan is an honest man and he believes in principles so he will leave us all quietly. powerful personalities often quit politely.

The system is so corrupt that any department can receive dictation and they have to favor the establishment otherwise dead. It's like a BIg BIG mafia. No matter who is next in line, they are all same. they are all future prime ministers of Pakistan but for the world, the politician is a prime minister. Truth is bitter. Again, this is a long discussion but what's the point now? they can change election results as well. I mean where are we living? is this stone age or what? A Muslim country with the kingdom of Establishment! Never seen such things in any other country.
Yes, all hope is indeed lost.

Pakistan needs a revolution, which is impossible since Pakistan is comprised of too many different nations - too difficult to find common grounds and rally masses for something like a revolution.
PM Imran Khan struggled 22 long years to break the two party system of PPP-PMLN, only to be replaced by the same in less than 4 years! How did this happen? Was he fighting the wrong people all this time? Who is responsible for this historic political disaster?
We all know PM Imran Khan is a born fighter and he will continue to fight even from opposition as he used to do. But watching his decades long struggle wasted in a couple of days leading up to NCM vote is not a very healthy sign for the future of Pakistan. This unfolding episode is yet another circumstantial evidence of the harsh reality that real political power in Pakistan doesn't rest with its civilian govt. It's always somewhere else and when they choose, they are powerful enough to topple even a govt with 2/3 majority. Mr Khan didn't even have a simple majority and yet he is still not completely clean bold. Your thoughts?
There will be an election next year. Will you be sure to vote in that election? If yes, then others like you will also do the same to bring him back to power. You don't need establishment or the SC for this trick to work. :cheers:
What Supreme Court has done is , Un Necessarily , stepped in when it had no mandate or Right to interfere , they can't even read Article 69 , it is written in Simple English also Urdu translation is also available

  • Your Hajj is even Haram , if you killed someone stole their money to finance your trip

How can Supreme Court expects Pakistani Citizens to remain quiet , at their blatant support of criminal elements

1- PDM broke rule 15 time , it approached 15 members of PTI and countless other times rules were broken when they approached other Candidates to entice them to vote against PTI

Violations :
  • 15 Times when it enticed PTI members , to go against Party (15 times )
  • 10-20 Occasions other PTI members were approached but they said NO

Speaker of National Assembly has done his Job Honorably , when Corruption and Violation was detected he rejected the Petition

Any Petition submitted to Speaker of National Assembly will be Rejected , unlimited times , until necessary actions taken against Breaking of Law of enticing opposing Politicians

If the Court feels it is ok to break law then the Problem is with Supreme Court not Government
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Napoleon said to him, I have nothing but your execution Not because you resisted us and killed our soldiers But because you have paid your life for the cowardly people who are preoccupied with their trade and have no meaning to the freedom of the homelands.

PM Imran Khan struggled 22 long years to break the two party system of PPP-PMLN, only to be replaced by the same in less than 4 years! How did this happen? Was he fighting the wrong people all this time? Who is responsible for this historic political disaster?
We all know PM Imran Khan is a born fighter and he will continue to fight even from opposition as he used to do. But watching his decades long struggle wasted in a couple of days leading up to NCM vote is not a very healthy sign for the future of Pakistan. This unfolding episode is yet another circumstantial evidence of the harsh reality that real political power in Pakistan doesn't rest with its civilian govt. It's always somewhere else and when they choose, they are powerful enough to topple even a govt with 2/3 majority. Mr Khan didn't even have a simple majority and yet he is still not completely clean bold. Your thoughts?

The military's job is to defend the country from foreign threats. Since the military was part of NSC meeting and agreed that this coup was foreign-engineered, then you have to ask why they did not do their job.
A sad day indeed. But in retrospect it’s the Pakistani awam that will suffer.

I’m just glad I....


Have fun eating donkey meat and drinking toilet bowl water pakeez..
We deserved it, we got it.
A businessman mixing water in milk wants a person like Hazrat Umar RA as prime Minister, is all our mentality. We sleep with 10 women, yet we want most pious woman as wife.

We are a joke, and the joke continues.
The issue is if the west is not happy then Pakistan economy will suffer, then our elite assets will suffer and this includes current and retired establishment people. What could you do to make this better?

IK and PTI need to come with alternative plan which would benefit Pakistan. ie more trade with China, Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, ASEAN, Gulf, Africa, Russia, Turk Nations. The question is are these importing nations or are they in the same as category as Pakistan, which is a nation which is desperate for exports. The west is mega rich and they import from Asia because its cheap.

We are desperate for gas and oil, we made contract with Iran for the pipeline, Iran built their side of pipeline but Pakistan is acting like a coward nation and not building it on their side.
Pakistan’s elites need to concede some of their monopolistic control over key industries and allow new entrants with money to invest. Land reform should be enacted so smaller farmers can earn profits which they should be incentivized to reinvest into their farms to boost yields.

Pakistan needs investors, investment in Human capital and access to technology.

Mines like Reko-Diq need to be strategically opened up with a western partner to gain business partners in western capitals. The knowledge and experience gained from this project can jump start the mining industry. We should have these kinds of ventures in each industry. Ventures that bring in technology, training for our human capital, and enough influence abroad to “refinance” not just our loans but our political relations. If we can achieve a faster then 7-8% annual growth sustained over a number of year we will attract foreign investors and the associated political capital.

We also need to make the Indus and all associated rivers navigable. navigable rivers in Pakistan are one of the key to rapid industrialization. We can’t move most of our population to the coasts to make labor Available to the global companies, but we can bring ships to our populations in the form of navigable rivers. Couple this with a canal (The “Makran Canal”) from Karachi to Gwadar and you have a way to make Gwadar, with its deep water port, relevant to global trade, a potentially viable competitor to Dubai, and therefore more Chinese investment, not just in Gwadar but the whole of a Pakistan. Gwadar with a canal via Karachi and not a rail line directly north to Quetta would also make it more secure from potential future successionist plans.

We need to think big, and a lot of the work we can do ourselves. Think of our rivers like they were the Mississippi River or the Yangtze with each of their tributaries. I use to live near one of the tributaries of the Mississippi and would watch the barges going by day after day. Shipping by sea is the cheapest form of transport. Couple this with a railway from the Rivers to China via Afghanistan and Central Asia, and you get a non-Malacca Route for Chinese trade; commercial customers. with a trade route like that, commercial investors would come from both East and West, making Pakistan important to global trade; because it would be the like the “Suez Canal” to Central Asia.

We can start by being more careful in how we use our water. We need to use modern farms of agriculture and conserve the water so there is enough to make the rivers Navigable all the way down into the Indus delta.

In fact with the following chart, you can know exactly how deep the water level needs to be to carry ships of a certain weight down River.

The Indians have been studying the navigability of the River Ravi for Years

With the right boat (A Stern Landing Vessel), a ship could travel the Rivers of Pakistan, AND traverse the Arabian Sea and make it to the port of Djibouti, where trade with Africa would be at the lowest possible cost. If Ethiopia and Djibouti use some of the water from the Great Renaissance dam to build a canal from the dam to Djibouti, a ship like this could sail into the African interior (and wouldn’t need a prepared port to trade in); merging on the west coast and could sail through the entire Niger a river system as well. HUGE trade potential with a few key infrastructure projects.

This kind of ship would not only be good for commerce but Pakistani military logistics, and would make the profit margins even higher for existing industrialists. It’s a win win that any Smart party would do, especially if they can convince the people that conserving water and using it wisely will benefit them greatly.

Then Pakistan could easily trade in higher amounts with Africa and Central Asia, as well as earn from the transit trade accordingly.

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i wish i awake a morning and see there is no SC and parliament both are bombed last night and burn to core
It feels like Pakistani's like subjugation from the west, disagree with IK all you want but he did raise Pakistan's voice in the world, and he is no corrupt and importantly he was elected through democratic process, but once these PDM leaders come back into Power, those Powers who bring in will use them as they please, they will force Pakistan to make decision which are best in their interest not in Pakistan's, maybe I should think about moving my family here in USA and start calling it my country.
our people still have a slave mentality for the white colonial race. It's in our blood to be ruled and instructed to take orders.
I often ask myself is Pakistan or Pakistanis cursed? We just cant seem to eradicate ourself from the past.
Why is Donald Duck interfering in the internal politics of Pakistan? o_O:taz:
sharifs are smart first thing they did was buying ECP . its the way to get seats .
What a curse Zial ul haq gave us ...a never ending curse on the nation. According to Kashif Abbasi establishment has every day 2 or 3 meetings with 3 stooges. .... wtf is going on ..

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