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Is abusing of Indian members a norm here?

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New Recruit

Aug 23, 2009
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M_Saint posted a message calling me "bloody idiot Indian".

Just to know, are such abuses a norm here? I'm not complaining but I just want to know.. as it would give me an insight regarding the mentality of the people here.
M_Saint posted a message calling me "bloody idiot Indian".

Just to know, are such abuses a norm here? I'm not complaining but I just want to know.. as it would give me an insight regarding the mentality of the people here.

can u plz give the ref to related thread where he used such language. definetly these are untolrable remarks.
Well you cannot judge a whole nation or community just because of one person.....plus do mention the relevant thread or post where this incidemt happened...
The treatment here is a little better than other sites.. from what I have heard.. I try to be as polite and welcoming as possible... Unfortunately there are some that cannot keep their cool when ridiculous propaganda is being spewed by our indian friends .. ,they are our guests and should be treated with utmost respect throughout their stay on this site. rather than name calling a more reasonable approach would be to ban miscreants. Which is done rather effectively. All in all .. this is a Pakistani Defense site .. and we welcome you here till you suggest that you cannot honour our rules and emotions.
The treatment here is a little better than other sites.. from what I have heard.. I try to be as polite and welcoming as possible... Unfortunately there are some that cannot keep their cool when ridiculous propaganda is being spewed by our indian friends .. ,they are our guests and should be treated with utmost respect throughout their stay on this site. rather than name calling a more reasonable approach would be to ban miscreants. Which is done rather effectively. All in all .. this is a Pakistani Defense site .. and we welcome you here till you suggest that you cannot honour our rules and emotions.

I agree. Even I at times go overboard with the name-calling. But this particular remark was a bit too much.
according to what i see he is not a pakistani but from bangladesh.....but whatever is said is regretful
I read your posts as well .. I do not agree with you being rude just before and certainly not agree with the name-calling that followed.. Need to be a little more classy ..
I read your posts as well .. I do not agree with you being rude just before and certainly not agree with the name-calling that followed.. Need to be a little more classy ..

I'll keep that in mind.

well sir its not acceptable behavior, the respected member should take his words back and edit the post. there is nothing wrong in difference of openion over an issue, but if one has to make a point, he should do it through logic, and not through the use of abusive language,this holds for every one regardless of his nationality. we should try to follow the rules of decent conduct in our posts.
If good sir you are so concerned maybe you should at forums like bharat rakshack or what ever and see how they treat their pakistani members and talk about islam on that forum.
No one is spared you should see what they did to Elmo...
^They were jokes. Get it right.

As far as the abusive language is concerned. We try to make sure that it is eliminated so both sides can actually discuss the issues rather than focus on name calling. :)
Remember this is a Pakistani hosted forum. So Pakistani's feel like this is a place to let off steam. IMHO, Indians are both the most vehemently attacked AND the most provocative. We yanks get aggressively criticized and called names occasionally as well, but there are fewer of us and so not as much opportunity to dump on us. I have learned that the name calling is inversely proportional to the posting member's age .......:usflag:
I am reading this forum quite a long time and i too feel abusing of Indian members is very common here.
Pakistani member when start losing they go for abousive,religious and same repeated word "India is poor".
Yes not all but i have seen large number of Pakistani member doing this..............
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