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Is abusing of Indian members a norm here?

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I believe there is no harm in having an active discussion over various sensitive issues like 1965 war and Kashmir dispute in general. But all members should refrain from silly name-calling. If the administrators don't agree with my viewpoint, I would willingly quit this forum.

Narkun i respect wat you said! and you are most welcomed here but hence, talking about 65 war and etc is not a prob its the abuse that some indian members give here which not be tollerated at all! disrespecting of other members , disrespecting of countires armed forces and most importantly out nation. Its only fair in wat i stated in the end hence you can crosscheck and read i put abusing any member is wrong and that as well goes for us Pakistani we are all human in the end! but when one is guest one should and shall act like one just like if i was on a indian fourm ! i hope this kind of clear thigns up.:cheers::pakistan:
indians are such cry babies and hippocrates.... talk of abusing forum members, Bharat-rakskak or any indian military forum is the prime example...
I can say this from my experience Indian member are treated the same as all, We at :pdf: will not and do not discriminate any one on the basics of Country, Race, Religion. If any member feels that he has been treated unfairly or the other member is going out of control just report to the mod and I promise it will be taken care of with in 24 hr. I am the oldest person by age on the forum and have been a member for a long time if you see me say or do something wrong I will get my Butt kicked by the mods. Rules are meant for every one to obey. A place like forum you have thousands of people from all over the world and everyone has his or her opinion, We should respect that. The flip side of the coin yes there are and always will be some issues which are more sensitive than other, I would say use common sense debate on it use facts to support your point and stay cool, You can use harsh words on the topic but not to the member than it becomes personal and that leads to yours is bigger than mine and the fight keeps going on and the thread gets out of hand. So please this is a request to all that lets play a mature role during a debate there are a lot of non members who come 10 times a day to get info when they see such things it degrades the forum.
Thank you:cheers:
indians are such cry babies and hippocrates.... talk of abusing forum members, Bharat-rakskak or any indian military forum is the prime example...

Than that make this forum better doesn't it. I read the 65 war thread if the Indian member says something which you or I say its bull, He has us pinned down because now he is only playing with your emotions thats all. So don't give in Stay calm what he is saying will not change the fact what happend or will change the outcome of the war which took place 5 decades ago. Just go with the flow:tup: And it goes for the Indian members as well when you loose your cool the other guy has a upper hand and now he is playing with your emotions..
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Seeing pattern of lies, damn lies, statistics and recurrent lies against people of the kind, passionate, loving and giving that I have come accross the most; I have come to rescue them in many occasions. It's natural for a man that made off flesh and blood to get offended after being shaked with cheap pimpering like the follwoing,

1, the 'martial races men of Pakistan' would still be having a 'nice time' with your non-martial Bengali Sisters/daughters like they were doing in 1971.(#180)

2, No offense.. but you are so ignorant that I didn't even bother to read the rest of your comment. (#249)

3, While u want nothing indian in ur sacred BD territory , thousands of Bangladeshi illegally migrating in to india from the same sacred BD lands each day. (#259)

I've seen the 1000 yrs of Indian common traits in their above posts and couldn't have resisted to call it anymore. But anyway, Indians had started it, so they should have 'Got used to' instead of 'Being crying baby' but I regret for being not 'Diplomatic' though.
The funny thing is that the thread starter who is complaining is actually engaging in the trolling act as explained by the poster above. The guy who supported him with the Nazi tag and German flag was actually an Indian pretending to be a Nazi! This is very pathetic...
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