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It's always pathetic to see the comments of misinforming and confusing people on this forum react. But it's encouraging to see some people denouncing them, a fresh wind is blowing on this forum.

The latest version of the Yak-130 are even more advanced as the Su-35 is even more advanced than before, this is very good news. Su 35S coming, with Yak-130s and the new generation of kowsar, Iran is getting much stronger. More other new fighter jets coming from home-made Iran side
For some reason this man blocked me when i simply asked what were his sources


I really don't understand twitter users sometimes
I can’t imagine iran only ordering 2 Yak-130’s.

Most operators around the world have 12-16 in service.

Depending on how many SU-30/35’s Iran plans to buy or how many pilots it plans to train on these aircraft, the number of Yak-130 should be higher. For a large airforce 24-36 Yak-130’s might be a good number.

Curious to see how many Iran ordered.

Even if this news is correct, it belies the fundamental disaster that is lack of Iranian consistent messaging that has been the bain of the IRI and the Iranian people. Shame on those who have been asleep at the wheel at this which is as important or even more so than any battle won or any military technology developed.

Given the stream of crap pouring out on these craft I still can’t believe with reasonable certainty what is true or not. Shame!
My guess will be as good as yours but here it is:

At worst, hypothetically, IRIAF may have contracted one of the SSJ-connected solid-fueled missile turbojet makers to overhaul the existing AIM-7E2 stock. We know that IRIAF, other than Fakour-90, maintain some 35 x thoroughly overhauled AIM-54 labeled as "AIM-54+". In 2020 the LR-BVR stock for Tomcat fleet was made of 100 x Fakour-90 and 35 x AIM-54+. Not sure what have they done in last 3 years (Reference "Persian Cats gets new Claws: Key-Aero). But the point is they have a habit of overhauling old missiles. AIM-7E2 stocks survived the war in good numbers. Considering that IRIAF has very less money to maneuver around even with local suppliers of tech within Iran, I would say this option is totally likely. It happened before with AIM-9J being overhauled, upgraded (seeker, motor) and designated as "Fatter"

At best, Arash could be to AIM-7 what Fakour-90 has been to AIM-54, a different newly designed body with some aerodynamic similarities with the Sparrow family. It could be a new ARH seeker with ECCM, maybe a dual seeker, with new more efficient solid fuel motor. With this configuration, it could turn out to be something in the class of AIM-120C for Kowsar, F-14A/AM, F-4E/D Dowran who all can launch BVR attacks.

I have been racking my brains over how an AIM-7 <--> Arash development could look like.

When I came across the following I found it interesting to find that AIM-7 could have an extended family tree. Well, some more so than others obviously:-


The same pertaining to the combat a/c which could likely be unveiled in Sept/Oct.

Well, as I have indicated elsewhere from Iran do not expect the expected.

I will therefore give my brain a rest, and await the official unveiling(s) like all the rest, patiently.

They could start by putting a new rocket motor and an active radar seeker in the AIM-7 shell, this is the simplest option. Pretty much what they've done with AIM-90 and AIM-23, new electronics/ motors in old shells.

On another note, Meshkat says that the IRIAF MiG-29 and Su-24 will be upgraded with russian help. MiG-29SM or SMT with R-77s and Su-24MK2 would be another good step forward for IRIAF.

Question that Iranian citizens should ask is if this acquisition and any future follow on is the end of Iran's aviation industry...did someone sacrifice all of Iran's aircraft developments for this foreign acquisition or is this a complement to that industry..

Future fundings for Iran domestic aviation industry will make the matter clear....officials in Iran are now quiet and accessing reactions.

Ps: If this turns out to be a good size deal..what is Iran getting back...any TOT..local assembly ..or are we just signing the cheques just like when shah was buying from US.
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This other tweet is also interesting, this show optics of iranians are even better than russian,

i think Iran has already better electronics than russia, look at this tweet, clear images from the seeker:

All images we got from russia lancets are blurred and noisy. They have basic electronics, don t use filters, very cheap quality overall, they are not sophisticated.

Russia is wasting time of humankind, and must give Iran SU-35 and all relevant technologies, humankind will gain time, and Iran will surpass sooner all the rest of the powers. BRICS must perform around Iran, it s the intelligent choice.
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Question that Iranian citizens should ask is if this acquisition and any future follow on is the end of Iran's aviation industry...did someone sacrifice all of Iran's aircraft developments for this foreign acquisition or is this a complement to that industry..

Future fundings for Iran domestic aviation industry will make the matter clear....officials in Iran are now quiet and accessing reactions.

Ps: If this turns out to be a good size deal..what is Iran getting back...any TOT..local assembly ..or are we just signing the cheques just like when shah was buying from US.
0 Understanding
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100% Self contradictions, nagging and logical fallacies
Even if this news is correct, it belies the fundamental disaster that is lack of Iranian consistent messaging that has been the bain of the IRI and the Iranian people. Shame on those who have been asleep at the wheel at this which is as important or even more so than any battle won or any military technology developed.

Given the stream of crap pouring out on these craft I still can’t believe with reasonable certainty what is true or not. Shame!

I have to agree with you, the single biggest arms purchase in IRI history (outside of S-300 and Kilo subs) and we find out thru random Twitter accounts.

One group says we don’t need any foreign arms, the other says it’s up to the powers that be. It’s not too surprising as the IRI is rarely homogenous. It’s made up of many different power factions.

My only concern is that push came to shove and Iran demanded Russia deliver or else they would cut off further arms/ToT to Russia. So Russia is gonna give Iran Yak-130 then drag their feet and give nothing else.

Yak-130 in itself is not a game changer, no one in Middle East is scared that iran got its hands on a trainer jet. The significance is Russia finally delivered a weapon that cannot be categorized as defensive. After all Yak-130 news is not surprising, as it was already being leaked by Western governments months ago. The actual delivery was surprising.
I have to agree with you, the single biggest arms purchase in IRI history (outside of S-300 and Kilo subs) and we find out thru random Twitter accounts.

One group says we don’t need any foreign arms, the other says it’s up to the powers that be. It’s not too surprising as the IRI is rarely homogenous. It’s made up of many different power factions.

My only concern is that push came to shove and Iran demanded Russia deliver or else they would cut off further arms/ToT to Russia. So Russia is gonna give Iran Yak-130 then drag their feet and give nothing else.

Yak-130 in itself is not a game changer, no one in Middle East is scared that iran got its hands on a trainer jet. The significance is Russia finally delivered a weapon that cannot be categorized as defensive. After all Yak-130 news is not surprising, as it was already being leaked by Western governments months ago. The actual delivery was surprising.
This is a deliberate move from Iran in my opinion to not draw public attention

Reports were saying that Iran was interested in Yak-130 and others in 2021, this is a "surprise delivery" indeed

What is really expected? That Iran says "In two days guys be prepared"? Military is something aside (socially) from the society, we are in a military public forum, this is different, not like a hard working Iranian wants to have all actuality about what Iran awaits to get delivered.

Reports also said Iran was interested in Mi-26, Ka-52, Mi-28, Pantsir, S-400/500 and the most mediatized one, Su-35. Also J-10 (which is very unlikely and trump era propaganda). And far long ago, MiG-31

Mi-26 would be the best surprise for Iran with Su-35

I find the Iran pushes Russia to deliver to be a paranoid thought, people were praying for some reason that it was a fake news and fortunately it wasn't. When something good happens, we always imagine the worse behind it.

As an user said here, Iran is not that kind of shouting on roofs about what they bought and this is not the moment to do that, in fact this is a wise move from Iran to remain silent before the delivery, so no public pressure.

With this event, we can now sleep, then wake up and see Mi-26 on Iranian airfields or a random picture of a Pantsir operating in Iran.

There is no need to invent far thought stories about Iran threatening Russia and in fact people including me were all wrong about what could happen, this was nearly the same with Shahed in Ukraine.

Nonetheless i cannot understand what some people wants for Iran, when something is bought, then Iran is giving up its whole Kowsar/Yasin project and is a slave, if Iran doesn't get anything, then Iran is being scammed.

There is a cost for drone ToT, and some people here only nagging and nagging will continue to be exposed in ridiculous fashion like yesterday.
Reports were saying that Iran was interested in Yak-130 and others in 2021, this is a "surprise delivery" indeed

I’m saying the reports from US government itself tying Yak-130 to Russia-Iranian arms deals during the Ukraine war. I am not aware of any U.S. government official saying Iran was going to buy “J-10”.


Another example from May 2023:

Iran is seeking to purchase additional military equipment from Russia, including attack helicopters, radars, and YAK-130 combat trainer aircraft, according to the White House. And Iran last month announced that it had finalized a deal to buy Su-35 fighter jets from Russia.

The White House has also previously said Russia and Iran were considering starting a drone assembly line in Russia for the Ukraine conflict.

“In total, Iran is seeking billions of dollars’ worth of military equipment from Russia,” Kirby said.

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