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IRIAF | News and Discussions

We should keep this video for future discussions..Air power is a good complement to the missile power...Lets urge Iran leaders to bring forward the importance of manned air power and give more $$$ to IRIAF to develop in-house heavy fighter.

And not to forget the importance of military transport planes.

None of those videos are related to this current conflict. Be warned from using Indian media which is rife with bullshit.
Now with this Ukraine conflict and especially if the JCPOA is revived, Iran will make some major military purchases, possibly fighter jets from Russia.

The new sanctions on Russia might be good news for the Iranian air force. Russia might sell to Iran now that their market has shrank
Is Iran attempting or thinking of buying any SU-34s from Russia to replace the F-4s? if not, whay?
Is Iran attempting or thinking of buying any SU-34s from Russia to replace the F-4s? if not, whay?
Well,for a start the big question is not "will iran buy any xx-xx?",the big question is whether or not russia is now willing to become a reliable supplier of military hardware to iran,instead of its previously "reliably unreliable" reputation as a supplier,at least as far as iran was concerned.
That is whats ultimately probably going to decide if irans going to buy any big ticket items from the russians.
The war isn't going to go on for very long. Once Mariupol falls, the rest of the dominos will fall very quickly. The Russians could have already taken Mariupol if it weren't for the Ukrainians preventing the exodus of civilians through humanitarian corridors. They know that once the civilians leave, the Russians will bomb the remaining fighters into oblivion.

Anyways Iran isn't interested in the SU-34. SU-30 and SU-35 are the only models Iran is interested in. As far as China is concerned it's the J-10, nothing else.

They need them for the war.
Anyways Iran isn't interested in the SU-34. SU-30 and SU-35 are the only models Iran is interested in. As far as China is concerned it's the J-10, nothing else.

J-10? Iran would be stupid to buy J-10.

J-31 or NOTHING from China.

SU-34 is waste of money, it’s a bomber and Iran isn’t sending bombers to Saudi Arabia or the Arabian ocean any time soon.

Iran needs air superiority fighters SU-30/35, MIG-31, etc.

While SU-57 or J-20 would be nice, realistically the only “5th” Gen fighter I can see Iran ever getting would be J-31 if China allows it for export (which it likely will).

However, Chinese-Iranian arms relations are almost as bad as Russian-Iranian.

So not hopeful for either as I said in past.
J-10? Iran would be stupid to buy J-10.

J-31 or NOTHING from China.

SU-34 is waste of money, it’s a bomber and Iran isn’t sending bombers to Saudi Arabia or the Arabian ocean any time soon.

Iran needs air superiority fighters SU-30/35, MIG-31, etc.

While SU-57 or J-20 would be nice, realistically the only “5th” Gen fighter I can see Iran ever getting would be J-31 if China allows it for export (which it likely will).

However, Chinese-Iranian arms relations are almost as bad as Russian-Iranian.

So not hopeful for either as I said in past.
remain the question , which is better , low end new generation air craft or high-end previous generation .
on cell phones I go with the second option , won't knew which is better when it come to aircrafts

by the way I believe the only aircrafts IRAF will get until we develop a heavy turbofan engine will be F-5 variants
by the way I believe the only aircrafts IRAF will get until we develop a heavy turbofan engine will be F-5 variants

Yes, it is the old simple principle: A soon as Iran developed a heavy turbofan, they get offered 4++ Fighters at a good price. This is to stop further development of Iran 4++ (and better) fighters. Independence is not a thing that greater powers want to see in other countries.
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