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Crashed near a sports hall and a school? Can you share further details?
You have to be prepared for all eventualities....say if there is an enemy attack.....they are not going to just target your country side.
Don't you think what you said was somehow nonsense.
What's the point of letting enemy reach cities before engaging them and by the way what's the different in fighting enemy fighters over city with fighting them over desert ?
Don't you think what you said was somehow nonsense.
What's the point of letting enemy reach cities before engaging them and by the way what's the different in fighting enemy fighters over city with fighting them over desert ?
Well, if you can totally stop the enemy from reaching the cities then good luck to you.....
And if anything your second part of question is what's called nonsense ...as it were you who was asking ....why do they train over the cities.
Alas....your enemy is not exactly going to ask you to fight over the desert or the cities.
Don't you think what you said was somehow nonsense.
What's the point of letting enemy reach cities before engaging them and by the way what's the different in fighting enemy fighters over city with fighting them over desert ?
They were coming back from training mission and while approaching air force base in tabriz,something go wrong.They didnt ejected because they were not at hihg altitude so they had very short timeframe to act,they spent all available time to direct aircraft to empty(closed school) school stadium to avoid crash in to very dense residental area,literary everything around were residental buildings..so they gave their life to direct aircraft in only empty place around
Why not prepare for all possibilities?
Well, if you can totally stop the enemy from reaching the cities then good luck to you.....
And if anything your second part of question is what's called nonsense ...as it were you who was asking ....why do they train over the cities.
Alas....your enemy is not exactly going to ask you to fight over the desert or the cities.
Exactly what is different in fighting over cities and fighting in deserts ?
They were coming back from training mission and while approaching air force base in tabriz,something go wrong.They didnt ejected because they were not at hihg altitude so they had very short timeframe to act,they spent all available time to direct aircraft to empty(closed school) school stadium to avoid crash in to very dense residental area,literary everything around were residental buildings..so they gave their life to direct aircraft in only empty place around
Tabriz airport is not exactly in the middle of the city by the way I can understand they need double use airports but honestly is it really wise to use them for training purpose
Exactly what is different in fighting over cities and fighting in deserts ?

Tabriz airport is not exactly in the middle of the city by the way I can understand they need double use airports but honestly is it really wise to use them for training purpose
Well,air force must fly and it really doesnt matter is it training or other kind of flight,on training mission there is always one senior pilot instructor...in this case it was pilot instructor with rank of major,and young pilot was colonel so experienced crew...I give you information that I found and saw, it was official statement and I saw video showing crash site,we can now argue about this or that..but most air force tactical bases are located outside cities but still airforce must fly over cities and it is unfortunate that 3 persons die,including two pilots..as I mentioned one major,experienced pilot instructor and second young pilot colonel..and third person was man who live near...so huge tragedy. I dont really know what to say to your question,pilot training include flights over different terrain,using ground infrastucture for navigation..orientation...so I dont know is it even possible to fly training missions just outside cities and provide pilot every possible experience it may need...I am not familiar with air force,to be honest..I served in Army ground force and closest to air force was few months I served in RVPVO which in practice was literary organization work to build and deploy one RVPVO battalion from Yugoslavian Army equipment they left in 2 garrisons,that was 4 mil 8 helicopters..plenty of AAA and few mobile short range Strela SAMs..After that I got promotion and was assigned to brigade,it was mountain maneuver brigade(maneuver means without area of responsibility)so you go where it is worst situation to do most shity jobs,mostly been used as saboteur-reconnaissance-scout task group in offensive missions. Basicly most of our missions was to go first few hours before mission,enter behind enemy lines without fight and wait morning till mission start than surprise engagemnt,brigade end up been knightly and in all ex Yugoslavian...Bosnia,Croatia and Serbian military that means it was heavily fucked up with losses ,so I dont know much about pilot training.
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