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The worst post on the forum is this one. Intellectual slippages are major here. Iranian scientists and the Iranian military are much smarter than their critics and bogus fighter specialists. The Kowsar remains a very good fighter plane in the overall strategy of Iran which will upset the enemy.

Iranian bogus fighter specialists should take chopsticks and knit slippers. Ls F 14 and F4 will cause surprises too. And in Iran's secret weapons, I suspect Iran already has a fighter plane. The Shafaq project is very mysterious. Iran is hiding things from us and will surprise us for the required time

To your slippers the false specialists

Shafaq was originally a joint project with Russia for an advanced jet trainer that was subsequently canceled years ago. Nothing mysterious about it and even if produced it really wouldn't of been a valuable fighter due to a lack of range and thrust and until Iran address the problems it has in the production of high grade alloys and alloy composites, producing a truly capable fighter will continue to remain nothing more than a dream.

The OWJ engine is such a weak and inadequate engine that if you where to slap 8 of them on a single fighter you still wouldn't have enough thrust to match the max thrust of an F-35 and Iran current production capacity of that engine is only 6 per year!
You don't know if Iran canceled the project. How do you know about Iran's secret projects? How can you know a secret that is secret? Iranian scientists and the Iranian military know what they are doing far more than you and the others on this forum. The Kowsar is a plane that will surprise you and your thought shows that you are not a great strategist. 4 Kowsar coming from different directions can take down an F-35 easily with all ground support and more.

There is not just the notion of speed in a fight and in a strategy. If the Shafaq was built would it not be good enough? You know absolutely nothing about it !!! And I say that Iran already has their RD 33, we will see in the future.

A secret is a secret but it seems that a secret is no secret to you, you are very strong!
Shafaq was originally a joint project with Russia for an advanced jet trainer that was subsequently canceled years ago. Nothing mysterious about it and even if produced it really wouldn't of been a valuable fighter due to a lack of range and thrust and until Iran address the problems it has in the production of high grade alloys and alloy composites, producing a truly capable fighter will continue to remain nothing more than a dream.

The OWJ engine is such a weak and inadequate engine that if you where to slap 8 of them on a single fighter you still wouldn't have enough thrust to match the max thrust of an F-35 and Iran current production capacity of that engine is only 6 per year!

why do you engage with idiots whose entire thesis relies on the thought “a secret is a secret”.

Iran has been experimenting on and off with F-5 since 1997, yet less than 30 various planes exist.

This isn’t a serious project and at best it’s to keep the engineers occupied until Iran makes a leap in aerospace technology. Similar to Zolfghiar project was for the Iranian tank industry.
You don't know if Iran canceled the project. How do you know about Iran's secret projects? How can you know a secret that is secret? Iranian scientists and the Iranian military know what they are doing far more than you and the others on this forum. The Kowsar is a plane that will surprise you and your thought shows that you are not a great strategist. 4 Kowsar coming from different directions can take down an F-35 easily with all ground support and more.

There is not just the notion of speed in a fight and in a strategy. If the Shafaq was built would it not be good enough? You know absolutely nothing about it !!! And I say that Iran already has their RD 33, we will see in the future.

A secret is a secret but it seems that a secret is no secret to you, you are very strong!

RD-33's wouldn't produce enough thrust to have the payload capacity needed for a single engine maned fighter equipped with a RD-33 to be worth the cost of production as appose to the current kosar especially in a country the size Iran and based on the threats Iran faces.
Spending all that money so at the end of the day you end up with something that can't even go up against an F-16

Shafaq is a canceled program and I have no idea what has made you think that it's not!
You don't know if Iran canceled the project. How do you know about Iran's secret projects? How can you know a secret that is secret? Iranian scientists and the Iranian military know what they are doing far more than you and the others on this forum. The Kowsar is a plane that will surprise you and your thought shows that you are not a great strategist. 4 Kowsar coming from different directions can take down an F-35 easily with all ground support and more.

There is not just the notion of speed in a fight and in a strategy. If the Shafaq was built would it not be good enough? You know absolutely nothing about it !!! And I say that Iran already has their RD 33, we will see in the future.

A secret is a secret but it seems that a secret is no secret to you, you are very strong!

As for your illusions about Kosars capabilities let me assure you that even if 10 Kowsars from 10 different directions where to come at an F-35 in under 30 seconds the F-35 could go radar on, lock & fire killing 2-4 of them and then start heading back home without a single kosar being able to get a lock.

Even if kosars where equipped with a secret unknown BVR missile even then 4 Kosar's wouldn't be able to go up against a single AESA equipped F-16....
why do you engage with idiots whose entire thesis relies on the thought “a secret is a secret”.

Iran has been experimenting on and off with F-5 since 1997, yet less than 30 various planes exist.

This isn’t a serious project and at best it’s to keep the engineers occupied until Iran makes a leap in aerospace technology. Similar to Zolfghiar project was for the Iranian tank industry.

Because these delusion are NOT helpful in properly assessing and addressing the weaknesses of Iranian military capabilities!

And kosar or upgraded F-5E/F are just not worth mass producing! Yes it's a great advanced supersonic jet trainer but that's all it is, a trainer!
Because these delusion are NOT helpful in properly assessing and addressing the weaknesses of Iranian military capabilities!

And kosar or upgraded F-5E/F are just not worth mass producing! Yes it's a great advanced supersonic jet trainer but that's all it is, a trainer!
WHY YOU R SO ANGRY are u see american movie too match .in dog fight something is not important is rcs and that mystery radar. go see results of f5 tiger in usa air force dog fight with f16 and even f14 see how stupid speaking of.
Vevak doesn't know anything about real fighting. Ever since he listened to the American movie Top Gun with Tom Cruise, he sees American pilots and their planes as gods. He speculates but be sure that Iranian fighter jets are much better than he thinks. It is impossible that the Iranians have completely subscribed to the Shafaq project and we will see that in the future.

Iranian scientists and the military know what they really need. The ARIAF topic is really the worst topic here because a few speakers are slipping solid.

The F 35 hahahaah
Does anyone know how the F-14AM(modernized f-14) is different than the standard one? Any details about the modernization program?
4 Kowsar coming from different directions can take down an F-35 easily with ....

A secret is a secret but it seems that a secret is no secret to you, you are very strong!
Friend! I am not Iranian, in fact, I am really enthusiastic about what your country is doing. No one can contest that the Kowsar is an important milestone and a real breakthrough for the Iranian aerospace industry. In my view, regarding the clues that I have, the OWJ is mass-produced.
Nevertheless, it is far to be enough to compare a Kowsar to US F-35, in fact, it is impossible to assess that a fleet of few Kowsar could be enough against F-35. It is like to say, Iran is at the same level as the US. Such an assertion is simply senseless.

Just a few facts,
Russia at the beginning of the XX° century -during Czar's era- was at the stone age. Trotsky, Ordzhonikidze, Bukharin, Lenin, etc... looked for technologies in Germany, they imported them, and they developed them. So that in 1940 the T-34 was far ahead against any german tanks. 1943 Yak 5/7/9, and Lavochkin matched with FW-190, etc... Soviet had to import western technology to match with the West.

In the 80's China regarding technology, was at the stone age too. However, China does have a huge, very disciplined, nationalist, cleaver diaspora in the West, so that at the end of the 2000s China caught up with the West in nearly all areas, except aerospace's industry. However, the WS-15 had to match with the F-135, to do that China had to create a joint venture with Russia to overcome the problems. It took 10 long years of hard work, it was far to be easy. In exchange, China offered a huge amount of money and its high tech to Russia.

Iran did significant progress, it has the human potential to catch up with Russia, no one can contest, nevertheless. U must have the technology, and at this stage, Iran does not have yet all the technologies. I talk about tool machinery, and maybe metallurgy skills to do an engine such as the F-135. And sincerely I doubt Iran does have the know-how now. The RD-33 was designed in the middle of the '60s, it could not match with AL-41, F-135, or WS-15.

No one can exclude an upset in international relations. In order to contain China, the West does absolutely needs Iran. If China wants to contain the West and to do its Silk Road project, China and Russia do need Iran.
At this stage, all could be possible.
The guys who are in charge of things in this country have an army of devoted status quo warriors who fiercely defend every move these guys make and give them a free way out on every major fvck up, And this is how we got in this sh!t show of a situation that we are in today.
Does anyone know how the F-14AM(modernized f-14) is different than the standard one? Any details about the modernization program?
IRIAF has upgraded the avionics, fuselage, airframes, radars and weapons systems on all remaining 50+ F-14A Persian Cats. (Iran has retained over 66 airframes out of the 79 aircraft delivered prior to 1979). 30 airframes had been put in storage and upgraded after local spares and weapons systems production was ramped up.

Noteworthy that IRIAF F-14s can carry several types of air-to-air missiles.

In fact along with the M61A1 Vulan 20mm internal cannon, AIM-54 Phoenix radar-guided long-range air-to-air missile, AIM-7 Sparrow medium-range semi-active radar homing air-to-air missile and AIM-9 Sidewinder short-range air-to-air missile, Iranian Tomcats can be loaded also with the Fakour-90 air-to-air missile, the lethal Iranian made AIM-54 BVR air to-air-missile. The Fakour-90 is an Iranian air-to-air missile based on the AIM-54 Phoenix It is solely deployed on Iran's F-14 Tomcats.

Iranian fleet have reportedly received over 250 modifications and upgrades each, including the provision of new radars, cockpit displays, electronic warfare suites and other critical avionics.
60+ IRANIAN TOMCATS ideas | fighter jets, f14 tomcat, iran air474 × 252

The significance of a growing Iranian fleet of heavily upgraded F-14 fighters is not to be underestimated, and has considerable implications for the country’s aerial warfare capabilities. With most of the country’s Tomcats having seen well under a decade of service, some under five years, before a lack of parts placed them in storage, these airframes are essentially brand new and, with the supply of new parts, can be fielded in considerable numbers - with 40 F-14 fighters currently in active service, and some estimates putting this figure much higher. With the Fakour-90 inheriting and improving on the high precision of the AIM-54, and using a more effective fuel composite reportedly developed with Russian assistance, the missile has a range of little under 300km - slightly less than that of its Russian analogue the R-33. This gives Iranian Tomcats, with a steady supply of indigenously manufactured munitions, an engagement range approximately four times that of the American 75km range AIM-120B, the main long range air to air missile of most U.S. clients, and almost three times that of the more advanced AIM-120C. Indeed, in the event of a regional war Iranian Tomcats can safely shoot down fighters over Saudi Arabia without leaving Iranian airspace - and even target jets over Israel if crossing a little over the Iraqi border. The Fakour-90 is very likely to have inherited the Phoenix's hypersonic speed, making it both faster and longer ranged than the AIM-120 deployed by Saudi and Israeli F-15s.

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WHY YOU R SO ANGRY are u see american movie too match .in dog fight something is not important is rcs and that mystery radar. go see results of f5 tiger in usa air force dog fight with f16 and even f14 see how stupid speaking of.

You'd have to be delusional to think that the Americans are stupid enough to allow an enemy Aircraft to get within dogfight range of an F-35 and even if we could get within dogfight range the notion that an IRST equipped fighter would lose to a fighter that is not equipped with an IRST in a within visible range engagement is nothing but a delusion!
FYI in the Iran-Iraq war our F-5's have far more losses than kill against Iraqi fighters especially in a within visible range engagements using IR missiles yet now you have somehow deluded yourself into thinking that the Kosar can go up against an IRST equipped fighter?

And Iran has 8 years of war experience with the F-5 against aircrafts far less sophisticated than F-16's or F-14's so I really don't need to go look at American dog fight results to know what an ill equipped fighter the F-5 is!

Go research Iranian Air to Air kills in the Iran-Iraq war vs Iraq's Air to Air kill in the Iran-Iraq war. Go see how many Iranian F-5's successfully shot down an Iraqi fighter jet using Air to Air Missiles and how many Iraqi Aircraft shot down Iranian F-5's then come here and tell me how good of a fighter the F-5 is! And the fact is we had far better trained pilots than Iraq did because our pilots had far more flight hours than the Iraqi Air Force. Those are the real stats you should be looking at and not some restricted one time exercise conducted by Americans!
WHO CARES if an F-5 can beat an F-35 in a gun fight when at the end of the day the idea that you can even get close enough for a gun fight is absurd and honestly how many Iraqi fighters do you think the F-5's downed during 8 years of war with Iraq using its guns to make even assume that would even be a factor in a modern battle filed and against +4.5Gen fighters?

And I'm not angry, however it's far better for us Iranian to face reality during peace time so we can address it than to be forced to face it if and when war starts so I'd much rather hurt the feelings of my compatriots now rather than.......
سلام دوستان از اول هم قرار بر این نبوده که کوثر وارد نبرد با جنگنده های نسل پنجم مثل اف۲۲ و اف۳۵ بشه. این هواپیما جهت آموزش و پشتیبانی نزدیک هستش و حداکثر اگه خیلی خوشبین باشیم برای نبرد با رقبای منطقه ای ایران که جنگنده نسل پنجم ندارن. پروژه های زیادی در کشور برای نیروی هوایی و هم سایر بخش ها تعریف شده که برداران بی وقفه در حال کار بر روی اونها هستن که بعضی از اونها حتی در تصورات دوست و دشمن نمی گنجه. اندکی صبر نتیجه کار ها در یکی دو سال آینده مشخص خواهد شد​
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