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What could Qatar have what Iran does not? F-16?
the missiles Super 530f is carried by Dasault Mirage F-1 , the friendly country that Qatar sold the missiles to can be Jordan, Egypt, Kuwait, or perhaps India or Iraq . I doubt it's Iraq as 25 years ago I don't think Qatar would have dared to sell any military equipment to Iraq and at that time I don't think iraq had any operational Mirage F-1.

by the way when we decided to use F1 we take from Iraq we used SideWinder with them.
i mean come ooooooon so what now? o_O you are telling me that a fully loaded F_35s and i mean with bunker buster bombs loaded can reach 4000 KM in one go??? they can not reach Tehran and go back to Israel even if they were fully empty let alone fully loaded and on top of that all they will be fully undetected these ppl do not even know what stealth means. PLS tell me if i am wrong.

"It wasn’t lost on anyone that the extension meant Israeli Air Force pilots could use the F-35 to fly from Israel to Tehran and back without detection -- and without having to refuel at U.S. air bases in Saudi Arabia or Iraq."

i mean come ooooooon so what now? o_O you are telling me that a fully loaded F_35s and i mean with bunker buster bombs loaded can reach 4000 KM in one go??? they can not reach Tehran and go back to Israel even if they were fully empty let alone fully loaded and on top of that all they will be fully undetected these ppl do not even know what stealth means. PLS tell me if i am wrong.

"It wasn’t lost on anyone that the extension meant Israeli Air Force pilots could use the F-35 to fly from Israel to Tehran and back without detection -- and without having to refuel at U.S. air bases in Saudi Arabia or Iraq."


There is a way for the F 35s to go undetected all way to Iran without needing to refuel at least not on its way to Iran. All you need to do is disassemble number of F 35 needed for bombing missions and transport F 35s in parts to the nearby base close enough to Iran and assemble it. However this trasnport needs to be classified or at least less suspicious as a every day cargo goods. Assemble the F 35 in a closed hangars where you have F 35s close enough to Iran where you do not need to refuel. This move is very limited and only serves as first strike capability which features suprise tactic that will only serve Israelis political goals to boost their moral and under the assumption Iran will not retaliate. On its way out F 35s can from bombing missions they can refuel when making safe distance from AD. This only works if really these F35s are stealthy as western media portraits them to be.

Even Marine version of F 35 does not need a runway at all!
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There is a way for the F 35s to go undetected all way to Iran without needing to refuel at least not on its way to Iran. All you need to do is disassemble number of F 35 needed for bombing missions and transport F 35s in parts to the nearby base close enough to Iran and assemble it. However this trasnport needs to be classified or at least less suspicious as a every day cargo goods. Assemble the F 35 in a closed hangars where you have F 35s close enough to Iran where you do not need to refuel. This move is very limited and only serves as first strike capability which features suprise tactic that will only serve Israelis political goals to boost their moral and under the assumption Iran will not retaliate. On its way out F 35s can from bombing missions they can refuel when making safe distance from AD. This only works if really these F35s are stealthy as western media portraits them to be.

Even Marine version of F 35 does not need a runway at all!

Disassembling F-35? Israel is incapable of doing such a thing.

F-35 is not some cheap toy that you can assemble and disassemble. There is a reason why they are delivered intact or even flown to their client location.

So please provide proof that such a thing is even possible, because I have never heard of it.

This is propaganda. Even setting issue of fuel aside, no matter how confident Israel was they would never risk flying the plane into Iran.

That is a direct violation of US rules. If so much as mechanical failure occurred, now you are exposing top of the line technology to Iran, Russia, and China. So no way US would even allow this just so israel can thump its chest.
Disassembling F-35? Israel is incapable of doing such a thing.

F-35 is not some cheap toy that you can assemble and disassemble. There is a reason why they are delivered intact or even flown to their client location.

So please provide proof that such a thing is even possible, because I have never heard of it.
Its not like you need to disassemble F-35 to the last bolt, you just need to remove the wings and it will fit inside the cargo plane.

For a second I even thought Marine version with folded wings can be also transported in one piece in one of these cargo planes.

This is propaganda. Even setting issue of fuel aside, no matter how confident Israel was they would never risk flying the plane into Iran.

That is a direct violation of US rules. If so much as mechanical failure occurred, now you are exposing top of the line technology to Iran, Russia, and China. So no way US would even allow this just so israel can thump its chest.
Its not about propaganda or not. I'm talking that this is an option. RQ-170 and Global Hawk were sent with the US military consent and they never returned from their designated mission, so never say never.
Hmmm... I do have a question if Marine version with folded wings can fit inside the C-5M Super Galaxy cargo plane?
Its not like you need to disassemble F-35 to the last bolt, you just need to remove the wings and it will fit inside the cargo plane.
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For a second I even thought Marine version with folded wings can be also transported in one piece in one of these cargo planes.

Its not about propaganda or not. I'm talking that this is an option. RQ-170 and Global Hawk were sent with the US military consent and they never returned from their designated mission, so never say never.

RQ-170 was SPECIFICALLY designed to operate in hostile airspace and SPECIFICALLY designed with the thought in mind it may crash in said hostile airspace.

RQ-170 and Global Hawk are not in the same league as F-35. Preposterous example.

US suspended F-35 to Turkey because of fears S-400 radar will find weaknesses in F-35. But you think they would be ok with sending F-35’s into the heart of Iranian Air defense?

Beyond logical
Perhaps the roles of two aircrafts are not the same where you have a spy drone and on the other a manned multi role jet. RQ-170 was built to spy into enemy airspace and eventually crash but not to be brought intact on the ground, hence why would Obama ask for it back. I assume you are saying F-35 was built not to crash, remain invincible and to decorate US hangars on their airfields and scare off enemy by the way they look. Other US airplanes were downed by the enemy naming few F-16, F-117 over the enemy territory. I don't see that the Americans were particularly moved by these events that it will compromise their war doctrine of having air dominance over others.

I never said it is a good idea to sent F-35 inside Iranian air defence, I'm just pointing out the versatility of options that US army has gained from this fighter jet.

Yeah and the Litorral Combat Ship was supposed to be a 250 million dollar ship that could engage Iranian small craft. It was supposed to have interchangeable parts to be able to submarine hunting, minesweeping, etc.

Instead the program faced massive cost overruns, the ship broke down multiple times, can survive against Iranian craft, the plug and play modules were completely disregarded after spending billions developing them.

My point: Don’t believe the propaganda that comes BEFORE the mass production.

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