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You're talking as if these "modern aircraft" you think Iran is upgrading to will be a match for even our weakest foes in the region.
Not just quality wise, quantity wise Iran is way behind and these upgrades will barely make any difference.
I don't mind Iran using old platforms to test new technologies however let's not delude ourselves to think these upgrades will truly achieve anything more than that.

You underestimate these planes and Iranian scientists and for me it's perfect. We will see in the future but I have the impression that you will be surprised. There are people who search and I like that. There are really spectacular advances in Iran and we are going to discover many things. It's exciting
You underestimate these planes and Iranian scientists and for me it's perfect. We will see in the future but I have the impression that you will be surprised. There are people who search and I like that. There are really spectacular advances in Iran and we are going to discover many things. It's exciting

I have been following Iran's military growth for over a decade now since the time of the old IMF forum and even before that. I don't underestimate our scientists and engineers, I was just pointing out what I considered a flaw in your thinking (I could be wrong of course).

Trust me, I love to be surprised, seeing Iran develop gives me more joy than anything else ;)
Well even the su-30 is getting old so I am not surprised they rejected su-27.

As we can see, these Russians will not give anything strategic to Iran. So I hope people are not waiting around for Russia to give us these higher end fighter jets. As usual we must do it ourselves.
Sad but true,tho it would depend on the model of su27 that was supposedly being offered,if its the old early 90s su27sk then yeah its not worth it as it would only be a 4th gen late cold war machine,basically just a bigger mig29 with some slightly better avionics and longer range.However if its the new build su27sm3 then that is a whole different machine entirely which is not only a new build but in addition utilizes some pretty potent su35 systems and that certainly would be worth building under license,not much point in just buying them tho.I agree the russians are basically worthless politically.militarily and economically,they`re just too untrustworthy to rely upon for almost anything really,its a pity tho.
The other option would be to abandon any thoughts of acquiring 4th gen+ machines and wait for the chinese to finish developing their 5th gen machines over the next decade or 2 while iran starts a massive build up of its new cruise missile forces,including turbofan powered soumars with intermediate range for naval and af use,to compliment its massive ballistic missile force,and also begins the mirving and marving of its existing ballistic missile force.In addition further building up irans air defences with a new generation of upgrades to irans new sams plus upgrading the b373 to give it s300vm like abm capability,as I suspect that the gulfies and possibly israel are finally starting to realise just how vulnerable their much vaunted air power is to irans missile power and may seek to try and develop missile forces of their own.
Devote the resources to reverse and reengineering the f14,tho frankly this would be hideously expensive and I think would be a massive undertaking for even the capabilities of the irgc let alone the ultra conservative airforce with its currently confused priorities.The big question of course is would it really be worth the huge effort when you consider just how many other capabilities iran could build for the same expenditure of resources.
The other option is of course the development of a strategic nuclear deterrent with the goal of a small modern deterrent force comprised of icbms,irbms,mrbms,srbms,slbms,and a mixture of dual use cruise missiles and tactical level weapons.One of the advantages here is that all the branches of the military would get a share of the nuclear pie,tho whether you would want to create a new military branch along the lines of the strategic rocket forces to oversee the strategic defence and control of the strategic class weapons rather than just dividing this up among the existing military branches as the us does is hard to say.
Ultimately I think iran has some hard decisions to make in the near future.
:tup: Perhaps the Iranian technicians and engineers were already working on an idea similar to the one presented here by the user Mitridate

damn i should have wished a lamborghini:D:D
I tried to look more carefully at this new wing, I think that in the front there is still an element missing, an element that I made with photoshop to evaluate how the new wing might look.
With this element the wing has a different configuration that I tried to reproduce in the design of the last pane

landing gears should be redesigned and because the F-5 fuseleg has low width it will be very difficult to do that but if the wings are belong to wider planform with two 1 meter diameter engine , it will be possible and the fighter go to semi-heavy fighter jet.
damn i should have wished a lamborghini:D:D

I wouldn't' get too excited about that! At least not on production model with J-85 engines

Especially since Iran already has experience in changing F-5 wings.....

One of the reason Iran didn't continue to pursue the above shown project and I would say didn't even bother with the Saegheh conversion with the Kosars is because the engines of the Aircraft are so weak that such changes will negatively impact the war fighting capabilities of the Aircraft to a point that it's just not worth it because at the end of the day one of the main problems with the F-5 is payload, range with sufficient payload & to some extent it's supersonic capabilities and changing the wing design or location or adding an extra stabilizer does nothing to address the main issue that's directly related to it's engines.

I don't know what those wings are for or if they are even real and can be made operational even on a prototype or if they simply welded a few sections to an existing wing..... but they are missing their titanium slats and they are far too big and heavy for a production model of a fighter powered by J-85s and I would say that's good news because at least in a way it's showing that Iran is at least working on a larger more capable fighter
In any way, if it is for the F-5 platform then: Trading maneuverability for higher speed performance (delta wings) would be a good trade-off (more so if HOBS AAMs become available).
Finally changing the two J85 in the next step to a single RD-33 would be a good final target for the F-5 platform development.

We have to see for what those wings are.
but they are missing their titanium slats and they are far too big and heavy for a production model of a fighter powered by J-85s and I would say that's good news because at least in a way it's showing that Iran is at least working on a larger more capable fighter

Do they really look big to you? To my eyes they are actually small.
[QUOTE = "Ray_Atek, post: 11270999, membro: 184479"] gli ingranaggi di atterraggio dovrebbero essere ridisegnati e poiché la fuseleg F-5 ha una larghezza ridotta sarà molto difficile farlo, ma se le ali appartengono a una forma planare più ampia con due 1 motore del diametro del metro, sarà possibile e il combattente andrà a un jet da combattimento semi-pesante. [/ QUOTE]

I wouldn't' get too excited about that! At least not on production model with J-85 engines

Especially since Iran already has experience in changing F-5 wings.....

One of the reason Iran didn't continue to pursue the above shown project and I would say didn't even bother with the Saegheh conversion with the Kosars is because the engines of the Aircraft are so weak that such changes will negatively impact the war fighting capabilities of the Aircraft to a point that it's just not worth it because at the end of the day one of the main problems with the F-5 is payload, range with sufficient payload & to some extent it's supersonic capabilities and changing the wing design or location or adding an extra stabilizer does nothing to address the main issue that's directly related to it's engines.

I don't know what those wings are for or if they are even real and can be made operational even on a prototype or if they simply welded a few sections to an existing wing..... but they are missing their titanium slats and they are far too big and heavy for a production model of a fighter powered by J-85s and I would say that's good news because at least in a way it's showing that Iran is at least working on a larger more capable fighter
that photo is forged i don't know why fars published it. this wings probably are maded for our f-7:

looks identical to me. while the first scenario makes more sense but it could belong to new semi-heavy platform based on f-5:




seems like IRIAF have other projects too:



and MOD has this projects:



i'm not sure if they are wasting our resources or trying to achieve the best platform design through competition

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