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e are working on two new unmanned version of Qaher, which are also scaled. One of the forces has requested to use it, which will be announced in the due time.
Do you suppose that qaher and sofreh mahi might end up consolidated into a final unmanned design? I personally think the delta variant of sofreh mahi became obsolete once the rq170 was taken but other manned version and qaher might end up into a final design. As always, engines will limit its size and capabilities, but if it's unmanned and lighter/smaller than an F-5, then two owj should provide some power and range. makes me wonder if it a better investment than current drones and what can it do better than the rq170 derived drones already made in Iran.
Does Iran have a kit to convert the blue freefall bombs into guided bombs?

I really don't see any use of a dumb bomb beside doing collateral damage and being imprecise, look at Russia usage of dumb bombs
Does Iran have a kit to convert the blue freefall bombs into guided bombs?

I really don't see any use of a dumb bomb beside doing collateral damage and being imprecise, look at Russia usage of dumb bombs

Blue are retard bombs for training purposes. They do not carry a live warhead. A pilot needs to know how to drop dumb bombs and calculate wind and speed differential.

Iran has conversion kits for its other dumb bombs both gps guided and computer calculated glide release.
My predictions are starting to show, I said time would prove me right. Really look at the photos of the new fighter planes in the factory, look carefully from left to right. Watch again...

This is interesting,this is not F14 wing,
Unmanned Qaher funded by IRGC will be unveiled in the coming months.

Great news. There will be naval unveilings too. Eagerly waiting for new look of UAV-Qaher.

Btw, a Twitter user's guess
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I really hope this, Iran needs to shut the mouth already of blatant ignorants have been talking against iranian aeronautical engineers.

The quicker the better. That drone in the picture is awesome and badass, as must be.
Notice the BOLD

Projects require customers. General said it himself, that Qaher should have been nothing more than a test bed. Luckily, a branch of Iranian military was able to extract a deployable version.

If Iranian branches don’t fund projects = project dies

Simple as that.
What customer would buy khordad-15th system without radar and missile?!

Customers need products, projects need funds. The problem raised when that traitor (Dehghan) agreed to cut 85% of defense ministry's budget, and then in the face of expectations and absence of funds, he tried to sell this unfinished project off as a trainer/patrol jet! and finance the rest of R&D. obviously he failed.

As for the potential customer, my guess is IRGC navy and it's drone carrier.
What customer would buy khordad-15th system without radar and missile?!
I think the sayyad came out years ago being tested on the Talash system. The missile's launch was shown but the system fielding was purposely kept hidden. I think Talash was the testing grounds for the various radars and missiles that would finally end up as 15th Khordad, Bavar, tactical sayyad, sayyads 2, 3, & 4. IN fact while all attention was on Bavar, 15th Khordad (with Najm radar) was unveiled a few months before Bavar and took everyone here by surprise.
My predictions are starting to show, I said time would prove me right. Really look at the photos of the new fighter planes in the factory, look carefully from left to right. Watch again...

Your assumptions are being real, i watch carefully and i can see Iran makes iranian F-5 optimized like candies, this is nice, Iran has somehow managed to produce all the items needed with the neccesary complex industrial fabric....

I trust on iranian power, it s needed to be more ambitious, i think it would very interesting if F-14 would be the chosen platform to initiate this journey, but F-5 with optimized avionics and IA to make them autonomous would be interesting, it s RCS is low, imagine a swarm of this warplanes.... they are like savage wolves.

Iran is going to surpass away turks advancements in next breaknews, i can see this optimized F-5 better than subsonic KILIZELMA,..., The qaher project is also interesting.
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I really hope this, Iran needs to shut the mouth already of blatant ignorants have been talking against iranian aeronautical engineers.

The quicker the better. That drone in the picture is awesome and badass, as must be.
In every field, mouths have been shut when testing products on western owned assets and their renewable personel in the region (blackwater mercenaries, Komala etc..)

Since Iran propaganda has been destroyed by Ahmadinejad in his spree of 2013 with not needed photoshops and not needed unveilings, every single unveiling will be bombed by private Jewish/American think tanks and Iranian diaspora Kapos and never be taken seriously

The only way is to use them just like with 3kh, Fateh, Shahed when western clowns and users here got embarassed and didn't knew what to say so they were cringely contradicting themselves with reports of 80 drones intercepted in a day by Ukraine, then right the next day saying this is a big threat that require billion dollar systems and threat Iran of war, then next day spreading fake news, repeat the same undefinitely...
Your assumptions are being real, i watch carefully and i can see Iran makes iranian F-5 optimized like candies, this is nice, Iran has somehow managed to produce all the items needed with the neccesary complex industrial fabric....

I trust on iranian power, it s needed to be more ambitious, i think it would very interesting if F-14 would be the chosen platform to initiate this journey, but F-5 with optimized avionics and IA to make them autonomous would be interesting, it s RCS is low, imagine a swarm of this warplanes.... they are like savage wolves.

Iran is going to surpass away turks advancements in next breaknews, i can see this optimized F-5 better than subsonic KILIZELMA,..., The qaher project is also interesting.
This plane will have a new radar, elements of artificial intelligence, new electronics, that has already been said. And it's clear that they use special paint to reduce its radar signature. The plane on the right of the photo is also new. This long body aircraft is truly special and one of a kind
People who said here that IRIAF had a small budget are wrong because in reality, we see the opposite and it was predictable for me. They are really not underfunded, on the contrary, reality undoes these prejudices. Iran has been producing many more planes for 5 years than we think, we are really starting to see it.

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