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Is it possible that the deal might end up being for a higher number of Su 27s with hopefully tech transfer as opposed to su 35s?
Is it possible that the deal might end up being for a higher number of Su 27s with hopefully tech transfer as opposed to su 35s?
if it be up to some traitor they even made deal abut su-7 and some people here defend them and claim su-7 is the best aircraft in the world and they made a very wise move buying them instead of channeling the fund toward domestic airplane production

just like when instead of channeling money toward production of Zulfaqar they used it to buy a modernized T-72
Is it possible that the deal might end up being for a higher number of Su 27s with hopefully tech transfer as opposed to su 35s?
This would be a complete violation of the deal if Iran paid first for the Su-35, but who knows they could maybe negotiate to swap aircrafts, but i highly doubt Russia would make a full Su-27 ToT to Iran, they did it with China

What i really want to see is Russia statement about the deal, they said nothing yet for two months

if it be up to some traitor they even made deal abut su-7 and some people here defend them and claim su-7 is the best aircraft in the world and they made a very wise move buying them instead of channeling the fund toward domestic airplane production

just like when instead of channeling money toward production of Zulfaqar they used it to buy a modernized T-72
You are going too far, even if people are for the acquisition of Su-35, nobody is going to say that Su-7 is the best fighter in the world just because Iran bought it from Russia, and same for Su-30 export
Is it possible that the deal might end up being for a higher number of Su 27s with hopefully tech transfer as opposed to su 35s?

The last time Russia offered Iran fighter jets the SU-27 was not even offered. Russia offered Iran SU-22! Iran of course declined such an absurd offer.

Granted if Russia gave Iran full TOT and license production of SU-27, that would be AMAZING and propel the Iranian aviation industry from F-5 Copycats at least to 4th Gen aerodynamics. Iran could then develop and add its own AESA radar and subsystems. Yes it wouldn’t be SU-35S, but it would be Iranian built and able to modified and upgraded as needed.

Issue is I don’t know if Iran has capacity to build titanium airframes.
Pakistan has a war chest less than $15B! Compare that Russia’s 650B in preparation for Ukraine war.

War is expensive and unless the Saudi‘s will bankroll a conventional skirmish with India, then Pakistan cannot sustain any major skirmish with 15B, it wouldn’t even last a month!
What you mean by "war chest"? Are you talking about foreign reserves?
Man, Russian airforce is doing shit in Ukraine operation. I wouldn't be upset for a second, if Sukhois were not delivered to Iran. However, it could provide Iran with more 4th generation platform to study and learn more.

But all in all, Iran wanted them to boost its airdefense capabilities in case of overwhelming attacks. Even if not delievered, it doesn't make much difference in Iran's offensive capability.
Man, Russian airforce is doing shit in Ukraine operation. I wouldn't be upset for a second, if Sukhois were not delivered to Iran. However, it could provide Iran with more 4th generation platform to study and learn more.

But all in all, Iran wanted them to boost its airdefense capabilities in case of overwhelming attacks. Even if not delievered, it doesn't make much difference in Iran's offensive capability.
its about deterrence , su-35 can backup our air defense network and this will boost our overall security ...

and its look like Russian air force has no strategic and tactical view, they have good air plane but they don't have enough modern long range missiles and bomb to use with their modern air craft ... so , even if you gave 200 f22 and 300 f15 to russia airforce , nothing would changes.
Agreed the problem or RuAF has been their doctrine of a pure assault aviation. They have some of the best free fall bombs calculators of the world integrated in their Su30SM1/35, their Su25 and Su34 of course. The problem has been to use this classical tactical aviation doctrine against small targets at long distance. Ukraine has unlimited MANPADs supplies, and became recipient of all SA6 Gainful of all European members with this kind of soviet era weaponries. I am talking about a thousand of missiles and tens of launchers... and after they, here came NASAMs and another advanced SAM like CAMM or even Patriot systems. They are firing literally hundreds of SAM missiles daily. In such conditions, operating with this kind of assault aviation has been a disaster. But RuAF are brave and wise and introduced rapidly new long range Air to surface weaponry. I am talking about Izdeliye 305 that was in service in few aircraft and in small numbers, and GLONASS guided bomb KAB1500... and after it a gliding guided one UPAB1500 which is monstruous... and after it the GROM family which is monstruous. All of this advancements have been done in few months.

But IRIAF probably will never have this problem. Because the doctrine of IRIAF were using guided munitions from the first, like US and allies. They were using mavericks from the Irak-Iran war, but they rapidly using reverse engineering designed their own missiles and bombs, even gliding one... before even Russians. And amazingly designed their own munitions without any assitance, and no copied from anybody...

and its look like Russian air force has no strategic and tactical view, they have good air plane but they don't have enough modern long range missiles and bomb to use with their modern air craft ... so , even if you gave 200 f22 and 300 f15 to russia airforce , nothing would changes.
its about deterrence , su-35 can backup our air defense network and this will boost our overall security ...

and its look like Russian air force has no strategic and tactical view, they have good air plane but they don't have enough modern long range missiles and bomb to use with their modern air craft ... so , even if you gave 200 f22 and 300 f15 to russia airforce , nothing would changes.
The era of sending manned aircrafts into SAM zones has long passed. Today, missiles and drones are the real Solutions. Besides the stealth unmanned interceptors are the future of air battles.

SU 35 is a good addition but just an addition nothing more. We won't be paralyzed without it. And our scientists are not sleeping, they are working hard to develop a trustworthy Turbo fan engine. Time consuming but sure to come.

SU 35 was in fact a fill the gap solution for the time being, when Iran finally develops own platform, you would see them behind IRIAF doors offering their retarded platforms.

It is not a matter of survival.

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