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I know jumping the gun since su 35 hasn’t even arrived, unless it has and we don’t know it yet, but I really wonder why Russia just doesn’t pitch the su 57 I would think they could use the investment and have another country by their next gen aircraft, doesn’t seem like China will be buying anymore fighter jets or bombers in the future so iran could be the biggest importer of Russian hardware.
a combination of war in Ukraine and lack of money in IRIAF's pockets must be the reason.

At any rate, Su-75 would be much more suitable for Iran.

But before buying new airframes I would focus on integrating the current ones with the Russian S-108 datalink
Silly article, you can't revive something that's not dead.

Jokes aside, how is Iran going to integrate this thing? I'm assuming that they will be deployed in areas covered by S-300 batteries. But how is this plane going to talk to everything else?

Is Iran going to build S-108 datalink into platforms like Kowsar? How is this thing going to talk to F-14?

A collection of airplanes does not make an air force. There's a lot of work to be done.
The main thing with the S-108 is that it's integrated into the ground-based IADS. They could provide a lot of info to Su-35s and any future purchases. I don't think much, if any of Iran's existing fleet would make any real use of it.

Of course if Iran bought AWACS then those should also work with S-108.

I'm just hoping the Su-35 shows the IRIAF (and the rest of the military) what they're missing in terms of tech, and that encourages greater investment into the IRIAF. Cause I'm starting to worry they believe their own hype when they talk about some of the (very mild) upgrades they give some of the aircraft...
I know jumping the gun since su 35 hasn’t even arrived, unless it has and we don’t know it yet, but I really wonder why Russia just doesn’t pitch the su 57 I would think they could use the investment and have another country by their next gen aircraft, doesn’t seem like China will be buying anymore fighter jets or bombers in the future so iran could be the biggest importer of Russian hardware.
Not sure on the Su-57, maybe funds are an issue. Personally I think in terms of 5th gens, Chinese offerings have better potential.
The main thing with the S-108 is that it's integrated into the ground-based IADS. They could provide a lot of info to Su-35s and any future purchases. I don't think much, if any of Iran's existing fleet would make any real use of it.

Of course if Iran bought AWACS then those should also work with S-108.

I'm just hoping the Su-35 shows the IRIAF (and the rest of the military) what they're missing in terms of tech, and that encourages greater investment into the IRIAF. Cause I'm starting to worry they believe their own hype when they talk about some of the (very mild) upgrades they give some of the aircraft...

Not sure on the Su-57, maybe funds are an issue. Personally I think in terms of 5th gens, Chinese offerings have better potential.
Imagine the big ol' F-14 Radar that's the closest thing Iran has to an AWACS, now imagine the much more advanced PESA radar on the Su-35. Don't you think it would be advantageous to share their data with lighter aircraft such as Kowsar?

Let's be honest, Kowsar really isn't much of a fighter plane, it's neigh useless on its own. But if Iran had like 100+ of them, they could be used as missile trucks, engage targets lit up by radars of more advanced planes. Add ground based radars to the mix and you're starting to have some real capabilities.
I also think that Chinese planes are a terrible idea for Iran. Chinese engines are very unreliable, which would create giant problems for Iran.

@AmirPatriot I've been saying this for years that JF-17 is the best option for Iran. It's very cheap, reliable and capable. Could be bought in large numbers perhaps upwards of 100

if that's not sexy enough, just keep buying more Su-35s would be my advice.

The Su-35 could revive Iran's Air Force​

posted by Amir on March 31, 2023

The Su-35SE's projected purchase aims to revive an air force that is a shadow of its former glory; once the most powerful in the region, the IRIAF is now burdened by a fleet of tired, ageing aircraft. The service's prominence in Iran's military strategy has diminished as a result. Depending on how well the Su-35 is integrated and received by Iran, the 'Super Flanker' could reverse that trend and alter priorities for Iranian military planning going into the future.

Full article on IranGeoMil blog: https://irangeomil.blogspot.com/2023/03/the-su-35-could-revive-irans-air-force.html

A rial for your thoughts, @Gomig-21 ?
Abandon. the useless Kowsar F-5 project that we never heard of since 2018 eating money for nothing

Demolish the blind Mirages and the F-7Ns and use the scraps for other projects or civilian projects

Ask Russia for Saddam rotting MiG-29 9.12 fleet standard to MiG29M2

Buy MiG-31 to cover more space and act quickly and efficiently

Ask China to buy J-16 to complement Su-35/MiG-31/MiG-29M2

Ask for R-37M instead of the export R-77, try Fakour

Fit Iranian atg weapons on these

Ask Russia to make something to communicate between all aircrafts, if they don't, ask China, if this is not possible, demolish the uncompatible aircrafts

Study the new technologies and make something out of it

When available, buy J-35

Buy Mi-26 and demolish the Chinooks and sell the parts on the black market, buy Ka-52 or Mi-28 in case of Azerbaijan trouble to ease the process

Keep Yasin and not buy Yak trainer

Continue the Simorgh project

Inject liquidity so Iran can buy all of that

Work on reliable and producable tank project with China or Russia after the war

Shuffle mix the air defense layers by adding S-400 and if possible S-500 to the long range layer roster of SAMs

Buy S-350 for shuffling the mid range layer

For the SHORAD, buy Pantsir S2 and place them at the Azerbaijan border along with Iranian SHORAD, they proven efficacity against Israeli and Turkish drones

Reverse the Javelins, NLOS, Stingers that Russia delivered

Try to negociate for a bomber such as Tu-16-95 or H-6 from China to bomb targets in neighboring country and make Iran progress in making massive ordnance weapons

Buy BMP-T, again in case of Azerbaijan

Single engine attack jets are not made for a large country such as Iran

Iran is a very large country and Su-35 fits the role, the only problem are the numbers. This is not a F-5 with some internal upgrades and an upgraded ejectable seat that will defend the Iranian airspace

Iran needs fighters that can cover large distances to defend the mainland, this is not something that "Kowsar" or JF-17/J-10 would do unless bought in massive numbers
It's spectacular the bullshit you can read. The Kowsar is a very good combat aircraft in attack support and a universal platform. We will also soon see a modified kowsar with different wings with another name. It is wrong to say that combat aircraft are very slightly improved, this is not the case for all. Iran is not going to remove their fighter jets to please the people here who are slipping.

Also to say that Iran is underfunding the fighter jet sector is grossly stupid based on misguided speculation and lack of intuition. A general said that all F-5s in operation will have the Kowsar standard, that costs a lot of money. Developing new missiles, modifying F-4s with new radar, modifying cockpits and more costs money. We don't know how many of the F-4's nine airframes were. built so some would have a new engine to try.

Think of all the upgrades from other fighter jets, project Yasin, F-313, F-14 to Kowsar modify and more.

The myth of tired planes makes me smile especially for the old airframes. How many planes have fallen or exploded in flight due to failing airframes in the world and in Iran? How much really?

Iran is not upgrading their planes for after tearing them to pieces, are you all mad here on the forum? When we know that the Kowsar can have links with artificial intelligence in full flight with drones, it becomes very interesting. In this field Iran is very advanced and perhaps the most advanced in the field on this subject. Interactions with artificial intelligence in Iran is spectacular.

I've seen other bullshit here and it's painful to see especially when you know that Iran always has surprises in store that always end up surprising us.
@AmirPatriot I've been saying this for years that JF-17 is the best option for Iran. It's very cheap, reliable and capable. Could be bought in large numbers perhaps upwards of 100

China doesn’t even give its closest ally Russia arms during its war on Ukraine. You think they will sell 100 JF-17 to Iran?

I swear this board is filled with individuals throwing around baseless opinions and passing it off as FACTS.

"Examples of Su-35 technologies completely new to the IRIAF:
  • Phased Array Radars - I thought Iran already produced some
  • Modern IRST
  • Medium-range ARH missiles - I thought Iran already build ARH missiles
  • Helmet Mounted Sight - In the article they self said that it has HUD
  • Thrust Vectoring
  • Tactical Datalink - Iran F-14A?
  • MAWS - Iran F-14A?"
IRST on Su-35 is as basic as it get , its not an imaging infrared camera only can distinguish 4 point while the one on euro fighter can detect 500 point of interest
the datalink is propriety and only can share data with other su-35 so it won't integrate with the rest of the equipment
the radar while phased array , is PESA so its has less capability than a modern AESA radar
China doesn’t even give its closest ally Russia arms during its war on Ukraine. You think they will sell 100 JF-17 to Iran?

I swear this board is filled with individuals throwing around baseless opinions and passing it off as FACTS.
he is trolling...don't listen to him seriously..
He literally meant, with ur shitty budget u dont even afford jf17, let alone any other fighter.

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China doesn’t even give its closest ally Russia arms during its war on Ukraine. You think they will sell 100 JF-17 to Iran?

I swear this board is filled with individuals throwing around baseless opinions and passing it off as FACTS.
Not China, Pakistan.

Pakistan needs the money and there aren't any major problems between Iran and Pakistan. Why wouldn't they sell?

And You're the one passing an opinion as fact. Please provide a source saying Russia wants Chinese planes. Why would Russia want Chinese planes?

he is trolling...don't listen to him seriously..
He literally meant, with ur shitty budget u dont even afford jf17, let alone any other fighter.

NO, Iran can afford JF-17 it's extremely affordable.
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I don't think Russia has the industrial capacity to build hundreds of Su-35s, even if they did, I don't think Iran has the money to buy them. JF-17 is the only reallistic option to build a large fleet.

JF-17 block 3 comes with aerial refueling probe and it has drop tanks, more than enough for Iran's needs.

Iran is a very large country and Su-35 fits the role, the only problem are the numbers. This is not a F-5 with some internal upgrades and an upgraded ejectable seat that will defend the Iranian airspace

Iran needs fighters that can cover large distances to defend the mainland, this is not something that "Kowsar" or JF-17/J-10 would do unless bought in massive numbers
This interview with colonel Shafi'i belongs to 2012.

There is interesting points, first he had talked about a national radar used in F-14 and upgrading the basic radar to have ground attack capability. Given that Iranian fleet of F-14s belonged to the mid 1970s technology the increase in radar range which is mentioned by the colonel during the interview, could be done by replacing electronic components with newer technologies and most possibly using the components purchased from black market. That's because the colonel clearly pointed to increase in radar range of Tomcats. The range of detection for F-14A radar was around 315 KM in its basic versions.

If we suppose the analogue subsystems were replaced by digital ones, a newer duplexer, transmitter an all band one and a newer signal processing subsytems with better microprocessors obtained from black market were used in the national radar of F-14 (the same upgraded AN/AWG) then all the factors including survivability against EW, detection range, engagement range, faster processing were all improved.

This, without needing to build the radar from scratch could have made Iranian Tomcats even more deadlier.

I remember i read somewhere that Iraqi fighters were able to send abnormal patterns to F-14's radar screens using electronic warfare means hence defusing radar lock on themslef. It also made F-14s unable to fire their missiles at Iraqi fighters equipped with advanced EW assets. This upgardation mentioned by colonel pointed to the digitalizing aspects which makes upgraded radar more survivable against aerial EW. I mean, i hope so.

I would appreciate any news or updates on this upgrade done on the basic versions of AN/AWG radar of Iranian F-14s.
I'm under the impression Egypt not getting the SU-35 caused him to be upset and he hasn't used defence.pk in a while so I wouldn't expect a response unfortunately.
That's a shame, I would have liked to hear his opinion. I know he's built up quite a lot of knowledge about the Su-35 over time.
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