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I'm under the impression Egypt not getting the SU-35 caused him to be upset and he hasn't used defence.pk in a while so I wouldn't expect a response unfortunately.
That’s pretty sad.

Surely they can get something else from Europe?
I don't think Russia has the industrial capacity to build hundreds of Su-35s, even if they did, I don't think Iran has the money to buy them. JF-17 is the only reallistic option to build a large fleet.

JF-17 block 3 comes with aerial refueling probe and it has drop tanks, more than enough for Iran's needs.
JF-17 to complement twin engine fighters, JF-17 would be good near the borders and to cover certain critical areas, in numbers

J-10C hasn't been proposed to Iran but J-10A which Iran after testing it didn't take it as it is an obsolete version, for JF-17, Pakistan would be exposed to massive sanctions, would Pakistan sell JF-17 to Iran and risk to get an even worse economy via US sanctions?

At the end, JF-17/J-10-C would surely help patching up the current single engine fleet which is composed of F-5s and blind Mirages and WW2 F-7N, but acquiring twin engine fighters is a first priority i think, J-16 is something that Iran should jump at if it's available, also i mentioned MiG-31, i don't see how it wouldn't benefit Iran

JF-17/J-10C for airspace defense in certain areas, also for striking nearby groups
Su-35/J-16/MiG-31 to cover large areas and cities. Su-35 and J-16 could also be used in case of war to bomb US bases after missile strikes to clean the remains or for Arabian Sea area denial.

We all somehow say that western fighters are better etc, F-18 and F-15Cs in 1991 was molested by some MiG-25, all of the above fighters can compete and shut down 4/4.5 gen western fighters

What i want to know is where is that project Kowsar at? We've never heard of it since 2018, why would Iran spend so much money for a single engine fighter which is the last priority of Iran needs for its airforce?
Not China, Pakistan.

Pakistan needs the money and there aren't any major problems between Iran and Pakistan. Why wouldn't they sell?

Because China would need to approve such an export since Chinese tech (engines is the big one) is in those planes. They won’t approve.

And You're the one passing an opinion as fact. Please provide a source saying Russia wants Chinese planes. Why would Russia want Chinese planes?
Do you have reading comprehension issues? I said Chinese ARMS, which means anything military wise. Name one Chinese weapon that Russian has fielded? China has a massive drone library, how come there are no Chinese drones being delivered? ANSWER: Because China already is staying neutral in this conflict.

I don't think Russia has the industrial capacity to build hundreds of Su-35s

So you are saying the country (Russia) that has been building thousands of planes since WWI (before Pakistan existed) doesn’t have the capacity to build SU-35’s in large quantity? But the country (Pakistan) that literally imports Chinese tech, cannot keep the lights on, needs IMF loans and Saudi money to stay afloat……can build 100+ JF-17 for Iran?

Your analysis is beyond laughable
So you are saying the country (Russia) that has been building thousands of planes since WWI (before Pakistan existed) doesn’t have the capacity to build SU-35’s in large quantity? But the country (Pakistan) that literally imports Chinese tech, cannot keep the lights on, needs IMF loans and Saudi money to stay afloat……can build 100+ JF-17 for Iran?

Your analysis is beyond laughable
I believe Gwader Port is also powered (or will be) via Iranian Electricity.

Because China would need to approve such an export since Chinese tech (engines is the big one) is in those planes. They won’t approve.
You don't know what you're talking about, JF-17 has a Russian engine (RD-33)
Do you have reading comprehension issues? I said Chinese ARMS, which means anything military wise. Name one Chinese weapon that Russian has fielded? China has a massive drone library, how come there are no Chinese drones being delivered? ANSWER: Because China already is staying neutral in this conflict.
You have to demonstrate that Russia asked for such a weapon. Otherwise it's pure speculation.

So you are saying the country (Russia) that has been building thousands of planes since WWI (before Pakistan existed) doesn’t have the capacity to build SU-35’s in large quantity? But the country (Pakistan) that literally imports Chinese tech, cannot keep the lights on, needs IMF loans and Saudi money to stay afloat……can build 100+ JF-17 for Iran?

Your analysis is beyond laughable
Another case of you not knowing what you're talking about. Their engineers are underpaid and new engineers aren't being trained at a fast enough rate. As a result, most of their engineers are very old and have been working in the same factories since the collapse of the union.

Just as they lost the ability to build capital ships and tried to buy mistrals from France, their aircraft production capacity is also shrinking. Big enough cash injection from Iran could grease some gears but considering the fact that Russia itself barely has over 100 Su-35s, it is questionable whether they can deliver 100 more for Iran in any acceptable timeframe.

I expect Iran to keep buying Su-35s but I don't expect them to ever reach large numbers. Would be nice but unlikely.
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JF-17 to complement twin engine fighters, JF-17 would be good near the borders and to cover certain critical areas, in numbers

J-10C hasn't been proposed to Iran but J-10A which Iran after testing it didn't take it as it is an obsolete version, for JF-17, Pakistan would be exposed to massive sanctions, would Pakistan sell JF-17 to Iran and risk to get an even worse economy via US sanctions?

At the end, JF-17/J-10-C would surely help patching up the current single engine fleet which is composed of F-5s and blind Mirages and WW2 F-7N, but acquiring twin engine fighters is a first priority i think, J-16 is something that Iran should jump at if it's available, also i mentioned MiG-31, i don't see how it wouldn't benefit Iran

JF-17/J-10C for airspace defense in certain areas, also for striking nearby groups
Su-35/J-16/MiG-31 to cover large areas and cities. Su-35 and J-16 could also be used in case of war to bomb US bases after missile strikes to clean the remains or for Arabian Sea area denial.

We all somehow say that western fighters are better etc, F-18 and F-15Cs in 1991 was molested by some MiG-25, all of the above fighters can compete and shut down 4/4.5 gen western fighters

What i want to know is where is that project Kowsar at? We've never heard of it since 2018, why would Iran spend so much money for a single engine fighter which is the last priority of Iran needs for its airforce?
Mig-31 isn't bad but probably won't be as cost effective as the JF-17.

JF-17, especially the Block 3 variant because it has a Russian engine and it has the latest chinese avionics it offers the best of both worlds. with the 40 million USD price tag it is unmatched in this regard and it's precisely what Iran needs.

Better yet, JF-17 deliveries would not be affected by the war in Ukraine.

Chinese aircraft has big problems, namely, the chinese engines. WS-10 at some point needed to be rebuilt every 30 flight hours. With this in mind, Russian engines are clearly the best option.

about your last point, I believe Kowsar is still undergoing trials with the IRIAF.
You don't know what you're talking about, JF-17 has a Russian engine (RD-33)

No, you don’t know what you are talking about. The only JF-17 Iran would be interested is Block III with its AESA radar and IRST.

Block III is the latest variant of which China plans to put the WS-13 into it. RD-33 variant found in Block I & II, would require Russian approval of tech transfer.

You have to demonstrate that Russia asked for such a weapon. Otherwise it's pure speculation.

Why would Russia ask Iran for drones when it could buy it from its ally? Prior to this war, Russia never bought ANY Iranian weapon system in its entire history with Iran. They always backstabbed Iran in military deals.

Just as they lost the ability to build capital ships and tried to buy mistrals from France, their aircraft production capacity is also shrinking. Big enough cash injection from Iran could grease some gears but considering the fact that Russia itself barely has over 100 Su-35s, it is questionable whether they can deliver 100 more for Iran in any acceptable timeframe.

You do realize SU-30/35 is literally the most popular NON WESTERN fighter jet on the market right now? Look at how many countries operate the flankers.

Russia has PLENTY of Flankers, you have no clue what you’re talking about. SU-35 is merely one variant, there is SU-27, SU-30, SU-34, SU-35, SU-33. structurally the variants are VERY similar. India operates 270+ SU-30 alone.

And Russia is weaker in some areas and stronger in some areas. That’s normal of a military. Its military budget is only ~$65B. Compare that to US military budget of $800B or Chinese budget $225B, so yes it cannot build everything it wants at all times like China or US, it has to prioritize certain areas over others.

Everyone knows Russia is strongest in field of air defense, missile tech, radar, and fighter jet production. Those are natural Russian strengths.

You could add tanks as well, but I believe that era was 1960-2010. It’s current tanks (T-90) are more economical rather than powerhouses.
No, you don’t know what you are talking about. The only JF-17 Iran would be interested is Block III with its AESA radar and IRST.

Block III is the latest variant of which China plans to put the WS-13 into it. RD-33 variant found in Block I & II, would require Russian approval of tech transfer.
I don't think it will be an issue, and clearly the RD-33 option is there.

Why would Russia ask Iran for drones when it could buy it from its ally? Prior to this war, Russia never bought ANY Iranian weapon system in its entire history with Iran. They always backstabbed Iran in military deals.
Good point but we can't know what goes on in their heads. The possibility that China refused it is about as likely as Russia just didn't ask. Ultimately we don't know and we're speculating.
You do realize SU-30/35 is literally the most popular NON WESTERN fighter jet on the market right now? Look at how many countries operate the flankers.

Russia has PLENTY of Flankers, you have no clue what you’re talking about. SU-35 is merely one variant, there is SU-27, SU-30, SU-34, SU-35, SU-33. structurally the variants are VERY similar. India operates 270+ SU-30 alone.

And Russia is weaker in some areas and stronger in some areas. That’s normal of a military. Its military budget is only ~$65B. Compare that to US military budget of $800B or Chinese budget $225B, so yes it cannot build everything it wants at all times like China or US, it has to prioritize certain areas over others.

Everyone knows Russia is strongest in field of air defense, missile tech, radar, and fighter jet production. Those are natural Russian strengths.

You could add tanks as well, but I believe that era was 1960-2010. It’s current tanks (T-90) are more economical rather than powerhouses.
Correct but the problems I talked about are also real and with the war going on in Ukraine, the doubts over Russian export potential presists.

The bigger point is that Su-35 is just not that economical. Iran could and should keep buying more, 24 is too few. But how big this fleet can get?

I strongly urge that JF-17 be considered. It really is an underrated plane.

Ultimately, Su-35 should replace the F4 and F-14, JF-17 replacing everything else, F5, Mirage, F7N, etc. I think this would be a sensible direction to go.
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No not yet !!! The Su-35 will not replace other planes of Iran to please you but will come in support to improve the power of the air force. It's madness to think that Iran is going to dismantle every plane they've been upgrading for years. Every plane will be replaced when they're destroyed, that's the reality
No not yet !!! The Su-35 will not replace other planes of Iran to please you but will come in support to improve the power of the air force. It's madness to think that Iran is going to dismantle every plane they've been upgrading for years. Every plane will be replaced when they're destroyed, that's the reality
Maybe not yet but eventually... in Turkey we see F4s and F5s in museums. You will get there eventually. It just won't make sense to try to keep 60-70 year old airframes airworthy when that money can be better spent elsewhere.

That and, there's such a thing as metal fatigue, wings and fuselage literally begin to crack over time. It becomes much more costly to keep fixing them. You can spend that money on more fuel, more ammo, more training for your Su-35 pilots and get much better value.
Is there a kitchen and toilets inside of a Su-35?
View attachment 922380
View attachment 922381
This is inside Su-34, the pilots can take sandwich and pee so they perform better on mission

As well as a little dormitory in case of long distances travels

Either this is a plain stupid act of trolling, a spreaded lie or an April fool's day joke that went wrong.
Either this is a plain stupid act of trolling, a spreaded lie or an April fool's day joke that went wrong.
Bro chill i just typed "Su-34 toilets" and the image popped out, not trolling

Regarding the JF-17; it's a good, affordable multirole fighter. Iran's priority at the moment is defensive, hence opting for a powerful air superiority fighter/interceptor such as the Su-35.

I personally don't think Iran will buy the JF-17 when the Kowsar project is still active. Not because Kowsar is superior (it's not) but because it's a domestic product which is the legacy of 25 years of development of the F-5 platform since Azarakhsh. Maybe if the IRIAF is provided more funds it will purchase JF-17/J-10 and relegate Kowsar to more of a training role (which it already has - training plus light multirole jet) but in the long term they should be looking at 5th gens, maybe Su-75 or J-35.
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