Yes, it does. My head is on my shoulders where it belongs. I'd suggest you poke it out of your bunghole every now and then, though I'm sure you love your smelly, shitstained orifice like women love diamonds.
The americucks had all the intelligence about every piece of hardware the iraqis fielded. You know why? The western components had been supplied by them, west germany and france in the previous decade and the soviet equipment was accounted for through spies, double-agents, defectors plus they'd studied all the aircraft once east germany fell after the Berlin Wall collapsed and every tank iraq had was present in isnotreal's inventory, trophies from their war with the arabs (americans knew where every rivet was inserted after thorough examinations).
Hell, france gave them the codes for the air defence equipment that iraq had which they'd supplied in the '80s. The soviet era AA systems were suppressed with EW and stood little chance against maneuverable american aircraft to begin with...need I go on?
It wasn't a war - they assembled that coalition to make an example of saddam quite brutally. And incompetent and cowardly as he was, he let them walk all over him. So yeah, you senile boomer, take your delusions of "muh real war" to those who swallow such tripe. The insurgency phase of the 2003 iraq war and the war in afghanistan were far more real wars than desert storm will ever be.