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Do you have evidence Hezbollah wasn't operating Kosar before they unveiled a few of them publicly? Negative.
i have evidence they operate them since 2006
Fact is, Hezbollah never disclosed all its weaponry. At times reports surface about some of these undisclosed armaments when enemy intelligence gets wind of them. Hezbollah's possession of Yakhont ASCM is a widely held belief in military circles.

The associated radar is nothing bulky. It resembles this, and could easily have been transferred to Lebanon along with the missiles and the self-propelled launcher(s):


In short, absence of visual evidence does not equal proof that Hezbollah didn't obtain them, while there are reports stating it did.
wonder why you don't accept others absence of visual as fact but if its suit you then you provide that as something others must accept?
It paints a successful picture of the Kornet ATGM, with a higher rate of incapacitated tanks as well as 30 killed crewmen, whereas the subsequent data denies this amount of deaths.

Done already.

It's getting the type designation of the tanks wrong. But faithfully reproduces the reported numbers of tanks hit as well as crewmen killed.

interesting you don\t accept the data i provide but when Palestinian chronicle , provide the same data but with some small mistake you accept that .:undecided:
No evidence for these sugar-coated, revised zionist figures. But plenty of circumstantial evidence as to their flimsiness (one, they contradict earlier published ones from the same source; two, data published by zionists about their losses is notoriously unreliable due to a military censorship law as well as general propaganda practices).
that 3 was keyboard have a mind of itself , its 30 . the rest is what you posted from Palestinian chronicle which they get from Jerusalem post . but in more detail about the number of Merkava-4 getting targeted and how many penetrated .
Still not the whole picture, merely an isolated example. More importantly, I'm familiar with the footage (Hezbollah fighters were firing from behind bushes from multiple directions), and there's no evidence that the multiple projectiles this particular tank was hit by were Kornets. Could have been Fagots (AT-4), RPG's or something else altogether.
a lot were probably kronet as Hezbollah fighter had so much of them that there are videos that they left a lot of them behind when they re-positioned
Zero evidence for these claims, contradicted what is more by an earlier zionist report.
which part the number hit , the number penetrated , the number of merkava-4 . the video that you see that Hezbollah fighters were attacking merkava from different direction . what happened to the tank ?
No justification for such an inference. And it's extremely unlikely Hezbollah would have fielded enough Kornets in 2006 to fire "hundreds" of them in only 33 days, implying that their overall stockpile was much larger even. They received these from Syria, and Syria itself wouldn't have had enough to part with quite as many.
they have enough that they left lots of them behind without firing them
Iran designed and produced VHF radars too, including after taking delivery of the Nebo.
yes but when , it started with Matla-o-alfajr and thats a lot deferent in design to Nebu radars and that nebu was not working
That's not how it works anywhere in the world. Just because one system has a superior performance to others in almost every or even in every single aspect, this doesn't necessarily translate into the entirety of previous systems being retired from service. Technically inferior systems can be more cost-effective to procure in numbers, can have exponential performance if massed, can fulfill niche roles while more onerous and precious all-rounders will be positioned elsewhere, such as in better protected locations.
that nebu system when we got it from Belarus was not in working condition and we didn't incorporate it in our radar network so there is no retiring here.
Yes, putting to use a complex weapons system one doesn't need is a sign of psychopathology, not the other way around.
as i said there is need and there is need . we always have need for stronger defense as there is no such thing as strong enough defensive position , but when we get the system we had no need for it to advance our own air-defense sytem designs
Yes, Iran considers she does need them. Else they'd have been retired from service. They are effective in the niche role they're assigned.
no there would have not , they would have been left there until they'd been considered a bother to maintain . many of the system are left there to be decoy against first strike to protect newer equipment and confuse enemy fighters. that is their use otherwise their effectiveness are as much as Syrian soviet era equipment against Israeli fighters
It's the price tag of an entire such contract.
36*85 = 3,060
Additional funds to those 4,5 billion Euro may be mobilized. Nothing says they can't or wouldn't.
that will be against the budget , by the way that number is the one that the budget say we must spend for those but my experience say the actual amount that will be handed to defense ministry for that is actually less than that. and government always take from it for something else
Investment is defined as an expenditure which enables a benefit or advantage at a later point. The advantage in this case is the additional military capability they grant once the delivery and induction period has elapsed.
whats your idea about Pahlavi investment in this regards considering they get actual facility for maintaining the equipment
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that have a lot of probllem , we first built mini turbo jet then turbojet after that mini turbofan and very light turbofan , we must first built a light turbofan like fj-44 then engine like rd-33, f-404, then talk about al-31 or tf-30 or f110
you cant forgo steps

NO, @Hack-Hook , the heavy engine will be built in 2025-2026 and enter service by the beginning of the 2030s. It will succeed and you will gnaw on it, then move on to some other topic of complaint and "But muh-!" about that.
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NO, @Hack-Hook , the heavy engine will be built in 2025-2026 and enter service by the beginning of the 2030s. It will succeed and you will gnaw on it, then move on to some other topic of complaint and "But muh-!" about that.
we will talk then , but as i said the time table of that photo is completely wrong we didn't built mini turbofan before a full fledged turbo jet .
and if you think in 3-4 year we build AL-31 like engine while we still have not mass produced jahesh-700 well i don't have anything to add to that

Khafesho dige, ridi be forum. Ive already made a fool out of you.
you made a fool out of yourself, you impolite person, you guys don't get it we still don't mass produce jahesh-700 , the engine was supposed to be used in shahed-171 but what we use there now is Toloue-14 and then you claim a heavy engine in class of AL-31 will be ready in 3 years no in 3 years if fund channeled we will have at best something in class of FJ-44 so we could stop producing owj and use that engine instead .
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i have evidence they operate them since 2006

No photographic evidence though, nor statements by Hezbollah or Iran themselves.

wonder why you don't accept others absence of visual as fact but if its suit you then you provide that as something others must accept?

Because there's circumstantial evidence, or strong rational indications to that effect.

interesting you don\t accept the data i provide but when Palestinian chronicle , provide the same data but with some small mistake you accept that .:undecided:

The two sets of figures clearly aren't identical. Also, I never actually said I will accept the zionist source quoted by Palestinian Chronicle. I shared it to show how zionists contradicted themselves, which goes to punch yet another hole into the credibility of their declarations in general. Now you will endorse these declarations selectively depending on whether or not they suit your narrative, while dismissing them as propaganda when they don't e.g. Tel Aviv's indirect denials about Iran having had a hand in the retaliatory assassination of their veteran scientist.

that 3 was keyboard have a mind of itself , its 30 . the rest is what you posted from Palestinian chronicle which they get from Jerusalem post . but in more detail about the number of Merkava-4 getting targeted and how many penetrated .

Bottom line is, you appear to deem credible the sugar-coated zionist data, which is subject to military censorship as well as to the necessity for Tel Aviv to keep alive the myth of invincibility it spent years concocting. Which onto itself goes to compromises the weight of your subsequent conclusions.

a lot were probably kronet as Hezbollah fighter had so much of them that there are videos that they left a lot of them behind when they re-positioned

There's no evidence that Kornets were used in that particular footage.

which part the number hit , the number penetrated , the number of merkava-4 . the video that you see that Hezbollah fighters were attacking merkava from different direction . what happened to the tank ?

The video is not offering any information as to the type the missiles which it shows being fired.

they have enough that they left lots of them behind without firing them

Syria's stockpile wasn't large enough to transfer many hundreds of them to Hezbollah.

yes but when , it started with Matla-o-alfajr and thats a lot deferent in design to Nebu radars

Even radical difference in designs does not necessarily preclude the drawing of general lessons about VHF radar technology from examination of the Nebo.

and that nebu was not working


that nebu system when we got it from Belarus was not in working condition and we didn't incorporate it in our radar network so thee is no retiring here.

No evidence is wasn't functional nor that it wasn't incorporated. Moreover, if Iran got her hands on a single example then there would've been no point inducting it. None of this implies however that Iran's R&D in the field of radar technology did not yield any clues from the study of this radar.

as i said there is need and there is need . we always have need for stronger defense as there is no such thing as strong enough defensive position ,

In other terms, Iran saw benefit in integrating into the IADS every single system she actually integrated therein.

but when we get the system we had no need for it to advance our own air-defense sytem designs

Iran's own advanced VHF radars went into production years after the acquisition of the Nebo.

no there would have not , they would have been left there until they'd been considered a bother to maintain . many of the system are left there to be decoy against first strike to protect newer equipment and confuse enemy fighters. that is their use otherwise their effectiveness are as much as Syrian soviet era equipment against Israeli fighters

Many of the older systems are kept in place because they are fulfilling an active niche role within Iran's IADS. Hence why they keep being fielded. Iran's main enemies won't confuse radar types nor be so easily fooled by them.

36*85 = 3,060

The Su-30SM does cost more like $50 million. Belarus purchased 12 in early 2016 under a deal worth $600 million in total.

that will be against the budget , by the way that number is the one that the budget say we must spend for those but my experience say the actual amount that will be handed to defense ministry for that is actually less than that. and government always take from it for something else

There are various possibilities to mobilize additional funds not planned when the budget was ratified. Differed payment and installment plans are another option. A third option would be to adjust the upcoming years' budgets accordingly.

whats your idea about Pahlavi investment in this regards considering they get actual facility for maintaining the equipment

The Pahlavi regime lacked sovereignty. Back in the day those fighter jets weren't an asset to Iran, they were there to serve US geostrategic goals because it was Washington which determined Iran's foreign policy.
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@Mr Iran Eye Once again, you are proven right! And since the plan has been unveiled, I'm sure some prototypes have already been tested.

But my question is, how did you know this was being built?
I've been analyzing the Iranian army for more than 10 years, I have hundreds of photos, I travel a lot to find useful things. It is very interesting to analyze their announcements on 4, 8 and 12 years old. People here on this forum have very little intuition and often goes around in circles with their intellectual analysis.

Look at Hack-Hook's comments, it's staggering. He thinks that if he does not see things, it is that it does not exist. If he does not see the construction of certain things then it does not exist. I've been saying that the Iriaf section has been the worst section of this forum for a long time. There have been things that have been hidden for years by Iranians and tries of planes and drone never for the public.

Yes this news confirms again as I have said several times in the past that Iran is more advanced than their announcement processes, it is a consistency at home.

Do not suprate if Iran takes us out an intelligent artillery system like a mesbah equipped with an interdience missile. A kind of homemade pantsir. Do not surprise yourself if Iran shows images underground combat aircraft, for me, it's already an old news
No photographic evidence, nor any statement by Hezbollah or Iran themselves.
they said they hit Israeli ship with kowsar
Because there's circumstantial evidence to that effect.
thats a new one
The two sets of figures are clearly not identical. Also, I never said I "accept" the zionist source quoted by Palestinian Chronicle. I shared it to prove that zionists contradicted themselves, which goes to punch another hole into the credibility of zionist declarations in general. Declarations you selectively endorse when they suit your agenda, while dismissing them as propaganda when they don't, e.g. Tel Aviv's indirect denials that Iran had a hand in the retaliatory assassination of their veteran scientist.
those data if not look at diferent of 1-2 in the numbers and the participant tank that one said 370 and another said 400 are the same
Bottom is, you deem zionist attempts to cover up their losses to be credible. That onto itself annuls your subsequent conclusions.
what attempt , that was my keyboard didn't type zero
No evidence that Kornets were used in the footage you evoked.
but there is that there was so much kronet that when Hezbollah re-positioned it left many behind
Zero information about the type the missiles which can be seen fired in the video.
as i said its not important when 18 get fired at and only one get destroyed and another one actually was destroyed by an IED. also as i point hezbollah have so much of that missile that they left them behind and deem it unnecessary to take them with themselves while repositioning
Syria did not possess enough Kornets to transfer "hundreds" of them Hezbollah.
but they left them behind , russia had enough , and iran had the money to buy it for them
Unsubstantiated claim.
if it was working then the s-300 were usable and could be deployed but those system never get deployed
No evidence is wasn't functional, no evidence it wasn't incorporated. Moreover, if Iran got her hands on a single example then there would've been no point inducting it. None of this implies however that Iran's R&D in the field of radar technology did not benefit from the study of this radar.
show evidence that it was functional and incorporated in our radar network then
and there was very much reason to use it if it was functional as it would have become one of our most advanced radars at the time as our radars at the time were pretty much lacking for half of our border in persian gulf we didn't had any radar coverage and .....
In other terms, Iran saw benefit in integrating into the IADS every single system she actually integrated therein.
in other term we didn't need them Russia could take them back give us our money plus interest and and fine for not honoring the deal and we could use it two produce 3 time the amount bavar-373
Again, unsubstantiated claim. Iran's own advanced VHF radars went into production years after the acquisition of the Nebo.
but they were different and were not used as part of air defense system but part of our early warning radars .
Many of the older systems are kept in place because they are fulfilling an active niche role within Iran's IADS. Hence why they keep being fielded. Iran's main enemies won't confuse radar types nor be easily fooled by them.
no but they had to hit every single one of them that make their work harder
The Su-30SM does not cost $85 million. Belarus purchased 12 in early 2016 under a deal worth $600 million in total.
so you now demoted the order from su-35 to su-30 ,dr.meson would have a field day compared that useless aircraft with an aircraft with modern subsystem . if su-35 could have a niche role , that airplane even can't play that

The Pahlavi regime lacked sovereignty. Those fighter jets weren't an asset to Iran, they were there to serve US geostrategic goals.
LOL, i'm talking the facility and maintenance line and production line that came with them not the airplane themselves

Look at Hack-Hook's comments, it's staggering. He thinks that if he does not see things, it is that it does not exist. If he does not see the construction of certain things then it does not exist. I've been saying that the Iriaf section has been the worst section of this forum for a long time. There have been things that have been hidden for years by Iranians and tries of planes and drone never for the public.
i say if you don't accept the others have things that you can't see , why i must accept you have things that the others can't see

by the way i don't talk about something you can hide in a sport complex, i'm talking about a very big radar that if it come online any body around us specially usa could detect its signature , i'm talking about a big radar that could have easily picked up from sky by satellites

Iran shows images underground combat aircraft, for me, it's already an old news
that will be a real bad idea
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they said they hit Israeli ship with kowsar

They didn't specify what the ship was hit with.

thats a new one

Not really, it was exhibited by me already.

those data if not look at diferent of 1-2 in the numbers and the participant tank that one said 370 and another said 400 are the same

At the end of the day, there's no credibility to figures published by zionists.

what attempt

Very similar to how the zionist regime will try to cover up the retaliatory assassination of their veteran scientist by claiming it was an accident. A well rehearsed routine, nothing more.

but there is that there was so much kronet that when Hezbollah re-positioned it left many behind

Syria did not own sufficient numbers of Kornets to pass many hundreds of them on to Hezbollah. Many hundreds weren't "left behind".

as i said its not important when 18 get fired at and only one get destroyed and another one actually was destroyed by an IED.

Those are zionist propaganda claims. Not substantiated facts by any measure.

also as i point hezbollah have so much of that missile that they left them behind and deem it unnecessary to take them with themselves while repositioning

Those are token numbers, nowhere enough to imply that their numbers were in the high hundreds. Also there could be multiple reasons for them supposedly being left behind.

but they left them behind , russia had enough , and iran had the money to buy it for them

Why should they? It's not as if they were confronting tens of thousands of tanks. Nor as if dozens would be needed to knock out a Merkava.

if it was working then the s-300 were usable and could be deployed but those system never get deployed

There's no evidence for that. Also the S-300's were supplied in meaningful numbers for an integration to make sense. Induction of token samples wouldn't.

show evidence that it was functional and incorporated in our radar network then

I take it you have nothing to substantiate the claim you made then? Thanks for the admission.

and there was very much reason to use it if it was functional as it would have become one of our most advanced radars at the time as our radars at the time were pretty much lacking for half of our border in persian gulf we didn't had any radar coverage and .....

Prove it wasn't fielded.

in other term we didn't need them Russia could take them back give us our money plus interest and and fine for not honoring the deal and we could use it two produce 3 time the amount bavar-373

The fact that Iran chose to take delivery of the systems means Iran didn't need them? Wow, that's some twisted hair splitting right there.

but they were different and were not used as part of air defense system but part of our early warning radars .

Doesn't disprove the point in the least.

no but they had to hit every single one of them that make their work harder

Now you're arguing the enemy has to strike systems of which you claimed earlier that they pose no threat to the enemy... Brilliant logic, I must say!

Or perhaps you're assuming the enemy is oblivious to what you deem to be the utter uselessness of these systems. Again, what brilliant logic!

so you now demoted the order from su-35 to su-30 ,

Not really, it's rather a case of you not paying attention to what is posted.

dr.meson would have a field day compared that useless aircraft with an aircraft with modern subsystem . if su-35 could have a niche role , that airplane even can't play that

I trust PeeD's and Evilwesteners' technical expertise. They're the actual professionals active in these fields.

LOL, i'm talking the facility and maintenance line and production line that came with them not the airplane themselves

That's because of your apparent failure to grasp that when an imperial patron decides as to how and when one may employ whatever equipment it provides one with, then any and all value said equipment might have had will vanish in practice.
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