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Because Russia sees Iran as competition, at least regionally.
Not necessarily so. Russia today is much weaker than the USSR and its geographical boundaries are under great pressure from the US and its NATO lapdogs who are now well ensconced in Ukraine. However, there is emerging thinking in Russian strategic and military circles about the need to create defence alliances. Iran is perceived as a militarily powerful and capable state. However, the Zionist influence in Russia is still very strong. However, it is quite possible that a major weapons deal with Iran will go through. However, I would not hold my breath until I see the first Russian SU-35 in IRIAF markings at an Iranian TAB.
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Not necessarily so. Russia today is much weaker than the USSR and its geographical boundaries are under great pressure from the US and its NATO lapdogs who are now well ensconced in Ukraine. However, there is emerging thinking in Russian strategic and military circles about the need to create defence alliances. Iran is perceived as a militarily powerful and capable state. However, the Zionist influence in Russia is still very strong. However, it is quite possible that a major weapons deal with Iran will go through. However, I would not hold my breath until I see the first Russian SU-35 in IRIAF markings at an Iranian TAB.

Just research Zionist Russian Oligarchs. That will let you know the extent of Zionist

Ain’t no way they are betraying their (true) motherland for some lousy arms deals. And in no way would Iran ever intervene to save mother Russia.

Iran didn’t intervene in Syria to save Assad, it intervened to save Shiite crescent and itself. Hell some in IRGC thought Iran should let Assad fall and negotiate with West over his replacement to satisfy all parties.

This Russo-Persian Alliance will never materialize. Russian is too stubborn and Iran doesn’t see Russia as a brother. It would be a fractured alliance at best.

S-400 or S-500 and some trainers could materialize. But SU-35? It would be risky on Iran, repeating the same mistake with the F-14 tomcats. If one day Russia and Iranian relations break completely apart, can Iran keep SU-35’s flying?

Without some ToT or allowing Iran to do all maintenance vis a vi a learning program for Iranian engineers, the risk of such a deal is high for Iran.

I should add I fully support acquiring SU-30, SU-35 and SU-57 it will give massive technology injection to Iran’s domestic program just being able to touch and observe these aircraft daily (even without any ToT). I’m just skeptical if Russia would ever provide any such aircraft.
Not necessarily so.
hmm...lets hear why..
Russia today is much weaker than the USSR and its geographical boundaries are under great pressure from the US and its NATO lapdogs who are now well ensconced in Ukraine.
Boom...this could be 1 Or the main reason why Russia sees Iran as competition- because Russia isnt as strong as it used to be, so that makes sense and suppots what i said that you quoted.

However, there is emerging thinking in Russian strategic and military circles about the need to create defence alliances.
Cuz of the point you made directly above this 1!
Iran is perceived as a militarily powerful and capable state.
They better get in line and sell some weapons fast then, talk is cheap, and Iran dont give a fuk if US mess Russia up if Russia isnt helping Iran in the relevant ways. Russia and Iran have signed multiple "strategic agreements"..well where's the results from these ghost agreements???? RUssia and CHIna are both very hesitant to sell IRan weapons..so they all have reached a new stage in their relationship...cuz if they dont sell the weapons..they wont get certain things...IYKYK.
Well, I'm keeping my fingers crossed but I don't expect much from the IRIAF. At least not any time soon (before 2035). I mean look at our progress for the sake of God. It took us 21 years (1997-2018) to move from Azarakhsh to Kowsar. Do you see why I'm skeptical about our technology?

Now @EvilWesteners is a good poster on the forum. He certainly knows what he talks about and he understands this subject a lot better than me. But seriously, does anyone think that Iran can produce turbofan engines with +100kN thrust any time soon? And by soon I mean less than 5 years because we will certainly need time to mass-produce our final product as well.

I'm not saying that we can't eventually crack the problem. But it seems that our progress is extremely slow and we need foreign expertise to speed things up. We need to speed up things to remain as the main regional power.

About interest rate, if you do not increase the interest rate, people will refrain from depositing their money in banks and the government will lose control over markets and the economy fast. Look at the last 10 years of our economy. A 34% inflation of goods with respect to our currency per each year (in average) is not something that convinces people to keep their money in banks where the interest rate for their deposits is only 16%.
In other words, if you keep a 1,000,000 IRR in your bank account, next year it will be worth about 746,000 IRR in today's value! No sane person would do that to his assets. But we're off-topic. I will mention you in the Iranian Chill Thread to explain why it's absolutely necessary to keep the interest rate within a close range of inflation and depreciation of assets.

Let me clarify what I have said before, as I am always a bit insecure in being misunderstood - and particularly careful in using my words not to misrepresent things.

When I was working at RR, I had an Iranian mentor (for about 10+ of the years I was there). He is one of the sweetest individuals I have ever met. He use to peel oranges and give them to me when I had some of the most nightmare project management positions in the company. He was loved by all the Iranians at RR (and you can imagine, Iranians can barely get along together and have their priorities right - we sometimes eat our own out of 1) fear, 2) misguided loyalties, and 3) mostly our arrogance and ignorance (really the same thing).

Still, think of it, no easy feat to be loved by 40+ Iranians, different generations, some highly educated, some not, some from prior to Iran revolution, and some after. So, now you think to yourself what a sweetheart he must be, to be loved by so many people. His poetry and proverbs are also incredible. Anyways, I love this man - he was there when I needed someone. When I had everyone fighting me, he calmed me down and reminded me that winning with style is more important than winning for egotistical bragging. I learned a lot from him at a time when I was a bowl of fire ready to rip everyone a new ARSE as the brits say.

He is in Iran, and he is retired, and he is ready to help, IF THEY ASK HIM. He also has a good reputation with Iranian authorities in this area. He has delivered for them, many things, to do with RR engines parts, and things. I cannot say too much about this.

This man has 2 things to offer an Iranian engine design and manufacturing project:

1) his technical knowledge - which is far more than anyone can imagine or I can describe without being accused of showing off. Just take my word for it. He is technically incredible.

2. his project management skills - he is loved, his approach/style is very different (than mine, which is brute force and technical showmanship) while his is far more sophisticated and smarter. I would work for him for FREE. No b.s. - that is the TRUTH.

In my estimation, he can develop an AL21 to the point of "testing" a new engine (READ THAT WORD CAREFULLY), within one year. May be, just may be, within 8 months, if MAPNA helps with some things, which I can't mention here.

If this man WAS put in charge, if he is given the funding he needs, if he has as much support as Bavar 373 did, THERE IS NO WAY ANYONE ON EARTH CAN CONVINCE ME THAT IRAN CANNOT BUILD AL21F within one year. No one. No one. Iran CAN. I would bet you everything I own, including my salary, and my retirement fund.

To make it faster, better, to allow Iran to also build the equivalent of a ALF 502 and/or RR Tay 650 (there is nothing he DOES NOT KNOW about T650, nothing, absolutely nothing, it was his baby when I joined after my post grad decades ago), THEN IRAN HAS TO DO A LITTLE BIT MORE ...

Iran has to do ONE MORE THING on top of everything else ...

Give amnesty to children whose family members have been or are still in sensitive positions outside Iran.

Iran needs those that truly LOVE Iran.

I understand it is hard to distinguish between those that love Iran and love money and serve the Western global domination for a fist fully of Dollars, often hurting IRAN as a result.

I know asswipes like M. Alinejad may piss them off, but most Iranians outside are not this charlatan getting money from Saudis protected by U.S. state dept.

But many people I know, and I have worked with, and I would work with again, who would BENEFIT IRAN, need amnesty to be able to go back to Iran. These kids did nothing wrong. It was not their fault that their family members were in certain positions in the Shah's regime. Some of the other stuff they have done, often out of anger when they were young, need to be forgiven for the sake of a bigger picture for the good of Iran and her people and their future.

Not talking about myself. I have never done anything that would concern MYSELF, but my family has a long history in the military in Iran.

If he tells me that I can go back to Iran, I would give up my cushy job, TODAY, and get on a plane tonight, and go back to Iran. But I only trust him. And many others would also trust him and go back to help Iran build engines that are stifling the AF development projects all around us, including Pakistan and India.

I know what I say here is monitored by SOME very close to my vacinity. Still, I am not afraid (not at this point of my life, don't give a s**t) to mention this openly here. I would be on the plane this evening to go back and help. Heck, I would sleep on the factory floor over there, like I use to at RR.

I only need a few hours of sleep. Iran always underestimates motivation. Westerners never do. They instead, bank on it.

But I only trust this one man. No one else there, since I don't know them.

Here are the facts from my conversations with him (and I just talked to him a few days ago regarding his house in Hamstead) so I know what he wants more than anything else on earth, now that his granddaughter has (finally) a boy ...

He wants to SERVE Iran.

Many of us do. We don't need cars or money or homes. We had it all and saw how empty all of is. Like having sex with the most pretties girls on earth. After a few times, it's no big deal. The ego trip, obsession of achievement, only lasts for 2-3 days. Love for Iran, never ends. EVER, until we are put in our graves. It's in our blood. Only stupidity and arrogance makes us forget it temporarily, until sooner or later (as my dad use to say, RIP) ... elephants will remember and want to go back home to Hindustan (Feel yadeh hindostan mikoneh). You all have heard it before.

Iranian authorities MUST FIRST MAKE A DECISION that they want an engine for their NEW to be, developed AIR FORCE.

Apparently, this decision has not been made yet, or we are not informed of it (for very good reasons, e.g. blocking parts and support from Iran's suppliers, like they did with equipment for nuclear energy in 1999-2006)

I have no knowledge whatsoever of what this potential engine development would entail. I have no knowledge of how Iranian authorities fight/win project priorities and funding between different ministries or departments. I know how the West does it, but ZERO knowledge on Iran's way/methods.

As far as I understand it (which is very little, no matter how much I research it), Iran has NOT made any decisions, or indications, of any sorts, that they release publicly, or that they want to design a platform for the military fighter jets or bombers. AGAIN, may be they don't want anyone to know yet until it is done.

Iran DOES HAVE one of the greatest aviation engineers with incredible personality (believe me it matters so much), and he can bring back to Iran about at least 30 Iranians may be as much as 40+ Iranian engineers currently living in Europe, and a few in U.S. and other places. These are SEASONED engineers who have DELIVERED results in incredible positions working for highest level aviation firms in Western hemisphere. These engineers are all millionaires,so there is a lot of money coming back too (IF, big IF, they take all their money back).

So I HOPE I was CRYSTAL CLEAR about everything and hope I did not over exaggerate or mislead anyone with any bravado or false expectations.

There are too many issues and aspects of detail involved here. Just like a project management for engine development. Someone needs to have good judgement, the necessary funds, and put it all together and make it happen. Who has the authority to START THIS RIVER WITH THE FIRST DROP OF WATER ???

God Bless Iran and her people
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Well, I'm keeping my fingers crossed but I don't expect much from the IRIAF. At least not any time soon (before 2035). I mean look at our progress for the sake of God. It took us 21 years (1997-2018) to move from Azarakhsh to Kowsar. Do you see why I'm skeptical about our technology?

Now @EvilWesteners is a good poster on the forum. He certainly knows what he talks about and he understands this subject a lot better than me. But seriously, does anyone think that Iran can produce turbofan engines with +100kN thrust any time soon? And by soon I mean less than 5 years because we will certainly need time to mass-produce our final product as well.

I'm not saying that we can't eventually crack the problem. But it seems that our progress is extremely slow and we need foreign expertise to speed things up. We need to speed up things to remain as the main regional power.

About interest rate, if you do not increase the interest rate, people will refrain from depositing their money in banks and the government will lose control over markets and the economy fast. Look at the last 10 years of our economy. A 34% inflation of goods with respect to our currency per each year (in average) is not something that convinces people to keep their money in banks where the interest rate for their deposits is only 16%.
In other words, if you keep a 1,000,000 IRR in your bank account, next year it will be worth about 765,600 IRR in today's value! No sane person would do that to his assets. But we're off-topic. I will mention you in the Iranian Chill Thread to explain why it's absolutely necessary to keep the interest rate within a close range of inflation and depreciation of assets.

Well said!

Let me clarify what I have said before, as I am always a bit insecure in being misunderstood - and particularly careful in using my words not to misrepresent things.

When I was working at RR, I had an Iranian mentor (for about 10+ of the years I was there). He is one of the sweetest individuals I have ever met. He use to peel oranges and give them to me when I had some of the most nightmare project management positions in the company. He was loved by all the Iranians at RR (and you can imagine, Iranians can barely get along together and have their priorities right - we sometimes eat our own out of 1) fear, 2) misguided loyalties, and 3) mostly our arrogance and ignorance (really the same thing).

Still, think of it, no easy feat to be loved by 40+ Iranians, different generations, some highly educated, some not, some from prior to Iran revolution, and some after. So, now you think to yourself what a sweetheart he must be, to be loved by so many people. His poetry and proverbs are also incredible. Anyways, I love this man - he was there when I needed someone. When I had everyone fighting me, he calmed me down and reminded me that winning with style is more important than winning for egotistical bragging. I learned a lot from him at a time when I was a bowl of fire ready to rip everyone a new ARSE as the brits say.

He is in Iran, and he is retired, and he is ready to help, IF THEY ASK HIM. He also has a good reputation with Iranian authorities in this area. He has delivered for them, many things, to do with RR engines parts, and things. I cannot say too much about this.

This man has 2 things to offer an Iranian engine design and manufacturing project:

1) his technical knowledge - which is far more than anyone can imagine or I can describe without being accused of showing off. Just take my word for it. He is technically incredible.

2. his project management skills - he is loved, his approach/style is very different (than mine, which is brute force and technical showmanship) while his is far more sophisticated and smarter. I would work for him for FREE. No b.s. - that is the TRUTH.

In my estimation, he can develop an AL21 to the point of "testing" a new engine (READ THAT WORD CAREFULLY), within one year. May be, just may be, within 8 months, if MAPNA helps with some things, which I can't mention here.

If this man WAS put in charge, if he is given the funding he needs, if he has as much support as Bavar 373 did, THERE IS NO WAY ANYONE ON EARTH CAN CONVINCE ME THAT IRAN CANNOT BUILD AL21F within one year. No one. No one. Iran CAN. I would bet you everything I own, including my salary, and my retirement fund.

To make it faster, better, to allow Iran to also build the equivalent of a ALF 502 and/or RR Tay 650 (there is nothing he DOES NOT KNOW about T650, nothing, absolutely nothing, it was his baby when I joined after my post grad decades ago), THEN IRAN HAS TO DO A LITTLE BIT MORE ...

Iran has to do ONE MORE THING on top of everything else ...

Give amnesty to children whose family members have been or are still in sensitive positions outside Iran.

Iran needs those that truly LOVE Iran.

I understand it is hard to distinguish between those that love Iran and love money and serve the Western global domination for a fist fully of Dollars, often hurting IRAN as a result.

I know asswipes like M. Alinejad may piss them off, but most Iranians outside are not this charlatan getting money from Saudis protected by U.S. state dept.

But many people I know, and I have worked with, and I would work with again, who would BENEFIT IRAN, need amnesty to be able to go back to Iran. These kids did nothing wrong. It was not their fault that their family members were in certain positions in the Shah's regime. Some of the other stuff they have done, often out of anger when they were young, need to be forgiven for the sake of a bigger picture for the good of Iran and her people and their future.

Not talking about myself. I have never done anything that would concern MYSELF, but my family has a long history in the military in Iran.

If he tells me that I can go back to Iran, I would give up my cushy job, TODAY, and get on a plane tonight, and go back to Iran. But I only trust him. And many others would also trust him and go back to help Iran build engines that are stifling the AF development projects all around us, including Pakistan and India.

I know what I say here is monitored by SOME very close to my vacinity. Still, I am not afraid (not at this point of my life, don't give a s**t) to mention this openly here. I would be on the plane this evening to go back and help. Heck, I would sleep on the factory floor over there, like I use to at RR.

I only need a few hours of sleep. Iran always underestimates motivation. Westerners never do. They instead, bank on it.

But I only trust this one man. No one else there, since I don't know them.

Here are the facts from my conversations with him (and I just talked to him a few days ago regarding his house in Hamstead) so I know what he wants more than anything else on earth, now that his granddaughter has (finally) a boy ...

He wants to SERVE Iran.

Many of us do. We don't need cars or money or homes. We had it all and saw how empty all of is. Like having sex with the most pretties girls on earth. After a few times, it's no big deal. The ego trip, obsession of achievement, only lasts for 2-3 days. Love for Iran, never ends. EVER, until we are put in our graves. It's in our blood. Only stupidity and arrogance makes us forget it temporarily, until sooner or later (as my dad use to say, RIP) ... elephants will remember and want to go back home to Hindustan (Feel yadeh hindostan mikoneh). You all have heard it before.

Iranian authorities MUST FIRST MAKE A DECISION that they want an engine for their NEW to be, developed AIR FORCE.

Apparently, this decision has not been made yet, or we are not informed of it (for very good reasons, e.g. blocking parts and support from Iran's suppliers, like they did with equipment for nuclear energy in 1999-2006)

I have no knowledge whatsoever of what this potential engine development would entail. I have no knowledge of how Iranian authorities fight/win project priorities and funding between different ministries or departments. I know how the West does it, but ZERO knowledge on Iran's way/methods.

As far as I understand it (which is very little, no matter how much I research it), Iran has NOT made any decisions, or indications, of any sorts, that they release publicly, or that they want to design a platform for the military fighter jets or bombers. AGAIN, may be they don't want anyone to know yet until it is done.

Iran DOES HAVE one of the greatest aviation engineers with incredible personality (believe me it matters so much), and he can bring back to Iran about at least 30 Iranians may be as much as 40+ Iranian engineers currently living in Europe, and a few in U.S. and other places. These are SEASONED engineers who have DELIVERED results in incredible positions working for highest level aviation firms in Western hemisphere. These engineers are all millionaires,so there is a lot of money coming back too (IF, big IF, they take all their money back).

So I HOPE I was CRYSTAL CLEAR about everything and hope I did not over exaggerate or mislead anyone with any bravado or false expectations.

There are too many issues and aspects of detail involved here. Just like a project management for engine development. Someone needs to have good judgement, the necessary funds, and put it all together and make it happen. Who has the authority to START THIS RIVER WITH THE FIRST DROP OF WATER ???

God Bless Iran and her people

Then there is hope!!

It's all a matter of initiative then....
I think Iranian members who are in Iran should ensure that what "EvilWesteners" is saying in his post will be heard by people in position of authority in Iran...big things sometimes start with someone talking to someone else who talks to someone .....you get the picture....lets make it happen.
Well said!

"Then there is hope!"!

It's all a matter of initiative then....

Forgive me Blue, if I am ignorant and not understand what you are saying here ... BUT

to me,

HOPE is nothing. It's like, a word. In project management, in engine development, or anything of this type, HOPE, is a word, that is ... like nothing. It's like saying, STRAWBERRIES. It means nothing.

A Matter of initiative??? not sure what this means either. I have spent my life designing, building, fixing, changing, making things happen for the customer in the aviation engine industry. I do not know, nor have I ever experienced, "initiative ...". I don't even know what this is suppose to be at a time like this for Iran.

If a country wants to build an engine --- they make a decision to do so, get the best project director they can get, pay 250,000 pounds per year, or more, Safran is paying nearly a million now, and you give the political support, the funding, more funding, more funding after funds run out, and support, and support, then more support, until it is done, they go back and make things better, fix the issues that were not addressed during feasibility study and requirements analysis, and then fix those.

I have never heard the words HOPE or INITIATIVE in all my years in my career. These words don't exist.

If Iran wants to build an engine - then they can build an engine. They have what it takes and can get the rest and get it done.

I swear to you, IT IS THAT EASY.

They need a project director that has the guts, the fortitude, and the experience with a clear VISION - then that project is DONE, within a time, and with funds. Some times delays, almost always lots of money wasted, and over the budget, but it gets done.

Only A4 Skyhawk project was done like a charm. Still project managers talk about it. It was an incredible project management experience.

There is no HOPE. No "matter of initiative".

I am sorry if I seem ANAL about these words. I just feel if Iran is listening, they need to S**T OR GET OFF THE POT.

Talking, and talking, and talking and saying they want to buy SU-30 or SU-35 blah blah blah blah is FREAKING STUPID, almost as bad as video of Qaher 313, and its freakin design from day one. IT WAS STUPID then, and it is stupid now.

In 1970s about a year before I left Iran, I remember as a kid I was at a bashgah, with family members, (at a TF airbase), and they were talking about 2 things while drinking dutch beer ... which was recently delivered via a 747 ...

1) how they will add a conformal tank to the bottom of F4-e
2) how they can also do the same for F-5e so it can increase its range, and may be even redesign the landing gear

This is 5 decades ago.

If Iran wants to build something - they they have proven that they CAN.

U.S. military NEVER IMAGINED that Iran's bistatic radar tracking lock would be as powerful and as effective as Sevom Khordad.

Iran has proven ... IT CAN.

So, this is not a matter of HOPE. They have to make a decision to DO or NOT TO DO.

IT really is that simple. They have devoted Iranians who would fight for that land ... they have in their blood.

It's about money allocation, political will, strategic decision making ... etc.


Those are words one uses when our people's rights are NOT being trampled on every single day, while millions of Iranians are living in exile, watching everyday that our nation and her people have been for 120 years, and continue to be, robbed of their RIGHTS.

It's time to get things done, not procrastinate and fight each other, hope, or wait for so-called an initiative.

Iran needs to move its @$$ NOW.

With all respects, Blue.

p.s. I apologies in advance if my tone sounds a bit harsh. It is critical for all of us to know how this project CAN GET DONE and have no false expectations that feel-good words like HOPE is involved in its achievement.
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If the Iran Russia military deal get executed and implemented, specially the fighter jet section, then this current mistrust would disappear. And i hope we get rid of this unfavorable atmosphere between two countries. It is a must to stop American expansionism in middle east and east of Europe.

Iran can help Russia to overcome the proxy wars initiated by west in east of Europe politically and militarily. This strategic cooperation in Syria which aims to destroy American plots for regional powers, can expand to other areas of interest where NATO and USA are countered effectively.

It all Depends on Russian leadership, what they do, actually detemines destiny of the region. Without mutual trust, transregional powers would be able to expand into our backyards. Take Libya and Georgia as examples.

Must wait and see.
I understand what you're saying however the inflation rate in Iran is at 20% or more while the interest rate is 16%

This means that your deposit is losing at least 4% of its buying power every year. The issue is that people want a return on their investment, not a loss.

Just to give you an idea, if the inflation rate is 20% and if the interest rate was only something like 2%, this would mean that if you were to deposit 1 million Toman, in one years time, it would cost you around 1.2 million Toman to purchase the same products, however if your deposit has barely grown then essentially your deposit is losing its buying power over time.

In approximately 3 years time your deposit could lose 50% of its buying power which is a nightmare for the middle class trying to lead a stable lifestyle. it's almost like the opposite of compound interest when your deposit / invesment is devaluing exponentially.

In such a situation who in their right mind would want to leave their savings or investment in the bank ?

Think about it, a few years ago if you would have converted 50 million Rial to USD, right now you would be sitting on 270 million Rial. Can you blame people for doing so ?

At the same time I've heard that the government has cracked down on speculative activities, especially with the US Dollar, but then there's always the black market.

To bring down inflation rate the solution is to raise the interest rate to match or be slightly above inflation.

With inflation in Iran at 20%, if the interest rate was 20 to 25% then people would feel safe and satisfied leaving their deposit in the bank since speculative activities are inherently risky afterall.

If you recall a few years ago at one point the Rial went from 200,000 to 100,000 against the dollar. Many speculators lost their investment.

So if people are offered a guaranteed, stable return or at the least they're promised that their savings won't lose buying power, millions will feel satisfied leaving their deposit in the bank.

As per @EvilWesteners posts..those people already are in Iran...just use them if not already we just do not know.

As for Interest rate..do not increase that...why..Interest money given to a deposit is like creating money without any work (labour) behind it and that will add to huge liquidity in Iran which is a problem

Money should be created by work (production) not borne in a bank ..
Let me clarify what I have said before, as I am always a bit insecure in being misunderstood - and particularly careful in using my words not to misrepresent things.

When I was working at RR, I had an Iranian mentor (for about 10+ of the years I was there). He is one of the sweetest individuals I have ever met. He use to peel oranges and give them to me when I had some of the most nightmare project management positions in the company. He was loved by all the Iranians at RR (and you can imagine, Iranians can barely get along together and have their priorities right - we sometimes eat our own out of 1) fear, 2) misguided loyalties, and 3) mostly our arrogance and ignorance (really the same thing).

Still, think of it, no easy feat to be loved by 40+ Iranians, different generations, some highly educated, some not, some from prior to Iran revolution, and some after. So, now you think to yourself what a sweetheart he must be, to be loved by so many people. His poetry and proverbs are also incredible. Anyways, I love this man - he was there when I needed someone. When I had everyone fighting me, he calmed me down and reminded me that winning with style is more important than winning for egotistical bragging. I learned a lot from him at a time when I was a bowl of fire ready to rip everyone a new ARSE as the brits say.

He is in Iran, and he is retired, and he is ready to help, IF THEY ASK HIM. He also has a good reputation with Iranian authorities in this area. He has delivered for them, many things, to do with RR engines parts, and things. I cannot say too much about this.

This man has 2 things to offer an Iranian engine design and manufacturing project:

1) his technical knowledge - which is far more than anyone can imagine or I can describe without being accused of showing off. Just take my word for it. He is technically incredible.

2. his project management skills - he is loved, his approach/style is very different (than mine, which is brute force and technical showmanship) while his is far more sophisticated and smarter. I would work for him for FREE. No b.s. - that is the TRUTH.

In my estimation, he can develop an AL21 to the point of "testing" a new engine (READ THAT WORD CAREFULLY), within one year. May be, just may be, within 8 months, if MAPNA helps with some things, which I can't mention here.

If this man WAS put in charge, if he is given the funding he needs, if he has as much support as Bavar 373 did, THERE IS NO WAY ANYONE ON EARTH CAN CONVINCE ME THAT IRAN CANNOT BUILD AL21F within one year. No one. No one. Iran CAN. I would bet you everything I own, including my salary, and my retirement fund.

To make it faster, better, to allow Iran to also build the equivalent of a ALF 502 and/or RR Tay 650 (there is nothing he DOES NOT KNOW about T650, nothing, absolutely nothing, it was his baby when I joined after my post grad decades ago), THEN IRAN HAS TO DO A LITTLE BIT MORE ...

Iran has to do ONE MORE THING on top of everything else ...

Give amnesty to children whose family members have been or are still in sensitive positions outside Iran.

Iran needs those that truly LOVE Iran.

I understand it is hard to distinguish between those that love Iran and love money and serve the Western global domination for a fist fully of Dollars, often hurting IRAN as a result.

I know asswipes like M. Alinejad may piss them off, but most Iranians outside are not this charlatan getting money from Saudis protected by U.S. state dept.

But many people I know, and I have worked with, and I would work with again, who would BENEFIT IRAN, need amnesty to be able to go back to Iran. These kids did nothing wrong. It was not their fault that their family members were in certain positions in the Shah's regime. Some of the other stuff they have done, often out of anger when they were young, need to be forgiven for the sake of a bigger picture for the good of Iran and her people and their future.

Not talking about myself. I have never done anything that would concern MYSELF, but my family has a long history in the military in Iran.

If he tells me that I can go back to Iran, I would give up my cushy job, TODAY, and get on a plane tonight, and go back to Iran. But I only trust him. And many others would also trust him and go back to help Iran build engines that are stifling the AF development projects all around us, including Pakistan and India.

I know what I say here is monitored by SOME very close to my vacinity. Still, I am not afraid (not at this point of my life, don't give a s**t) to mention this openly here. I would be on the plane this evening to go back and help. Heck, I would sleep on the factory floor over there, like I use to at RR.

I only need a few hours of sleep. Iran always underestimates motivation. Westerners never do. They instead, bank on it.

But I only trust this one man. No one else there, since I don't know them.

Here are the facts from my conversations with him (and I just talked to him a few days ago regarding his house in Hamstead) so I know what he wants more than anything else on earth, now that his granddaughter has (finally) a boy ...

He wants to SERVE Iran.

Many of us do. We don't need cars or money or homes. We had it all and saw how empty all of is. Like having sex with the most pretties girls on earth. After a few times, it's no big deal. The ego trip, obsession of achievement, only lasts for 2-3 days. Love for Iran, never ends. EVER, until we are put in our graves. It's in our blood. Only stupidity and arrogance makes us forget it temporarily, until sooner or later (as my dad use to say, RIP) ... elephants will remember and want to go back home to Hindustan (Feel yadeh hindostan mikoneh). You all have heard it before.

Iranian authorities MUST FIRST MAKE A DECISION that they want an engine for their NEW to be, developed AIR FORCE.

Apparently, this decision has not been made yet, or we are not informed of it (for very good reasons, e.g. blocking parts and support from Iran's suppliers, like they did with equipment for nuclear energy in 1999-2006)

I have no knowledge whatsoever of what this potential engine development would entail. I have no knowledge of how Iranian authorities fight/win project priorities and funding between different ministries or departments. I know how the West does it, but ZERO knowledge on Iran's way/methods.

As far as I understand it (which is very little, no matter how much I research it), Iran has NOT made any decisions, or indications, of any sorts, that they release publicly, or that they want to design a platform for the military fighter jets or bombers. AGAIN, may be they don't want anyone to know yet until it is done.

Iran DOES HAVE one of the greatest aviation engineers with incredible personality (believe me it matters so much), and he can bring back to Iran about at least 30 Iranians may be as much as 40+ Iranian engineers currently living in Europe, and a few in U.S. and other places. These are SEASONED engineers who have DELIVERED results in incredible positions working for highest level aviation firms in Western hemisphere. These engineers are all millionaires,so there is a lot of money coming back too (IF, big IF, they take all their money back).

So I HOPE I was CRYSTAL CLEAR about everything and hope I did not over exaggerate or mislead anyone with any bravado or false expectations.

There are too many issues and aspects of detail involved here. Just like a project management for engine development. Someone needs to have good judgement, the necessary funds, and put it all together and make it happen. Who has the authority to START THIS RIVER WITH THE FIRST DROP OF WATER ???

God Bless Iran and her people
Zendeh bashi doost gerami
Iran can but even with its tank program, they messed around with different upgrades and designs and finally went with a T-90 knockoff.

Even the sevome khordad is based on the BUK and Iran's missiles are largely based off of foreign technogy (scud)

Iran's drones saw a massive surge after Iran captured several American drones.

The fact of the matter is that Iran is a medium sized country with a limited budget. On its own there is limit to what Iran can do.

The SU-30 and all other SU-27 variants are all based on a proven and tested platform.

Chinese jets, well China has the budget and up until recently they were still buying and copying Russian tech.

Irans airforce needs an injection of foreign technology and a few dozen capable fighters to keep the airforce afloat.

Iran doesn't even have a network of communication satellites. Yes they can use terrain recognition software but what about at night or in bad weather ?

I suppose Iran can use Glosnass or Beidou but usually access to those networks is reserved for consumers of Russian/Chinese hardware.

Just as an example look at South Korea or Japan. No sanctions, economy is booming, they have unlimited access to Western technology, yet they have yet to produce a stealth fighter.

Right now South Korea is working on a prototype which will at first function with external weapons and they're planning an internal weapons bay afterwards.

Can Iran produce a 4th gen fighter ? Yes but will it be world-class ? Will it be as effective as a Rafale or an f-16 or even the latest variant of the SU-30 or SU-35 ? I highly doubt it.

Did Russia mess around with the S-300 ? Yes but that backfired since now Iran is self sufficient in the air defense department Also that was when Medvedev was in charge and those were different times with Russia and China having easy going ties with the west under Obama. Those days are long gone.

Only time will tell but I do want to see Iran purchase Russian and Chinese fighters, in a way to get the best of both worlds. We will have to wait and see what happens.

Forgive me Blue, if I am ignorant and not understand what you are saying here ... BUT

to me,

HOPE is nothing. It's like, a word. In project management, in engine development, or anything of this type, HOPE, is a word, that is ... like nothing. It's like saying, STRAWBERRIES. It means nothing.

A Matter of initiative??? not sure what this means either. I have spent my life designing, building, fixing, changing, making things happen for the customer in the aviation engine industry. I do not know, nor have I ever experienced, "initiative ...". I don't even know what this is suppose to be at a time like this for Iran.

If a country wants to build an engine --- they make a decision to do so, get the best project director they can get, pay 250,000 pounds per year, or more, Safran is paying nearly a million now, and you give the political support, the funding, more funding, more funding after funds run out, and support, and support, then more support, until it is done, they go back and make things better, fix the issues that were not addressed during feasibility study and requirements analysis, and then fix those.

I have never heard the words HOPE or INITIATIVE in all my years in my career. These words don't exist.

If Iran wants to build an engine - then they can build an engine. They have what it takes and can get the rest and get it done.

I swear to you, IT IS THAT EASY.

They need a project director that has the guts, the fortitude, and the experience with a clear VISION - then that project is DONE, within a time, and with funds. Some times delays, almost always lots of money wasted, and over the budget, but it gets done.

Only A4 Skyhawk project was done like a charm. Still project managers talk about it. It was an incredible project management experience.

There is no HOPE. No "matter of initiative".

I am sorry if I seem ANAL about these words. I just feel if Iran is listening, they need to S**T OR GET OFF THE POT.

Talking, and talking, and talking and saying they want to buy SU-30 or SU-35 blah blah blah blah is FREAKING STUPID, almost as bad as video of Qaher 313, and its freakin design from day one. IT WAS STUPID then, and it is stupid now.

In 1970s about a year before I left Iran, I remember as a kid I was at a bashgah, with family members, (at a TF airbase), and they were talking about 2 things while drinking dutch beer ... which was recently delivered via a 747 ...

1) how they will add a conformal tank to the bottom of F4-e
2) how they can also do the same for F-5e so it can increase its range, and may be even redesign the landing gear

This is 5 decades ago.

If Iran wants to build something - they they have proven that they CAN.

U.S. military NEVER IMAGINED that Iran's bistatic radar tracking lock would be as powerful and as effective as Sevom Khordad.

Iran has proven ... IT CAN.

So, this is not a matter of HOPE. They have to make a decision to DO or NOT TO DO.

IT really is that simple. They have devoted Iranians who would fight for that land ... they have in their blood.

It's about money allocation, political will, strategic decision making ... etc.


Those are words one uses when our people's rights are NOT being trampled on every single day, while millions of Iranians are living in exile, watching everyday that our nation and her people have been for 120 years, and continue to be, robbed of their RIGHTS.

It's time to get things done, not procrastinate and fight each other, hope, or wait for so-called an initiative.

Iran needs to move its @$$ NOW.

With all respects, Blue.

p.s. I apologies in advance if my tone sounds a bit harsh. It is critical for all of us to know how this project CAN GET DONE and have no false expectations that feel-good words like HOPE is involved in its achievement.
Iran can but even with its tank program, they messed around with different upgrades and designs and finally went with a T-90 knockoff.

Even the sevome khordad is based on the BUK and Iran's missiles are largely based off of foreign technogy (scud)

Iran's drones saw a massive surge after Iran captured several American drones.

The fact of the matter is that Iran is a medium sized country with a limited budget. On its own there is limit to what Iran can do.

The SU-30 and all other SU-27 variants are all based on a proven and tested platform.

Chinese jets, well China has the budget and up until recently they were still buying and copying Russian tech.

Irans airforce needs an injection of foreign technology and a few dozen capable fighters to keep the airforce afloat.

Iran doesn't even have a network of communication satellites. Yes they can use terrain recognition software but what about at night or in bad weather ?

I suppose Iran can use Glosnass or Beidou but usually access to those networks is reserved for consumers of Russian/Chinese hardware.

Just as an example look at South Korea or Japan. No sanctions, economy is booming, they have unlimited access to Western technology, yet they have yet to produce a stealth fighter.

Right now South Korea is working on a prototype which will at first function with external weapons and they're planning an internal weapons bay afterwards.

Can Iran produce a 4th gen fighter ? Yes but will it be world-class ? Will it be as effective as a Rafale or an f-16 or even the latest variant of the SU-30 or SU-35 ? I highly doubt it.

Did Russia mess around with the S-300 ? Yes but that backfired since now Iran is self sufficient in the air defense department Also that was when Medvedev was in charge and those were different times with Russia and China having easy going ties with the west under Obama. Those days are long gone.

Only time will tell but I do want to see Iran purchase Russian and Chinese fighters, in a way to get the best of both worlds. We will have to wait and see what happens.

Does not need to be "world class". Does not need to be Rafale.

Iran needs to copy F-14 (new airframes of course), a platform it knows extremely well, one of the best radius at max speed turn rate, and ample room for long range BVR missiles. Iran just needs a new engine for it, as well as a new hybrid PESA with solid state amplifiers or ideally AESA radar. Iran can also add IRST although from what someone who is an expert on the subject explained to me, IRST is not much help against a platform like F22 or F35. Not as much as people think.

Then this is a formidable aircraft, and like Su35 will last Iran another 15 years minimum.

Iran today is not Iran in 2003. It has come along long way since then.

Iran can also develop satellites with the right funding and the right individuals.

The reason other countries have problems developing technologies is not because they cannot. Again, as is the case with Iran, they have lots of different priorities and spend their money and time on many projects rather than one or few.

Iran needs a "competent" or "good enough" air force, as this adds to Iran's box of tools, creates another layer of deterrence, and allows Iran's air force to get enough training and stay within reach of the latest technologies to make sure it does not fall behind so far that it is flying antiques.

If Iran develops its own engine (say an AL21F) and a hybrid PESA radar with solid state amplifiers, and a level of avionics that is good enough, is Russia MORE LIKELY to sell Iran, say Su-57 or China sell Iran J-31? I would say yes. Not saying Iran needs it or not, but saying that their strategic perception of Iran changes.

F-14 is outdated because of its engines, and avionics, radar, and weapons integration. Not because of its air frame design. If these are brought to date, with Fakour 90 updated with ECM and better thermal batteries, better active seeker, of course (newly built F-14s) it would be better for Iran than a Su-30 or 35, IMHO.
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Does not need to be "world class". Does not need to be Rafale.

Iran needs to copy F-14, a platform it knows extremely well, one of the best radius at max speed turn rate, and ample room for long range BVR missiles. Iran just needs a new engine for it, as well as a new hybrid PESA with solid state amplifiers or ideally AESA radar. Iran can also add IRST although from what someone who is an expert on the subject explained to me, IRST is not much help against a platform like F22 or F35. Not as much as people think.

Then this is a formidable aircraft, and like Su35 will last Iran another 15 years minimum.

Iran today is not Iran in 2003. It has come along long way since then.

Iran can also develop satellites with the right funding and the right individuals.

There reason other countries have problems developing technologies is not because they cannot. Again, as is the case with Iran, they have lots of different priorities and spend their money and time on many projects rather than one or few.

Iran needs a "competent" or "good enough" air force, as this ads to Iran's box of tools, creates another layer of deterrence, and allows Iran's air force to get enough training and staying within reach of the latest technologies to make sure it does not fall behind so far that it is flying antiques.

If Iran develops its own engine (say an AL21F) and a hybrid PESA radar with solid state amplifiers, and a level of avionics that is good enough, is Russia MORE LIKELY to sell Iran, say Su-57 or China sell Iran J-31? I would say yes.

F-14 is outdated because of its engines, and avionics, radar, and weapons integration. If these are brought to date, with Fakour 90 updated with ECM and better thermal batteries, better active seeker, it would be better for Iran than a Su-30 or 35, IMHO.

There is not enough F-14 worthy of flying many combat hours. During a sustained air campaign many would break down. It’s a heavy maintenance aircraft and expensive to maintain (typical American philosophy).

Compare that to SU-30 which follows Russian philosophy of being resilient and cheap to maintain in respect to their western counterparts. F-14 reverse engineering was already brought up to SL (this much was leaked during Q-313 unveiling) and SL shut it down and pushed Iranian engineers to develop an indigenous design. That hasn’t happened yet.

Also another big issue which no one wants to address is the long term economy of Iran. You guys are recommending the same path that destroyed the Soviet Union and is destroying the US today. All this focus on military expansion and zero focus on long term sustainability of Iran’s economy and ecosystems (water, drought, poverty etc) will only cause a major systemic problem later on.

China has the economic power to build anything it wants and massively expand its military. Right now it’s naval expansion might be the biggest naval expansion in the history of mankind with the rate Chinese shipyards are pumping out warships.

Iran on the other hand is more like that one person who has a credit card (s) and is buying everything on borrowed time & money with no collateral to back it up (ie economic power).

For Iran to have a true war machine it needs an economy that can feed that war machine. Or else Iran will always be a middle tier power stuck in the sandbox of the Middle East bumping heads with Jews on one hand and Baboon Arabia on the other.
There is not enough F-14 worthy of flying many combat hours. During a sustained air campaign many would break down. It’s a heavy maintenance aircraft and expensive to maintain (typical American philosophy).

Compare that to SU-30 which follows Russian philosophy of being resilient and cheap to maintain in respect to their western counterparts. F-14 reverse engineering was already brought up to SL (this much was leaked during Q-313 unveiling) and SL shut it down and pushed Iranian engineers to develop an indigenous design. That hasn’t happened yet.

Also another big issue which no one wants to address is the long term economy of Iran. You guys are recommending the same path that destroyed the Soviet Union and is destroying the US today. All this focus on military expansion and zero focus on long term sustainability of Iran’s economy and ecosystems (water, drought, poverty etc) will only cause a major systemic problem later on.

China has the economic power to build anything it wants and massively expand its military. Right now it’s naval expansion might be the biggest naval expansion in the history of mankind with the rate Chinese shipyards are pumping out warships.

Iran on the other hand is more like that one person who has a credit card (s) and is buying everything on borrowed time & money with no collateral to back it up (ie economic power).

For Iran to have a true war machine it needs an economy that can feed that war machine. Or else Iran will always be a middle tier power stuck in the sandbox of the Middle East bumping heads with Jews on one hand and Baboon Arabia on the other.

Good points. But you do recognize Economy is connected to Defense? right?

If Iran can secure its rights through display of defensive strength, it achieves investments that are protected, be it Russia or China or India or Malaysia or others and its economy will do substantially better.

Why do countries spend so much money on Defense? it is mostly for their economy.

If you don't have a strong military, you cannot have a strong economy IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO BE A U.S. POPPET.

Iran's economy was doing well 2007-2009, so what changed?

Lack of security made many countries pull out of investing in Iran.

You are correct, Iran needs to focus on its economy, food supply, etc. but a strong military ensures a stronger economy.

Iran can also sell defensive products and hence subsidize its defense industry, as most top defense exporters do.

Regarding F-14 ... yes it is maintenance intensive, I have worked on FB-111s in UK for years which is the closest thing to an F-14. Fixed wing Su-30 may be much better in maintenance. But among many things to consider, including whether or not Iran can even get its hands on Sukhois, F-14 would be a great alternative.

Also, my suggestion was not that Iran use old F-14 air frames in Iran's storage depot, but to build new ones, completely new air frames. After 50 years, it should be able to do that. Hence one of the reasons why I even suggest this.

Finally, Iran needs to first ACHIEVE MIDDLE TIER as you put it, before it expects to achieve a super power level TIER status. Can't run, if it can't walk first.
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