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I don't know if the author is the same, but here another interpretation with the aircraft equipped with variable geometry wings that leads it to resemble the configuration of the SU-22


Do not know about it
But movable wings increase the air frame weight.

Su22 modification to su75 is doable and a great project to learn more about air frame design s factor's.

Some project defained about f7 and su22 upgrading in IRIAF.

They have good background air frame and good engine to do some more on them.
Do not know about it
But movable wings increase the air frame weight.

Su22 modification to su75 is doable and a great project to learn more about air frame design s factor's.

Some project defained about f7 and su22 upgrading in IRIAF.

They have good background air frame and good engine to do some more on them.
what is this?
it looks weird with the nose it looked like a mig21 but the wings were abnormal completely to what is used today and it looks amazing actually i like the designs used
actually the wings made me think of f14 unless they are fixed the nose of mig 21 which is a weird combination so i kind of was suprise this thing actually existed but it seems that it doesnt
A random question:
Is Sandro Pertini, your avatar, a popular figure in Italy these day?
despite the limited capabilities the islamic world has solved alot of problems thrown at it and despite the huge amount of capabilities the so called capitalist world has solved no single of its issues so we surely are okay here with islam specially islamic finance has to become a norm and usury has to got rid off but you try socialism if you think it works for you in europe
i support socialist revolution for all of europe how about that 😆
despite the limited capabilities the islamic world has solved alot of problems thrown at it and despite the huge amount of capabilities the so called capitalist world has solved no single of its issues so we surely are okay here with islam specially islamic finance has to become a norm and usury has to got rid off but you try socialism if you think it works for you in europe
i support socialist revolution for all of europe how about that 😆

Yes true Pertini was a socialist, but when he became President he returned the party card because from that moment he was President of all and not only of a part, and for his work as President of all who is considered the most loved and respected by Italians. .
I close the off-topic, as it is fair to other users who want to know about the IRIAF, and also because I never talk about politics in discussions where the main interest is weapon systems.

حداکثر سرعت جنگنده کوثر، هزار و ۷۰۰ کیلومتر در ساعت معادل ۱۰ هزار و ۶۰ مایل بر ساعت (۱.۶ ماخ) و برد آن حدود هزار و ۱۰۰ کیلومتر است، این محصول به دو قبضه موشک فاطر مسلح بوده است.
به گزارش مشرق، نیروی هوایی ارتش جمهور اسلامی ایران با حرکت در مسیر راهبرد «ما می‌توانیم»، انواع جنگنده مجهز به فناوری‌های روز دنیا تولید کرده است.
ساخت جنگنده‌های مُدرن، دست بالای صنعت دفاعی ایران برای ایجاد بازدارندگی و تقویت امنیت پایدار کشور است.
جنگنده «کوثر»، یکی از این دستاوردهای مهم نیروی هوایی در ساخت جنگنده کاملاً ایرانی است، از اویونیک(تجهیزات الکترونیکی هواپیما)، رادار، جهت یابی تا موتور ملی این محصول، ساخت متخصصان جوان کشورمان است.
سیستم مانیتورینگ این جنگنده ایرانی کاملاً بومی بوده و یک دستاورد مهم است.

جنگنده کوثر، آشیانه موشک‌های فاطر و بمب خوشه‌ای سیمرغ

سامانه کنترل آتش، تجهیزات اویونیکی، رایانه مرکزی، نمایشگرها، رادار چند منظوره بروی جنگنده کوثر نصب شده است، یکی از افتخارات صنعت دفاعی کشور دست یابی به ساخت انواع موتور جنگنده بوده و موتور توربوجت ایران اوج یکی از ویژگی‌های مهم ساختاری جنگنده کوثر است که با نصب بروی این محصول بومی، اوج رسیدن متخصصین ایرانی را به فناوری‌های روز دنیا نشان می‌دهد.
جنگنده کوثر دو کابینه است، طول این محصول به ۱۴.۴۵ متر می‌رسد، ارتفای آن ۴.۸ متر است، وزن این جنگنده ایرانی در مراحل خالی، بارگیری و پروازی متغیر است، وزن خالی آن ۴.۳۴۹ کیلوگرم، وزن بارگیری ۷.۱۵۷ کیلوگرم و بیشینه وزن برخاست این جنگنده ایرانی ۹.۳۱۲ کیلوگرم تخمین زده شده است.

جنگنده کوثر، آشیانه موشک‌های فاطر و بمب خوشه‌ای سیمرغ

حداکثر سرعت جنگنده کوثر، هزار و ۷۰۰ کیلومتر در ساعت معادل ۱۰ هزار و ۶۰ مایل بر ساعت (۱.۶ ماخ) و برد آن حدود هزار و ۱۰۰ کیلومتر است، این محصول به دو قبضه موشک فاطر مسلح بوده و سقف پروازی آن ۵ هزار و ۸۰۰ متر تخمین زده شده است.

جنگنده کوثر، آشیانه موشک‌های فاطر و بمب خوشه‌ای سیمرغ

As per the article, They have armed Kowsar with Fater air to air missile. It was developed from Aim-9. Great achievement
The progress in IRIAF and the homemade stuff of this military branch is good but its being done annoyingly slowly.

I know that missile force is on top priority but after 40 years, i expect them arm Kowsar with longer range air to air missiles.

The missile force of IRGC started from below zero capabilities, their airforce started from an even worse Spot but at the moment they are testing their achievements on the old platforms such as J-7s. Army shouldve done the same without expecting something on par with F22s. IRIAF has every platform to develop and test new missiles. They need to Gear up and increase their Speed of developing new missiles, from air2air to Air2ground etc.
@PeeD is it a wrong expectation dear sir?
As per the article, They have armed Kowsar with Fater air to air missile. It was developed from Aim-9. Great achievement
What great achievment!? Basically it's saying Kowthar has no BVR capability and is just the same F5 with new display monitors, it's like changing a Paykan's dashboard and then renaming it to something else!

Current Kowthar is just an unfinished project which was unveiled early for domestic consumption, that's why airforce decided to appoint the first batch to air display team, these aircrafts wont add no fighting capability to their fleet.
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