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If we can get Irbis-E radars from Russians, it would still be very great, even if they don't agree with ToT for the radar.

The best choice is to buy 100-120 Su-30's most advanced upgrades available with ToT and also buy 50-100 Su-35s without ToT (if they agree with it). With the current economic situation of Russians and their stand off with Europe and U.S, they will be more than happy to have a customer buying nearly 200 aircrafts from them, so we should get as much as we can from them.

Russians currently have 2-3 squadrons of Su-35, so purchasing 50-100 Su-35, and 100-120 Su-30s(which they have about 3-4 squadron of it in service) is not what they will want. But, I fully understand your point.

About financial part of 150-200 jets, I can say that they will ask about 10-12 billion dollars, plus 2-3 more billions for required trainings, ... If IRIAF decides to use this fleet for 30-40 years, there would be about 500 million per year cost of maintenance, ... for this fleet. Some people inside Iran may not like it, as you know. But, anyway IRIAF needs to be modernized.
@Serpentine will the engine on su-30 be able to divert 4 time the electricity to the new radar without being tasked?

I'm not an expert in electricity generation in fighter jets, but if I'm not wrong, electric power in jets is provided by emergency power unit which is a gas turbine using water/hydrazine as fuel. So if there is more demand for electricity, simply a more powerful power unit can be used and since the Su-30 and Su-35 are almost the same in air frame, there wouldn't be a problem with space or fitting in a new power unit.

Again, I'm not an expert in this field, maybe others can elaborate.

Russians currently have 2-3 squadrons of Su-35, so purchasing 50-100 Su-35, and 100-120 Su-30s(which they have about 3-4 squadron of it in service) is not what they will want. But, I fully understand your point.

About financial part of 150-200 jets, I can say that they will ask about 10-12 billion dollars, plus 2-3 more billions for required trainings, ... If IRIAF decides to use this fleet for 30-40 years, there would be about 500 million per year cost of maintenance, ... for this fleet. Some people inside Iran may not like it, as you know. But, anyway IRIAF needs to be modernized.

Of course, but regardless of the costs, the air force needs a huge boost.

Another option is to go for fewer number of jets (Su-30 or Su-35) and wait for PAK FA to be fully operational, then we can buy a good number of them.
I'm not an expert in electricity generation in fighter jets, but if I'm not wrong, electric power in jets is provided by emergency power unit which is a gas turbine using water/hydrazine as fuel. So if there is more demand for electricity, simply a more powerful power unit can be used and since the Su-30 and Su-35 are almost the same in air frame, there wouldn't be a problem with space or fitting in a new power unit.

Again, I'm not an expert in this field, maybe others can elaborate.

Of course, but regardless of the costs, the air force needs a huge boost.

Another option is to go for fewer number of jets (Su-30 or Su-35) and wait for PAK FA to be fully operational, then we can buy a good number of them.

@JEskandari the below picture can emphasis your point:

Inke damaagheh che ghadr jaa dashteh basheh ham mohem hast:

Albatteh ba'zi radar ha(mesle ba'zi radar haye PAKFA) ra rouye labe ye baal hastand. Yekami kaar mibare vali ehtemaalan misheh. vali khob in amalan mesle hamoun ghaziye kharidan e F-16 block 20 va upgrade be block 50+ hast. Khob age bahs serfan kharid hast, az avval besheh block 50+ kharid ke digeh behtar hast.
@Serpentine will the engine on su-30 be able to divert 4 time the electricity to the new radar without being tasked?

Oh, yes. That should not be a problem. Each engine on that plane can produce about 20 MW of power. Drawing just 20 KW would be no problem for it.

I'm not an expert in electricity generation in fighter jets, but if I'm not wrong, electric power in jets is provided by emergency power unit which is a gas turbine using water/hydrazine as fuel. So if there is more demand for electricity, simply a more powerful power unit can be used and since the Su-30 and Su-35 are almost the same in air frame, there wouldn't be a problem with space or fitting in a new power unit.

Again, I'm not an expert in this field, maybe others can elaborate.

Of course, but regardless of the costs, the air force needs a huge boost.

Another option is to go for fewer number of jets (Su-30 or Su-35) and wait for PAK FA to be fully operational, then we can buy a good number of them.

Actually the generators are powered by the main engines. And the wonderful thing about the aircraft power source is their frequency which is much higher than the standard ground ones. The aircrafts use 400 Hz frequency since the higher the frequency the smaller the motors, generators and transformers therefore keeping the weight burden low (for an increase in transmission losses, but since the distances between electricity production and consumption are not great on an aircraft, this would not matter much).

But I would love Iran to get PAK FA. Since that plane really has some potential over the coming decades to be upgraded and played around with. Specially if Iran get a similar deal as the Indians with ToT. I also agree with you that Iran needs to get something meanwhile till PAK FA become available. And Su-35 is a good option specially if it comes with ToT since the company is the same, it will also help with ToT of PAK FA in future too.


Deal beh in migan: 160 Kamov choppers to be built in India, 40 in Russia

Compare with: Jane's: Egypt set to receive Ka-52 attack helicopters

Just importing will not get us anywhere. Without ToT and local manufacturing capability, things will be as if they were in 70's. That is also if we are lucky and can get some worthy stuff.
If we can get Irbis-E radars from Russians, it would still be very great, even if they don't agree with ToT for the radar.

The best choice is to buy 100-120 Su-30's most advanced upgrades available with ToT and also buy 50-100 Su-35s without ToT (if they agree with it). With the current economic situation of Russians and their stand off with Europe and U.S, they will be more than happy to have a customer buying nearly 200 aircrafts from them, so we should get as much as we can from them.

this is what I said from the beginning;)

this is what I said from the beginning;)

I agree that Iran obtains a limited number of su-35 until arriving the pakfa
Russians currently have 2-3 squadrons of Su-35, so purchasing 50-100 Su-35, and 100-120 Su-30s(which they have about 3-4 squadron of it in service) is not what they will want. But, I fully understand your point.

About financial part of 150-200 jets, I can say that they will ask about 10-12 billion dollars, plus 2-3 more billions for required trainings, ... If IRIAF decides to use this fleet for 30-40 years, there would be about 500 million per year cost of maintenance, ... for this fleet. Some people inside Iran may not like it, as you know. But, anyway IRIAF needs to be modernized.
I am not a fan on excessive spending on military but 500 million $ is peanuts for having a fist in the region to lean on. The GCC is getting bolder and bolder every day.
I am not a fan on excessive spending on military but 500 million $ is peanuts for having a fist in the region to lean on. The GCC is getting bolder and bolder every day.
Even 200 su30 wont make our airforce stronger than gcc . Won't forget when we get those planes they got f-15 silent eagle and f-35
Even 200 su30 wont make our airforce stronger than gcc . Won't forget when we get those planes they got f-15 silent eagle and f-35
Are you sure they will get F-35? I thought it is only going to be sold to Israel?
We wont need to match 1 to 1 with GCC. We don't want to wage a total war with them just enough to stop an attack. They will not dare to fly all against us and as a defensive force we don't need to match their numbers but at least have something airworthy and modern to fly with!
i thought iran will chose paf-fa.......... but they chose su-30 ! :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
500 million is nothing for power that Iran will win. no air force in the region is higher the f-35 is not as effiace her, and it is very expensive, the su-35 can easily destroy the f-15 Saudi Arabia, our aviation and our air defense, NO COUNTRY can not attack iran,

I explain that maintain an old aerial fleet as the F-4, f-1, f-14 etc ... cost us far too expensive. bought new planes will cost her dear moin has iran and therefore with a number (200 250) can be obtained advantage russia, we will do a lot of power economy and we will be superior to all the other countries in the region .

su-35 equipping the missile R-77M1 / E has a range of more air / air 200Km, no country in the region can be countered

russia also offers the scrambling system which system etein the aegis of the American aircraft carrier, remember the American aircraft carrier in crime, russia quarreled with the su-24 ... and she offers this system has export

I think iran Devera purchased

120 su-35s
100 mig-35 (ie not force you can start a local programe with MIG)
24 su-34 (su-34 on bomabrdier is super efficient and equip jamming system
36 a 60 PAKFA

her we made a total of 280 to 304 modern fighter,if we add 4 to 6 the AWACS IRIAF become the best air force in the region is one of the best in the world and with such a large order can get a transfer technology and local service center. if we add the S-400 Iran's sky will be keyed and invincible, no army will take the risk of attacking us.all Arab countries met with israel could do nothing against us, so stop crying for 500million.
Even 200 su30 wont make our airforce stronger than gcc . Won't forget when we get those planes they got f-15 silent eagle and f-35

Raah e hal e saadeh, dashtan e quality e behtar hast. Ya'ni Su-35 dar baraabar e eagle, va PAKFA dar baraabar e F-35, ke dar in sourat hattaa ba quantity ye kam tar, bartari ba Iran khahad boud. Baraaye kaahesh e hazineh ham, yek te'daad e ziyaadi Su-30 be onvaan e badaneh ye asli ye IRIAF. dar kol IRIAF be 450-500 ta jet e jadid niyaaz khahad dasht. Albatteh inhaayi ke man matrah mikonam, serfan plan e kolli hast, va be in mafhoum nist ke IRIAF donbaal e in khahad raft ya aslan poulesh ra khahad dasht.

I am not a fan on excessive spending on military but 500 million $ is peanuts for having a fist in the region to lean on. The GCC is getting bolder and bolder every day.

500 million serfan hazine ye ezaafi ye saalaaneh baraaye maintenance hast! IRIAF kheyli poul dar nist!!!
Iran IRGCA Harbin Y-12 reconnaissance of U.S aircraft carrier in persian gulf

Even 200 su30 wont make our airforce stronger than gcc . Won't forget when we get those planes they got f-15 silent eagle and f-35

And why should we plan to make an air force stronger than GCC? That doesn't make sense.

We need an air force that can contain any attacking forces, being able to deliver a huge blow to them and make any war too costly for them.

We would need an air force stronger than GCC if we wanted to conquer those countries. Don't forget that we have also other means to counter them in any possible war.

Basically, IRIAF should be strong enough to stand firm in face of any invaders, preventing them from establishing an air superiority in a short time.

There is a massive effort undergoing to bolster Iran's air defense systems and I promise in less than 5 years, we'll have the best air defense protection in the region. The most important factor is that most of those air defense systems will be built domestically, so if one is gone, we don't have to beg any country to sell another to us with an overpriced value, exactly the same thing that happenned in Iran-Iraq war.

Now tell me, how many countries in region are capable of producing capable air defense systems? (Perhaps except for Turkey in near future)
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