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In some fields, like avionics and radar, I believe China is slightly ahead or on par ?

China has AESA in fighter jets years before Russia, which still do not. J-16 has AESA since 2016. Russia still don't have AESA operationally.
Most experts agree that China has almost caught up to Russia in terms of sheer quality but still has a decade or so to go when it comes to jet engines

WS-10A is on par with AL-31F. It's used on J-16 and J-10C.

China has AESA in fighter jets years before Russia, which still do not. J-16 has AESA since 2016. Russia still don't have AESA operationally.

Your entire military is based on reverse engineering Russian and American designs.

So Ironic. And you sound like a parrot AESA, AESA, AESA. Russia is the world leader in radar technology if it wanted to make an AESA radar for its fighter jets it easily could.

Stop being a Chinese military Homer.
Your entire military is based on reverse engineering Russian and American designs.

So Ironic. And you sound like a parrot AESA, AESA, AESA. Russia is the world leader in radar technology if it wanted to make an AESA radar for its fighter jets it easily could.

Stop being a Chinese military Homer.

Not just AESA but in terms of thermal imaging China is way ahead of Russia. Russian EO is subpar. To date Russia lacks EO targeting pod. On the other hand, Chinese targeting pod is top notch.

Not just AESA but in terms of thermal imaging China is way ahead of Russia. Russian EO is subpar. To date Russia lacks EO targeting pod. On the other hand, Chinese targeting pod is top notch.


Come back to me when you take Taiwan.

Last military conflict was what....Korean war? Chinese military is largely unproven. Iran has been in war since 2003. US has been in war since 1914. Russia has been in wars since about the same time.

Dont get me wrong, Chinese military will one day be on par with the US at its current trajectory. But again...largely unproven. Fancy toys don’t equal military victory. Need to see how China does in actual military conflict.
Come back to me when you take Taiwan.

China does not want to take Taiwan anymore than the US wants to take Cuba. China and Taiwan have peaceful relation. Taiwan is only a few miles off mainland China. Trade is good.

US has been in war since 1914. Russia has been in wars since about the same time.

Yet they can't beat coronavirus which China beat within weeks with less than 5,000 deaths in total.
Chinese propaganda at work:omghaha:

Chinese people are highly disciplined. Russians and Americans are nowhere compared to Chinese in terms of discipline. Heck, even Japanese lag behind Chinese in discipline. Check the coronavirus casualties. China is way on the bottom of the list. Chinese can fly to the US anytime because no Chinese tests positive. On the other hand, Americans have a hard time flying to China because so many Americans test positive.

The future of flying military combat assets are unmaned combat drones and hypersonic vehicles and flying tanks.
The future of flying military combat assets are unmaned combat drones and hypersonic vehicles and flying tanks.

Manned jets will be the core for decades to come. Iran will buy JF-17 to phase out F-14 and F-4 and F-5 and MiG-29 which are very old frames and unsafe to fly.
We won't buy Chinese fighter jets. Not because they are technologically inferior or something like that, but since they can't meet our requirement. China won't sell SU27 derivatives since it'd trigger Russians.

5 to 6 squadrons of SU30SMs would do the job. It will just buy some time for Iran's own plans in the field of developing heavy fighter jets. Actually a Fill the gap fighter jet.

We won't buy Chinese fighters thats for sure.
Manned jets will be the core for decades to come. Iran will buy JF-17 to phase out F-14 and F-4 and F-5 and MiG-29 which are very old frames and unsafe to fly.

No. Manned airplanes are limited at ~9 g and thus have no future or chance against unmanned combat drones with up to possible 15 g. Today it is already the case that the pilot in an 5th gen fighter depends very much on computer aided tools or AI. So it is only a small step to fly all without pilots in the air assets. Manned combat aircrafts will be gone till the end of next decade.
Manned jets will be the core for decades to come. Iran will buy JF-17 to phase out F-14 and F-4 and F-5 and MiG-29 which are very old frames and unsafe to fly.

Although the JF-17 would play a role in Iran's air-force, the prospect of Iran acquiring such an aerial combat platform is not realistic given the mission requirements that would need to be fulfilled by any such future purchase.

IRIAF isn't looking for a JF-17 type air-craft, it is clearly in the market (with its limited budget) for a multi-purpose fighter that can also perform air-superiority roles when needed. The Russian Su-30SM (or Su-35) would be the only good candidate(s) in this regard. Anything else would be a waste of time, money and resources especially when factoring in just how monetarily strapped Iran is right now (they aren't flush with money).
No. Manned airplanes are limited at ~9 g and thus have no future or chance against unmanned combat drones with up to possible 15 g. Today it is already the case that the pilot in an 5th gen fighter depends very much on computer aided tools or AI. So it is only a small step to fly all without pilots in the air assets. Manned combat aircrafts will be gone till the end of next decade.

UCAV can be jammed and AI is nowhere near man level. It takes quantum computer to achieve man like AI considering brain works on the quantum level.
Although the JF-17 would play a role in Iran's air-force, the prospect of Iran acquiring such an aerial combat platform is not realistic given the mission requirements that would need to be fulfilled by any such future purchase.

IRIAF isn't looking for a JF-17 type air-craft, it is clearly in the market (with its limited budget) for a multi-purpose fighter that can also perform air-superiority roles when needed. The Russian Su-30SM (or Su-35) would be the only good candidate(s) in this regard. Anything else would be a waste of time, money and resources especially when factoring in just how monetarily strapped Iran is right now (they aren't flush with money).

Su-35 is big but expensive to service. It lacks sophisticated AESA and targeting pod. As you know Russians are not very good at electronics post USSR. JF-17 Block 3 onwards has state of the art AESA and targeting pod which has high resolution FLIR. On top of that, JF-17 Block 3 powered by RD-93MA has better thrust to weight ratio compared to Su-35 powered by AL-41. On top of that, JF-17 has better combat radius than Su-35 1350 km compared to 1100 km due to newer fuselage design and new DSI type intake which reduces weight and improves aerodynamics. On top of that, Su-35 has way bigger RCS than JF-17, which has RCS reduction measures for example DSI type intake which effectively hide engine blades. On top of that, Russians have nothing comparable to PL-15 which is in the same class as AIM-260. It makes absolutely no point to pick Su-35 over JF-17 Block 3 other than for politics.

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UCAV can be jammed and AI is nowhere near man level. It takes quantum computer to achieve man like AI considering brain works on the quantum level.

Mh, we have the year 2021. Manned combat fighters fly around with unmanned combat drones as wing fighter. Not only with one unmanned wing fighter, but also with two or three or four ect.

Do you really think the pilot in the manned fighter jet do manage to navigate all 4 unmanned wing fighter drones and his own airplane with 5 joysticks simultaniuosly? Where are you living? Sure not in China. In China they know that.

And this is in 2021.

And i wrote that till the end of the next decade manned combat planes are gone. And this is easy to reach. Maybe earlier.
Mh, we have the year 2021. Manned combat fighters fly around with unmanned combat drones as wing fighter. Not only with one unmanned wing fighter, but also with two or three or four ect.

Do you really think the pilot in the manned fighter jet do manage to navigate all 4 unmanned wing fighter drones and his own airplane with 5 joysticks simultaniuosly? Where are you living? Sure not in China. In China they know that.

And this is in 2021.

And i wrote that till the end of the next decade manned combat planes are gone. And this is easy to reach. Maybe earlier.

Easier said than done. Sure they can fly alongside but in combat situation it's still a long shot away.
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