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That helicopters is a knockoff of a Bell 214C produced in 2011 isn't it ?

New helicopters, jets, tanks, armored vehicles, trucks require lots of investment and funding. Research and development costs money and building quality products costs money.

With the current price of oil and Iran's financial situation lots of projects are undoubtedly on hold. Iran's best bet right now is to focus on the fundamentals and defense, like air defenses, missiles, ATGM's.

Honestly if Iran were to produce a quality knockoff of the HK417 with a basic scope and hand them out to the entire army, IRGC, etc that would be a good first step. However with until the economic situation improves I'm very skeptical.

This just reminds me we seriously need an update on Iran's helicopter development programs.

So many promising projects like Saba-248, Panha P1, Shahed-216 prototyped but not seen or heard about for years.

I think sanctions have put some of them on hiatus until domestic alternatives can be developed. Remember that Saba-248 was only 67% Iranian manufactured when it was first displayed.
This just reminds me we seriously need an update on Iran's helicopter development programs.

So many promising projects like Saba-248, Panha P1, Shahed-216 prototyped but not seen or heard about for years.

I think sanctions have put some of them on hiatus until domestic alternatives can be developed. Remember that Saba-248 was only 67% Iranian manufactured when it was first displayed.

like with everything related to Iran, issue is suitable engine.

Not to mention helicopters are just not a priority when Iran’s airforce is withering away and it’s tank division is operating T-72’s.

Iran still has so many helicopters, better to just upgrade them.

Iran needs heavy attack choppers and a heavy transport for the future.
I have a question :
Today on a twitter I found this photo depicting an Ex MiG-23BN Iraqi Flogger in IRIAF colors. It was specified that 12 Iraqi MiG-23BN were in Iran during 1991.
Are these 12 Mig-23BN still present in Iranian deposits today?
Did the Iranian military leaders think of bringing them into operational conditions?
Did you use the R-29-300 engines to support the SU-22?



however, it would have been an excellent opportunity for Iranian technicians to thoroughly evaluate this aircraft
Iran Has Most Powerful Chopper Fleet in West Asia: Commander
IFP Editorial Staff
May 4, 2020

A Senior Iranian commander says the Islamic Republic is in possession of the most powerful helicopter fleet in West Asia.

Commander of Islamic Republic of Iran Army Aviation, Brigadier General Yousef Qorbani, said Monday the country has the largest helicopter fleet in the West Asia which gives it an upper hand.

He went on to say that visitors from friendly and neighbouring countries, who have visited the Army Aviation facilities, have approved this claim.

“Not only in numbers, but also in combat and deterrent power we are the most powerful in this region. At the same time, with the huge helicopter fleet at our disposal, we have the fifth largest chopper fleet in the world.”

“Today, despite sanctions, we have created many opportunities in the aviation industry,” added Qorbani in an interview with Fars News Agency.

He further mentioned that Iran has upgraded the choppers firepower to suit the conditions of today’s wars, in a way that Iranian choppers will no longer fire at the enemy at close range, but they target the enemy in the form of Fire and Forget.

“Over the past few years, a great deal has been carried out in collaboration with the defence industry. We have our own weapons infrastructure in the army aviation. We have classified the ways to use these weapons; that is, the weapons and tactics we may use against a terrorist group are different from the weapons we may use in an equal or unequal battle.”

He added that today, the power of Iran’s missile systems in the Aviation Force is tremendous.

“We have a variety of guided missiles, and from very long distances we can fire our missiles to hit the enemy. On the other hand, we are combining weapons with night vision systems so that we can strengthen our combat capability at night,” he continued.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Qorbani said the Army Aviation has put the issue of self-protection on the agenda and is working on it to protect helicopters and pilots.

“We had successful tests. This is one of the necessities of our work, and thank God, we are focusing on self-protection to equip our helicopters with self-protection system.”

He underscored that at the time of natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, etc., it is the Army Aviation that creates air communication when the roads are closed.

“During the Kermanshah earthquake, we carried out 500 sorties till midday, which was unprecedented in the world. In the floods of Golestan and Lorestan, where all roads were closed, it was the Army Aviation that helped the people. That’s why we say the Army Aviation is really useful. Today, we are covering 18 provinces of the country in the form of air emergencies. In various elections, it is the Army Aviation that transfers ballot boxes to hard-to-reach areas,” concluded General Qorbani.

Heres a couple of close ups of the irgc-af developed targeting pod for the su22 force that I managed to find.
IRGC-AF Targeting Pod_01.jpg

IRGC-AF Targeting Pod_02.jpg

And some pics of the original short fin configuration of the bina laser guided missile
IRGC-AF Bina Missile Short Fins 01.jpg

IRGC-AF Bina Missile Short Fins 02.jpg

Interestingly this original configuration does a pretty good job of debunking the claim that the basis for the bina was the maverick,as the extended maverick like fins were only added at a much later stage after the weapon had already commenced firing tests
I have a question :
Today on a twitter I found this photo depicting an Ex MiG-23BN Iraqi Flogger in IRIAF colors. It was specified that 12 Iraqi MiG-23BN were in Iran during 1991.
Are these 12 Mig-23BN still present in Iranian deposits today?
Did the Iranian military leaders think of bringing them into operational conditions?
Did you use the R-29-300 engines to support the SU-22?



however, it would have been an excellent opportunity for Iranian technicians to thoroughly evaluate this aircraft
it seems there is no intention to bring them back to service, only defected jets worth it to refurbishing and use were f-1s and su-25s.
iran has its own war machines seagah, yasen etc , no need to get from russia.
iran has its own war machines seagah, yasen etc , no need to get from russia.

Those planes you mentioned are not in the league of the likes of SU30/35. If Iran is showing interest in development of its airforce in a serious manner, then it needs to close the gap. Like I have written here previously, I can see Iran getting a few dozen Sukhoi in the relative short term. In the mid-long term it will certainly go for an indigenous solution. If the Russian agree for TOT and in-house manufacturing, that will greatly help Iran.
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