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Russian didn't accept to sell RD33 to us and you except us to forced them to sign license production with us !?

We had some plan to replace our f14 engine with engine used in su_27 but it look like Russians didn't cooperate them

RD-33 is 1970’s engine, after collapse of USSR many military technologies were available to the highest bidders. Chinese realized this and took advantage.

How do you think Iran got its hands on Kilo subs? It could have even gotten long range TU bombers.

So yes it was possible for Iran to get transfer of tech for engines in early to mid 90’s. By early 2000’s Russia had stable footing and was more aligned to West. Iran should never have started Shafagh without full ToT, not that the project really went anywhere besides 1 prototype.

Short sightedness by Iran.
Why would they waste money on infra structure for 10-12 air frames of a 3rd generation fighter jet.

IRIAF planners are literal bozo
Why would they waste money on infra structure for 10-12 air frames of a 3rd generation fighter jet.

IRIAF planners are literal bozo

It’s called a pity order. Russia did something similar with the SU-57.

Anyone who thinks that Kowsar will mass produced must have forgotten Saegeh I and Saegeh II.

These are test beds, small amounts get made of each “variant”.

But IRIAF will not accept a mass order for F-5 because it is neither an air superiority fighter (what Iran really needs) nor a bomber (something nice to have).

At best the Kowsar is an advanced trainer and light attack.

IRIAF is looking for a multi role or Air superiority fighter.
mirage f-1 flight simulator and teacher overseeing office:
This is six degree of freedom flight simulator for an aircraft that iran did not have formal flight manuals..... just amazing...building flight simulator is what I am very familiar with and the amount of engineering and tecknical know how that goes into these thing is beyond belief some time harder than the actual aircraft itself. Having to build it with no data even harder...all flight parameters have to formulated and put into algorithem..controls and outside environment modeled..airports modeled..graphics done..instructor in the loop implemnted..and all the mechanical actuators tied to these models.. just amazing..
Although I fully know Iran needs a much larger budget in order to procure more jets: the actual increase in terms of money spent per year is what alludes me. Realistically how much would Iran have to increase its own defense spending by to compensate for its poor air force and or get new Kowsars, Saeghe, etc?

The Iranians compensate their aging airforce by committing a huge effort on 1) ballistic missiles; 2) anti-air defense systems; 3) mini subs that can lunch cruise missiles. So it looks like while they are pursuing locally produced fighter jets, they've made huge progress on those 3 other areas.
FLIR integrated to A-6:


FLIR intergrated to f-313 prototype:

lol i thought only iran uses FLIR this way but it seems like it's common in ground attack planes. i hope next prototype use triangular frame rather than circular one so the overall RCS decrease.
FLIR integrated to A-6:
View attachment 551845
View attachment 551846
FLIR intergrated to f-313 prototype:
View attachment 551847
lol i thought only iran uses FLIR this way but it seems like it's common in ground attack planes. i hope next prototype use triangular frame rather than circular one so the overall RCS decrease.

Didn't you spot samething on usa f35

It’s called a pity order. Russia did something similar with the SU-57.

Anyone who thinks that Kowsar will mass produced must have forgotten Saegeh I and Saegeh II.

These are test beds, small amounts get made of each “variant”.

But IRIAF will not accept a mass order for F-5 because it is neither an air superiority fighter (what Iran really needs) nor a bomber (something nice to have).

At best the Kowsar is an advanced trainer and light attack.

IRIAF is looking for a multi role or Air superiority fighter.
Its not pitty order , how many trainer we need !?
Didn't you spot samething on usa f35

Its not pitty order , how many trainer we need !?
yeah i saw it but it's different than this. first one is IRST second is FLIR. US usually uses external pods for target acquisition and pointing laser toward it while soviets/russians had onboard laser designators. that's why i fond it interesting.
such a shame, shafaq was a promising platform:
View attachment 551298

Initially Iran & the Russians were jointly working together on the jet. However somewhere along the line Russia backed out of the project either because of pressures from the west/Israel, nuclear/weapons related sanctions or both.

The Russians continued development on their own and if I'm not mistaken it eventually led to the YAK-130. A subsonic jet trainer at best. Iran went ahead with their own prototype & it even underwent testing in a wind tunnel however I'm guessing that it never reached the development / serial production phase because it either failed to live up to expectations or could not sufficiently outperform older jets in iran's inventory. In the end it was much cheaper for Iran to continue the development of their F-5 modernization / reverse engineering project
Reports...japan's F35 goes missing during the flight (translation...crashes in to the sea with no trace because it is so stealth no one knows what happened.)...May be it is so good aliens abducted it..lol

American junk at 142 million dollars a copy ...and they made fun of Iran's Q313.
Reports...japan's F35 goes missing during the flight (translation...crashes in to the sea with no trace because it is so stealth no one knows what happened.)...May be it is so good aliens abducted it..lol

American junk at 142 million dollars a copy ...and they made fun of Iran's Q313.
Maybe again some problem with oxygen .
Maybe again some problem with oxygen .
(many reported and unreported crashes of this aircraft)They admitted themselves that F35 is not COMBAT worthy.now we can see this aircraft is not even AIR worthy...they forced it to be purchased by their client states and now the pilots of these countries are loosing their lives and acting as TEST pilots for this expensive JUNK.
Instead of laughing at their failures, we need to focus on developing our own 5th gen fighters. All new technologies go through their teething process, but ultimately they will sort out all these bugs and have very potent platforms.
I have seen reports they may go back and work on improved F-15's instead due to disastrous performance of these F35s. But on your point about our own 5th Gen can not agree more.

F-35 News. Espionage from China/Russia with regard to the F-35 isn't the threat...its from other powers that are worrisome...

Thinking a bit about that F-35 crash off the coast of Japan. The worry voiced by some is that Russia and China might be zooming to recover it.

That's not the worry.

China successfully downloaded files on the F-35 and probably sold/traded them to Russia.

The worry is what happens when others see a chance to grab it.

If the sale with Turkey falls thru and Greece buys it. You can bet Turkey will be doing its best to get its tech thru a shootdown. I'm betting Iran would love to get ahold of a crashed Israeli example. Brazil isn't about that type of subterfuge but they'd take advantage of the tech if it fell into their hands.

France is WELL KNOWN for their industrial espionage and if they haven't already penetrated our systems for details then you can bet that everytime an allied nation flies they'll have snooper planes up soaking every ounce of info they can from the thing.

At the end of the day when thinking about this program all that's been done is to rush the end of stealth as being dominant in aerial warfare.

If many have it then its no longer unique. The more its "out there" the more likely countermeasures will be developed to counter it.

The reality?

This version of stealth will be obsolete before they've completed Block 4 upgrades.
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