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Isn’t this Iran’s old AWACS that crashed during a military parade?

i think so. It's called Simorgh. But they say the aircraft is completely restored and all internal parts are replaced with Iranian made parts and now its fully operational.

If you haven't seen the actual crash footage, I suggest you do so. This wasn't some bad landing or mild crash. It was, to be put it plainly (with respect to the airmen who lost their lives that day), a nasty crash, in which the body and wings (tail and antenna already gone) cartwheeled straight into the ground in a large fireball. I highly doubt there was much intact wreckage to even salvage and thus little to "restore".

None of those images are new and the top & bottom right images are clearly Russian A-50s, not the ex-Iraqi Adnan/Simorgh (the antenna design and mounting gives it away). The two images on the left are actually the same, just one stretched and zoomed in.

I don't mean to dash any hopes but there's no chance the Simorgh will ever be restored/rebuilt. Only that another IL-76 could be modified to replicate its design.
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I'm sorry but from what I gather in the translated article, it's mostly rubbish.

First, it tries to claim that the Simorgh "first flew" on 29 April 2008, even though it was photographed airborne before then and had been a fixture at Mehrabad airport for many many years before hand. Google Earth imagery confirms this as well.

Second, denies all fact that it was built/converted by Iraqi engineers and that it was a French-designed radar that occupied it's rotating radome and that it began life as the Adnan-1 before fleeing to Iran in 1991. Whether the aircraft worked as the Iraqis had hoped remains to be seen but they are the ones who actually did the difficult work of making it a reality, they should get their due credit.

Third, it seems to claim the Simorgh is the same as the Russian A-50, which it isn't, since Russian A-50s were purpose built for the job, not converted transports and have many differences in airframe modifications. Let alone the two designs were based on VERY different internal systems. The A-50 is a true AEW&C aircraft, whereas the Adnan-1/Simorgh was likely just a limited (only had a 2D radar system) early warning platform with no command capability.

Fourth and most damning of all, it seems to make absolutely no mention of the fatal crash of the aircraft in 2009. You would think in an article discussing the supposed achievement of the Simorgh would warrant the mention of the 7 member flight crew who gave their lives flying it a little over a year after it "first flew"...
For those interested to know what it takes to build/assemble an aero engine (civilian aircraft), here's a very nice video.
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